Initial draft of Arduino Sparkfun port for TB6612 Motor driver



File content as of revision 0:2d64a320d78f:

TB6612FNG H-Bridge Motor Driver Example code
Michelle @ SparkFun Electronics

Uses 2 motors to show examples of the functions in the library.  This causes
a robot to do a little 'jig'.  Each movement has an equal and opposite movement
so assuming your motors are balanced the bot should end up at the same place it

TB6612 SparkFun Library

Development environment specifics:
Developed on Arduino 1.6.4
Developed with ROB-9457

#ifndef SPARKFUN_TB6612_h
#define SPARKFUN_TB6612_h

#include "mbed.h"

//used in some functions so you don't have to send a speed
#define DEFAULTSPEED 255  

class Motor
    // Constructor. Mainly sets up pins.
    Motor(PinName pwm, PinName dir1, PinName dir2, PinName standby, int offset = 1);      

    // Drive in direction given by sign, at speed given by magnitude of the 
    void drive(int speed);  
	// drive(), but with a delay(duration)
    void drive(int speed, int duration);  
	//currently not implemented
    //void stop();           // Stop motors, but allow them to coast to a halt.
    //void coast();          // Stop motors, but allow them to coast to a halt.
	//Stops motor by setting both input pins high
    void brake(); 
	//set the chip to standby mode.  The drive function takes it out of standby 
	//(forward, back, left, and right all call drive)
	void standby();	

    // Turn off Standby
    void enable_motor();
    //variables for the 2 inputs, PWM input, Offset value, and the Standby pin
	PwmOut _pwm;
    DigitalOut _dir1, _dir2, _standby;
	int _offset;

	//private functions that spin the motor CC and CCW
	void fwd(int speed);
	void rev(int speed);


//Takes 2 motors and goes forward, if it does not go forward adjust offset 
//values until it does.  These will also take a negative number and go backwards
//There is also an optional speed input, if speed is not used, the function will
//use the DEFAULTSPEED constant.
void forward(Motor motor1, Motor motor2, int speed);
void forward(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);

//Similar to forward, will take 2 motors and go backwards.  This will take either
//a positive or negative number and will go backwards either way.  Once again the
//speed input is optional and will use DEFAULTSPEED if it is not defined.
void back(Motor motor1, Motor motor2, int speed);
void back(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);

//Left and right take 2 motors, and it is important the order they are sent.
//The left motor should be on the left side of the bot.  These functions
//also take a speed value
void left(Motor left, Motor right, int speed);
void right(Motor left, Motor right, int speed);

//This function takes 2 motors and and brakes them
void brake(Motor motor1, Motor motor2);
