
Dependencies:   mbed-dev

Fork of GA-Test_copy by Alejandro Ungria Hirte

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main_minimal.cpp	Wed Dec 06 21:35:45 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SMConfig.h"
+#include "DecaWave.h"                  // DW1000 functions      
+//#include "LMMN2WR.h"                   // 2-Way-Ranging
+#include "PC.h"                        // Serial Port via USB for debugging with Terminal
+#include "Watchdog.h"                  // Resets Program if it gets stuck
+#include "nodes.h"
+ #include <stddef.h>
+#define NELEMS(x)  (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+// Function Prototypes
+void dwCallbackTx(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd);
+void dwCallbackRx(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd);
+int min (int a, int b);
+void configureDW1000(uint8_t dwMode);
+void rangeAndDisplayOne(uint8_t addr);
+void rangeAndDisplayAll();
+void executeOrder(char* command);
+// PA_7 MOSI, PA_6 MISO, PA_5 SCLK, PB_6 CS, PB_9 IRQ
+SPI         decaWaveSpi(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5);      // Instance of SPI connection to DW1000
+DigitalOut  decaWaveCs(PB_6);
+InterruptIn decaWaveIrq(PB_9);
+DecaWave    decaWave = DecaWave();              // Instance of the DW1000
+/* BIT and PINS
+BIT 1 = PA_10
+BIT 2 = PB_3
+BIT 3 = PB_5
+BIT 4 = PB_4
+BIT 5 = PB_10
+BIT 6 = PA_8
+BIT 7 = PA_9
+BIT 8 = PC_7
+BusIn adressInput(PA_9,PA_8,PB_10,PB_4,PB_5,PB_3,PA_10); // first seven 7 bit for ID settings, most left bit = most significant bit
+PC          pc(USBTX, USBRX, 921600);           // USB UART Terminal
+DigitalIn anchorInput(PC_7); // usage of last bit as deciding bit for: anchor or beacon
+Watchdog    wdt = Watchdog();
+BeaconNode  beaconNode(decaWave);
+AnchorNode  anchorNode(decaWave);
+BaseStationNode  baseStationNode(decaWave);
+Node        *node;
+int main() {
+  decaWaveSpi.frequency(20000000); // Crank up the SPI frequency from 1Mhz to 3Mhz (maybe more?)
+  // Check if Reset was from Watchdog or externally
+  if(RCC->CSR&0x20000000)
+    pc.printf("\r\n\r\n --- !!!!WATCHDOG RESET!!!! --- \r\n\r\n", RCC->CSR); 
+  else if(RCC->CSR&0x4000000){
+    pc.printf("\r\n\r\n --- External Reset --- \r\n\r\n", RCC->CSR);
+  //wdt.kick();
+    }    
+  // Set all Switches Pull-Down so that it is zero if Switch is not set   
+    adressInput.mode(PullDown);    
+  anchorInput.mode(PullDown);
+  //modeInput.mode(PullDown);
+  wait_ms(50);
+    baseStationNode.setAddress(adressInput & adressInput.mask());  
+    anchorNode.setAddress(adressInput & adressInput.mask());  
+    beaconNode.setAddress(adressInput & adressInput.mask());  
+    if((adressInput & adressInput.mask()) == BASE_STATION_ADDR){
+        node = &baseStationNode; 
+        pc.printf("This node is the Base Station, Adress: %d \r\n \r\n \r\n", node->getAddress());        
+       // wdt.kick(2);            // Set up WatchDog         
+    }
+    else if(anchorInput){
+        node = &anchorNode;  
+        pc.printf("This node is an Anchor node, Adress: %d \r\n \r\n \r\n", node->getAddress()); 
+        wdt.kick(2);            // Set up WatchDog         
+    }     
+    else{
+        node = &beaconNode; 
+        pc.printf("This node is a Beacon, Adress: %d \r\n \r\n \r\n", node->getAddress());
+        wdt.kick(2);            // Set up WatchDog   
+    }
+    //pc.printf(" Adress: %d \r\n \r\n \r\n", node->getAddress());
+    configureDW1000(7); 
+    // TODO turn on RXMode regularly (every couple seconds)
+    char command_str[30];
+    while(1) {
+        // Choose between what to execte based on whether this device is a:
+        // BEACON
+        // BASESTATION
+        // ANCHOR
+        if (!node->isAnchor() && !node->isBaseStation()){
+            if(beaconNode.getRepetitions() > 0){
+                switch(beaconNode.getMode()){
+                    case RANGE_ALL: rangeAndDisplayAll(); 
+                                    break;
+                    case RANGE_ONE: rangeAndDisplayOne(beaconNode.getDestination());
+                                    break;
+                    default:        break;
+                }
+                beaconNode.decreaseRepetitions();
+            }
+            else{
+                beaconNode.clearRec();
+                wait_ms(8);
+            }
+            wdt.kick(); 
+        } 
+        else if (node->isBaseStation()){
+            //pc.readcommand(executeOrder);
+            pc.readcommand(executeOrder);
+            wait_ms(10);
+            wdt.kick();
+            /*
+            while (1)
+            {
+                if (pc.readable())
+                {
+                    pc.scanf( "%s" , command_str );
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            */
+            //wait_ms(3);
+            //pc.printf("Command Received: %s", command_str);
+            //wait_ms(3);
+            //executeOrder(command_str);
+            //wait_ms(3);
+        }
+        else { // All Anchor Action is in the Interrupt functions!
+            wait_ms(10);
+            wdt.kick(); 
+        }
+    }  
+void executeOrder(char* command){
+    int repetitions = command[3]*100 + command[4]*10 + command[5] - 5328;
+    //uint8_t dest1 = command[7] - 48;
+    uint8_t dest2 = command[8] - 48;
+    uint8_t dest3 = command[9] - 48;
+    uint8_t dest1=0;
+    if(command[7] == 0 && command[8] == 0)
+    {
+    dest1 =    command[9] - 48;
+    }
+    else if (command[7] == 0 && command[8] != 0)
+    {
+    dest1 =     command[8] * 10 + command[9] - 528;
+    }
+    else if (command[7] != 0 && command[8] != 0) 
+    {
+    dest1 = command[7] * 100 + command[8] * 10 + command[9] - 5328;
+    }
+    if (strncmp(command, "reset", 5) == 0){ // This command is implemented in order to be able to reset BaseStation from Matlab. 
+        wdt.kick(2);            // Set up WatchDog   
+        pc.printf("Base Station is RESETTED  \r\n\r\n");
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(command, "all", 3) == 0){
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(0, NOT_USED, RANGE_ALL, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+       // pc.printf("Mode: Range all \r\n");
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(command, "one", 3) == 0){
+        if(dest1 != 15)
+        {
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(0, dest1, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(0, 1, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        }
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(command, "bea", 3) == 0){
+        if(dest1 < 15)        
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+        else
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(0, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(command, "anc", 3) == 0){
+        if(dest1 < 15)   
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE); 
+        else
+            baseStationNode.sendOrder(0, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE); 
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(command, "tri", 3) == 0){
+        // Switch them in correct modes (should already be the case)
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);  
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest3, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);  
+        // Ranging from first node
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, dest2, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, dest3, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);
+        // Mode Switches
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);  
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+        // Rangings
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, dest1, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);        
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, dest3, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);
+        // Mode Switches
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest3, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);  
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+        // Rangings
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest3, dest1, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);        
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest3, dest2, RANGE_ONE, repetitions, Node::BASE_ORDER); 
+        wait_ms(10*repetitions);        
+        // Back to original modes
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest1, NOT_USED, BECOME_BEACON, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest2, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);  
+        baseStationNode.sendOrder(dest3, NOT_USED, BECOME_ANCHOR, NOT_USED, Node::SWITCH_TYPE);
+    } 
+    else
+    {
+    pc.printf("ERROR ------  This is an invalid command\n"); 
+    }
+#pragma Otime // Compiler optimize Runtime at the cost of image size
+// Called after Frame was received
+void dwCallbackRx(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd) {
+  int64_t rxTimeStamp = 0;  
+  dwt_readrxdata(node->getRecFrameRef(), min(node->getRecFrameLength(), rxd->datalength), 0);  // Read Data Frame from Registers 
+  dwt_readrxtimestamp((uint8_t*) &rxTimeStamp);  // Read Timestamp when the frame was received exactly
+  rxTimeStamp &= MASK_40BIT; //Mask the 40 Bits of the timestamp
+  node->callbackRX(rxTimeStamp); // Two Way Ranging Function
+#pragma Otime // Compiler optimize Runtime at the cost of image size
+// Called after Frame was transmitted
+void dwCallbackTx(const dwt_cb_data_t *txd) {
+  int64_t txTimeStamp = 0;
+  dwt_readtxtimestamp((uint8_t*) &txTimeStamp);  // Read Timestamp when the frame was transmitted exactly
+  txTimeStamp &= MASK_40BIT; // Delete the most significant 8 Bits because the timestamp has only 40 Bits
+  node->callbackTX(txTimeStamp); // Two Way Ranging Function
+int min (int a, int b){
+    if(a<=b) return a;
+    return b;
+void configureDW1000(uint8_t dwMode){
+  dwt_config_t dwConfig;
+  dwt_txconfig_t dwConfigTx;
+  SMsetconfig(dwMode, &dwConfig, &dwConfigTx);
+  decaWave.setup(dwConfig, dwConfigTx, rfDelays[dwConfig.prf - DWT_PRF_16M], dwCallbackTx, dwCallbackRx);
+  pc.printf("%s\r\n", DW1000_DEVICE_DRIVER_VER_STRING);
+  {
+    uint16_t tempvbat = dwt_readtempvbat(1);
+    if (tempvbat>0) {
+      float tempC = 1.13f * (float) (tempvbat >> 8) - 113.0f;
+      float vbatV = 0.0057f * (float) (tempvbat & 0xFF) + 2.3f;
+      pc.printf("  Voltage: %f, Temperature: %f\r\n", vbatV, tempC);
+    } else {
+      pc.printf("ERROR: Cannot read voltage/temperature\r\n");
+    }
+  }
+  pc.printf("  Device Lot ID %lu, Part ID %lu\r\n", dwt_getlotid(), dwt_getpartid());
+  uint16_t DWID = (dwt_getpartid() & 0xFFFF);
+  pc.printf(
+      "  Settings %i: \r\n    Channel %u (%1.3f GHz w/ %1.3f GHz BW), Datarate %s, \r\n    PRF %s, Preamble Code %u, PreambleLength %u symbols, \r\n    PAC Size %u, %s SFD, SDF timeout %ul symbols\r\n",
+      dwMode, dwConfig.chan, ChannelFrequency[dwConfig.chan],
+    ChannelBandwidth[dwConfig.chan], ChannelBitrate[dwConfig.dataRate], ChannelPRF[dwConfig.prf],
+      dwConfig.txCode, ChannelPLEN(dwConfig.txPreambLength), ChannelPAC[dwConfig.rxPAC],
+      dwConfig.nsSFD==0?"standard":"non-standard", dwConfig.sfdTO);
+  pc.printf("    Power: NORM %2.1f dB, BOOST: 0.125ms %2.1f dB, 0.25ms %2.1f dB, 0.5ms %2.1f dB\r\n",
+    SMgain(dwConfigTx.power& 0xFF), SMgain((dwConfigTx.power>>24)& 0xFF), SMgain((dwConfigTx.power>>16)& 0xFF),
+    SMgain((dwConfigTx.power>>8)& 0xFF));
+  pc.printf("  Frame length: %d us\r\n", decaWave.computeFrameLength_us());
+  pc.printf("  Antenna Delay set to: %d \r\n", decaWave.getAntennaDelay());
+  decaWave.turnonrx();   // start listening       
+void rangeAndDisplayOne(uint8_t addr){
+    beaconNode.requestRanging(addr); 
+    pc.printf("o error2 ? %f(%f) \r\n", beaconNode.getDistance(addr), beaconNode.getSignalStrength(addr));
+void rangeAndDisplayAll(){
+    beaconNode.requestRangingAll(); 
+    for(int i = 0; i < ADRESSES_COUNT; i++){
+        /*if(beaconNode.getDistance(i) > -10){
+            pc.printf("#%d %f(%f), ", i, beaconNode.getDistance(i), beaconNode.getSignalStrength(i));
+        }*/
+    }
+   // pc.printf("o error3 ? \r\n");