Inductance Testing Code

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of CurrentModeSine by Austin Brown

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FOC/foc.cpp	Sat May 20 21:42:20 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "foc.h"
+//#include "FastMath.h"
+//using namespace FastMath;
+void abc( float theta, float d, float q, float *a, float *b, float *c){
+    ///Phase current amplitude = lengh of dq vector///
+    ///i.e. iq = 1, id = 0, peak phase current of 1///
+    *a = d*cosf(theta) + q*sinf(theta);
+    *b = d*cosf((2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta) + q*sinf((2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta);
+    *c = d*cosf((-2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta) + q*sinf((-2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta);
+    }
+void dq0(float theta, float a, float b, float c, float *d, float *q){
+    ///Phase current amplitude = lengh of dq vector///
+    ///i.e. iq = 1, id = 0, peak phase current of 1///
+    *d = (2.0f/3.0f)*(a*cosf(theta) + b*cosf((2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta) + c*cosf((-2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta));
+    *q = (2.0f/3.0f)*(a*sinf(theta) + b*sinf((2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta) + c*sinf((-2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta));
+    }
+void svm(float v_bus, float u, float v, float w, float *dtc_u, float *dtc_v, float *dtc_w){
+    ///u,v,w amplitude = v_bus for full modulation depth///
+    float v_offset = (fminf3(u, v, w) + fmaxf3(u, v, w))/2.0f;
+    *dtc_u = fminf(fmaxf(((u - v_offset)*0.5f/v_bus + ((DTC_MAX-DTC_MIN)/2)), DTC_MIN), DTC_MAX);
+    *dtc_v = fminf(fmaxf(((v - v_offset)*0.5f/v_bus + ((DTC_MAX-DTC_MIN)/2)), DTC_MIN), DTC_MAX);
+    *dtc_w = fminf(fmaxf(((w - v_offset)*0.5f/v_bus + ((DTC_MAX-DTC_MIN)/2)), DTC_MIN), DTC_MAX);
+    }
+void zero_current(int *offset_1, int *offset_2){
+    int adc1_offset = 0;
+    int adc2_offset = 0;
+    int n = 1024;
+    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++){
+        ADC1->CR2  |= 0x40000000; 
+        wait(.001);
+        adc2_offset += ADC2->DR;
+        adc1_offset += ADC1->DR;
+        }
+    *offset_1 = adc1_offset/n;
+    *offset_2 = adc2_offset/n;
+    }
+void reset_foc(ControllerStruct *controller){
+    controller->q_int = 0;
+    controller->d_int = 0;
+    }
+void commutate(ControllerStruct *controller, GPIOStruct *gpio, float theta){
+       controller->loop_count ++;
+       if(gpio->phasing){
+           controller->i_b = I_SCALE*(float)(controller->adc2_raw - controller->adc2_offset);    //Calculate phase currents from ADC readings
+           controller->i_a = I_SCALE*(float)(controller->adc1_raw - controller->adc1_offset);
+           }
+        else{
+           controller->i_b = I_SCALE*(float)(controller->adc1_raw - controller->adc1_offset);    //Calculate phase currents from ADC readings
+           controller->i_a = I_SCALE*(float)(controller->adc2_raw - controller->adc2_offset);
+           }
+       controller->i_c = -controller->i_b - controller->i_a;
+       dq0(controller->theta_elec, controller->i_a, controller->i_b, controller->i_c, &controller->i_d, &controller->i_q);    //dq0 transform on currents
+       ///Cogging Compensation Lookup///
+       //int ind = theta * (128.0f/(2.0f*PI));
+       //float cogging_current = controller->cogging[ind];
+       //float cogging_current = 1.0f*cos(6*theta);
+       ///Controller///
+       float i_d_error = controller->i_d_ref - controller->i_d;
+       float i_q_error = controller->i_q_ref - controller->i_q;// + cogging_current;
+       //float v_d_ff = 2.0f*(2*controller->i_d_ref*R_PHASE);   //feed-forward voltage
+       //float v_q_ff = 2.0f*(2*controller->i_q_ref*R_PHASE + controller->dtheta_elec*WB*0.8165f);
+       controller->d_int += i_d_error;   
+       controller->q_int += i_q_error;
+       //v_d_ff = 0;
+       //v_q_ff = 0;
+       limit_norm(&controller->d_int, &controller->q_int, V_BUS/(K_Q*KI_Q));
+       //controller->d_int = fminf(fmaxf(controller->d_int, -D_INT_LIM), D_INT_LIM);
+       //controller->q_int = fminf(fmaxf(controller->q_int, -Q_INT_LIM), Q_INT_LIM);
+       controller->v_d = K_D*i_d_error + K_D*KI_D*controller->d_int;// + v_d_ff;  
+       controller->v_q = K_Q*i_q_error + K_Q*KI_Q*controller->q_int;// + v_q_ff; 
+       //controller->v_d = v_d_ff;
+       //controller->v_q = v_q_ff; 
+       limit_norm(&controller->v_d, &controller->v_q, controller->v_bus);
+       abc(controller->theta_elec, controller->v_d, controller->v_q, &controller->v_u, &controller->v_v, &controller->v_w); //inverse dq0 transform on voltages
+       svm(controller->v_bus, controller->v_u, controller->v_v, controller->v_w, &controller->dtc_u, &controller->dtc_v, &controller->dtc_w); //space vector modulation
+       //gpio->pwm_u->write(1.0f-controller->dtc_u);  //write duty cycles
+       //gpio->pwm_v->write(1.0f-controller->dtc_v);
+       //gpio->pwm_w->write(1.0f-controller->dtc_w);  
+       //bing1 = (controller->dtc_u);
+       //bing2 = (controller->dtc_v);
+       //bing3 = (controller->dtc_w); 
+       /*
+       //if(gpio->phasing){
+            TIM1->CCR1 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_u);
+            TIM1->CCR2 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_v);
+            TIM1->CCR3 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_w); 
+        }
+        else{
+            TIM1->CCR3 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_u);
+            TIM1->CCR1 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_v);
+            TIM1->CCR2 = 0x1194*(1.0f-controller->dtc_w);
+        }*/
+       //gpio->pwm_u->write(1.0f - .05f);  //write duty cycles
+        //gpio->pwm_v->write(1.0f - .05f);
+        //gpio->pwm_w->write(1.0f - .1f);
+       //TIM1->CCR1 = 0x708*(1.0f-controller->dtc_u);
+        //TIM1->CCR2 = 0x708*(1.0f-controller->dtc_v);
+        //TIM1->CCR3 = 0x708*(1.0f-controller->dtc_w);
+       controller->theta_elec = theta;   //For some reason putting this at the front breaks thins
+       if(controller->loop_count >400){
+           //controller->i_q_ref = -controller->i_q_ref;
+           controller->loop_count  = 0;
+           //printf("%d   %f\n\r", ind, cogging_current);
+           //printf("%f\n\r", controller->theta_elec);
+           //pc.printf("%f    %f    %f\n\r", controller->i_a, controller->i_b, controller->i_c);
+           //pc.printf("%f    %f\n\r", controller->i_d, controller->i_q);
+           //pc.printf("%d    %d\n\r", controller->adc1_raw, controller->adc2_raw);
+            }
+    }
+void zero_encoder(ControllerStruct *controller, GPIOStruct *gpio, ){
+    }
+void voltageabc( float theta, float d, float q, float *a, float *b, float *c){
+    ///Phase current amplitude = lengh of dq vector///
+    ///i.e. iq = 1, id = 0, peak phase current of 1///
+    *a = sinf(theta);
+    *b = sinf((2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta);
+    *c = sinf((-2.0f*PI/3.0f)+theta);
+    }
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