Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )
- Committer:
- astroboy
- Date:
- 2011-09-10
- Revision:
- 0:94897d537b31
File content as of revision 0:94897d537b31:
/** ******************************************************************************* * @file sem.c * @version V1.1.4 * @date 2011.04.20 * @brief Semaphore management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel. ******************************************************************************* * @copy * * INTERNAL FILE,DON'T PUBLIC. * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2> ******************************************************************************* */ /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/ #include <coocox.h> #if CFG_SEM_EN >0 /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Create a semaphore * @param[in] initCnt Semaphore valid counter. * @param[in] maxCnt Semaphore max initialize counter. * @param[in] sortType Semaphore sort type. * @param[out] None * @retval E_CREATE_FAIL Create semaphore fail. * @retval others Create semaphore successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to create a semaphore. ******************************************************************************* */ OS_EventID CoCreateSem(U16 initCnt,U16 maxCnt,U8 sortType) { P_ECB pecb; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(initCnt > maxCnt) { return E_CREATE_FAIL; /* Invalid 'initCnt' or 'maxCnt' */ } if ((sortType != EVENT_SORT_TYPE_FIFO) && (sortType != EVENT_SORT_TYPE_PRIO)) { return E_CREATE_FAIL; /* Illegal sort type,return error */ } #endif /* Create a semaphore type event control block */ pecb = CreatEvent(EVENT_TYPE_SEM,sortType,Co_NULL); if(pecb == Co_NULL) /* If failed to create event block */ { return E_CREATE_FAIL; } pecb->eventCounter = initCnt;/* Initialize event block */ pecb->initialEventCounter = maxCnt; return (pecb->id); /* Return event id */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Delete a semaphore * @param[in] id Event ID which to be deleted. * @param[in] opt Delete option. * @arg == OPT_DEL_ANYWAY Delete semaphore always * @arg == OPT_DEL_NO_PEND Delete semaphore only when no task pending on. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Invalid event ID. * @retval E_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid parameter. * @retval E_TASK_WAITTING Tasks waitting for the event,delete fail. * @retval E_OK Event deleted successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to delete a semaphore. * * @note ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoDelSem(OS_EventID id,U8 opt) { P_ECB pecb; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif pecb = &EventTbl[id]; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(pecb->eventType != EVENT_TYPE_SEM) { return E_INVALID_ID; /* The event type is not semaphore */ } #endif return (DeleteEvent(pecb,opt));/* Delete the semaphore event control block*/ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Accept a semaphore without waitting * @param[in] id Event ID * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Invalid event ID. * @retval E_SEM_EMPTY No semaphore exist. * @retval E_OK Get semaphore successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called accept a semaphore without waitting. ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoAcceptSem(OS_EventID id) { P_ECB pecb; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif pecb = &EventTbl[id]; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if( pecb->eventType != EVENT_TYPE_SEM) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif OsSchedLock(); if(pecb->eventCounter > 0) /* If semaphore is positive,resource available */ { OsSchedUnlock(); pecb->eventCounter--; /* Decrement semaphore only if positive */ return E_OK; } else /* Resource is not available */ { OsSchedUnlock(); return E_SEM_EMPTY; } } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief wait for a semaphore * @param[in] id Event ID. * @param[in] timeout The longest time for writting semaphore. * @para 0 * @para 0x1~0xff * @param[out] None * @retval E_CALL Error call in ISR. * @retval E_INVALID_ID Invalid event ID. * @retval E_TIMEOUT Semaphore was not received within the specified * 'timeout' time. * @retval E_OK The call was successful and your task owns the * resource,or the event you are waiting for occurred. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to waits for a semaphore. * @note IF this function is called in ISR,nothing to do and return immediately. ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoPendSem(OS_EventID id,U32 timeout) { P_ECB pecb; P_OSTCB curTCB; if(OSIntNesting > 0) /* If the caller is ISR */ { return E_CALL; } #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif pecb = &EventTbl[id]; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(pecb->eventType != EVENT_TYPE_SEM) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif if(OSSchedLock != 0) /* Schdule is locked? */ { return E_OS_IN_LOCK; /* Yes,error return */ } OsSchedLock(); if(pecb->eventCounter > 0) /* If semaphore is positive,resource available */ { pecb->eventCounter--; /* Decrement semaphore only if positive */ OsSchedUnlock(); return E_OK; } else /* Resource is not available */ { OsSchedUnlock(); curTCB = TCBRunning; if(timeout == 0) /* If time-out is not configured */ { EventTaskToWait(pecb,curTCB); /* Block task until event occurs */ curTCB->pmail = Co_NULL; return E_OK; } else /* If time-out is configured */ { OsSchedLock(); /* Block task until event or timeout occurs */ EventTaskToWait(pecb,curTCB); InsertDelayList(curTCB,timeout); OsSchedUnlock(); if (curTCB->pmail == Co_NULL) /* If pmail is Co_NULL, time-out occurred*/ { return E_TIMEOUT; } else /* Event occurred or event have been deleted*/ { curTCB->pmail = Co_NULL; return E_OK; } } } } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Post a semaphore * @param[in] id id of event control block associated with the desired semaphore. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Parameter id passed was invalid event ID. * @retval E_SEM_FULL Semaphore full. * @retval E_OK Semaphore had post successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to post a semaphore to corresponding event. * * @note ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoPostSem(OS_EventID id) { P_ECB pecb; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(id >= CFG_MAX_EVENT) { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif pecb = &EventTbl[id]; #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(pecb->eventType != EVENT_TYPE_SEM) /* Invalid event control block type */ { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif /* Make sure semaphore will not overflow */ if(pecb->eventCounter == pecb->initialEventCounter) { return E_SEM_FULL; /* The counter of Semaphore reach the max number*/ } OsSchedLock(); pecb->eventCounter++; /* Increment semaphore count to register event */ EventTaskToRdy(pecb); /* Check semaphore event waiting list */ OsSchedUnlock(); return E_OK; } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Post a semaphore in ISR * @param[in] id identifier of event control block associated with the * desired semaphore. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Parameter id passed was invalid event ID. * @retval E_NO_TASK_WAITTING There are one more tasks waitting for the event. * @retval E_OK Semaphore had signaled successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called in ISR to post a semaphore to corresponding * event. * @note ******************************************************************************* */ #if CFG_MAX_SERVICE_REQUEST > 0 StatusType isr_PostSem(OS_EventID id) { if(OSSchedLock > 0) /* If scheduler is locked,(the caller is ISR) */ { /* Initiate a post service handling request */ if(InsertInSRQ(SEM_REQ,id,Co_NULL) == Co_FALSE) { return E_SEV_REQ_FULL; /* If service request queue is full */ } else /* Operate successfully */ { return E_OK; } } else { return(CoPostSem(id)); /* Post semaphore */ } } #endif #endif