Amundson OCE 360 homework 7, write and store temperature and time data to an SD card

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

Sat Nov 03 19:12:06 2018 +0000
Amundson OCE 360 Homework 7, log temperature and time data to be written and stored to an SD card.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 1
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 2 #ifndef inputOutput
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 3 #define inputOutput
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 4
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 5 Serial pc (USBTX, USBRX);
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 6 AnalogIn Ain (p15);
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 7 DigitalIn switchValue (p9);
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 8 // SD card (SPI pins)
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 9 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 10
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 11 Timer timer;
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 12
bamundson 0:4145a0dc56d8 13 #endif