WIZnet WIZ820io (W5200) support

Dependencies:   HTTPClient WIZ820ioInterface mbed

Fork of HTTPClient_HelloWorld by ban4jp -

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 //#include "EthernetInterface.h"
00003 #include "WIZ820ioInterface.h"
00004 #include "HTTPClient.h"
00006 //EthernetInterface eth;
00007 #if defined(TARGET_LPC1114)
00008 SPI spi(dp2, dp1, dp6); // mosi, miso, sclk
00009 WIZ820ioInterface eth(&spi, dp25, dp26); // spi, cs, reset
00011 #elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
00012 SPI spi(p11, p12, p13); // mosi, miso, sclk
00013 WIZ820ioInterface eth(&spi, p14, p15); // spi, cs, reset
00015 #endif
00017 HTTPClient http;
00018 char str[512];
00020 int main() 
00021 {
00022     int ret = eth.init(); //Use DHCP
00023     if (!ret)
00024     {
00025       printf("Initialized, MAC: %s\n", eth.getMACAddress());
00026     }
00027     else
00028     {
00029       printf("Error eth.init() - ret = %d\n", ret);
00030       return -1;
00031     }
00033     ret = eth.connect();
00034     if (!ret)
00035     {
00036       printf("Connected, IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\n",
00037         eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway());
00038     }
00039     else
00040     {
00041       printf("Error eth.connect() - ret = %d\n", ret);
00042       return -1;
00043     }
00046     //GET data
00047     printf("\nTrying to fetch page...\n");
00048     ret = http.get("http://mbed.org/media/uploads/donatien/hello.txt", str, 128);
00049     if (!ret)
00050     {
00051       printf("Page fetched successfully - read %d characters\n", strlen(str));
00052       printf("Result: %s\n", str);
00053     }
00054     else
00055     {
00056       printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
00057     }
00059     //POST data
00060     HTTPMap map;
00061     HTTPText inText(str, 512);
00062     map.put("Hello", "World");
00063     map.put("test", "1234");
00064     printf("\nTrying to post data...\n");
00065     ret = http.post("http://httpbin.org/post", map, &inText);
00066     if (!ret)
00067     {
00068       printf("Executed POST successfully - read %d characters\n", strlen(str));
00069       printf("Result: %s\n", str);
00070     }
00071     else
00072     {
00073       printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
00074     }
00076     //PUT data
00077     strcpy(str, "This is a PUT test!");
00078     HTTPText outText(str);
00079     //HTTPText inText(str, 512);
00080     printf("\nTrying to put resource...\n");
00081     ret = http.put("http://httpbin.org/put", outText, &inText);
00082     if (!ret)
00083     {
00084       printf("Executed PUT successfully - read %d characters\n", strlen(str));
00085       printf("Result: %s\n", str);
00086     }
00087     else
00088     {
00089       printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
00090     }
00092     //DELETE data
00093     //HTTPText inText(str, 512);
00094     printf("\nTrying to delete resource...\n");
00095     ret = http.del("http://httpbin.org/delete", &inText);
00096     if (!ret)
00097     {
00098       printf("Executed DELETE successfully - read %d characters\n", strlen(str));
00099       printf("Result: %s\n", str);
00100     }
00101     else
00102     {
00103       printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
00104     }
00107     printf("\n");
00108     ret = eth.disconnect();  
00109     if (!ret)
00110     {
00111       printf("Disconnected\n");
00112     }
00113     else
00114     {
00115       printf("Error eth.disconnect() - ret = %d\n", ret);
00116     }
00119     while(1) {
00120     }
00121 }