EthernetNetIf Compatibility.

Dependents:   XBeeWiFi_SPI_example

Fork of NetServicesSource by Donatien Garnier

diff -r c79fa4034f5b -r d098e9192450 services/http/client/data/HTTPFile.h
--- a/services/http/client/data/HTTPFile.h	Thu Aug 05 14:32:43 2010 +0000
+++ b/services/http/client/data/HTTPFile.h	Thu Aug 05 14:54:16 2010 +0000
@@ -34,15 +34,20 @@
 ///HTTP Client data container for files
 This class provides file access/storage for HTTP requests and responses' data payloads.
 class HTTPFile : public HTTPData //Read or Write data from a file
   ///Instantiates data source/sink with file in param.
-  Uses file at path @param path.
+  Uses file at path @a path.
   It will be opened when some data has to be read/written from/to it and closed when this operation is complete or on destruction of the instance.
   Note that the file will be opened with mode "w" for writing and mode "r" for reading, so the file will be cleared between each request if you are using it for writing.
+  @note
+  Note that to use this you must instantiate a proper file system (such as the LocalFileSystem or the SDFileSystem).
   HTTPFile(const char* path);
   virtual ~HTTPFile();