Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )
- Committer:
- astroboy
- Date:
- 2011-09-10
- Revision:
- 0:94897d537b31
File content as of revision 0:94897d537b31:
/** ******************************************************************************* * @file mutex.c * @version V1.1.4 * @date 2011.04.20 * @brief Mutex management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel. ******************************************************************************* * @copy * * INTERNAL FILE,DON'T PUBLIC. * * <h2><center>© COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2> ******************************************************************************* */ /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/ #include <coocox.h> /*---------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------------*/ #if CFG_MUTEX_EN > 0 OS_MutexID MutexFreeID = 0; /*!< Point to next vliad mutex ID. */ MUTEX MutexTbl[CFG_MAX_MUTEX] = {{0}}; /*!< Mutex struct array */ /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Create a mutex * @param[in] None * @param[out] None * @retval E_CREATE_FAIL Create mutex fail. * @retval others Create mutex successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called to create a mutex. * @note ******************************************************************************* */ OS_MutexID CoCreateMutex(void) { OS_MutexID id; P_MUTEX pMutex; OsSchedLock(); /* Assign a free mutex control block */ if(MutexFreeID < CFG_MAX_MUTEX ) { id = MutexFreeID++; OsSchedUnlock(); pMutex = &MutexTbl[id]; pMutex->hipriTaskID = INVALID_ID; pMutex->originalPrio = 0xff; pMutex->mutexFlag = MUTEX_FREE; /* Mutex is free,not was occupied */ pMutex->taskID = INVALID_ID; pMutex->waittingList = 0; return id; /* Return mutex ID */ } OsSchedUnlock(); return E_CREATE_FAIL; /* No free mutex control block */ } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Enter a critical area * @param[in] mutexID Specify mutex. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Invalid mutex id. * @retval E_CALL Error call in ISR. * @retval E_OK Enter critical area successful. * * @par Description * @details This function is called when entering a critical area. * @note ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoEnterMutexSection(OS_MutexID mutexID) { P_OSTCB ptcb,pCurTcb; P_MUTEX pMutex; #if CFG_EVENT_EN >0 P_ECB pecb; #endif if(OSIntNesting > 0) /* If the caller is ISR */ { return E_CALL; } if(OSSchedLock != 0) /* Is OS lock? */ { return E_OS_IN_LOCK; /* Yes,error return */ } #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(mutexID >= MutexFreeID) /* Invalid 'mutexID' */ { return E_INVALID_ID; } #endif OsSchedLock(); pCurTcb = TCBRunning; pMutex = &MutexTbl[mutexID]; pCurTcb->mutexID = mutexID; if(pMutex->mutexFlag == MUTEX_FREE) /* If mutex is available */ { pMutex->originalPrio = pCurTcb->prio; /* Save priority of owning task */ pMutex->taskID = pCurTcb->taskID; /* Acquire the resource */ pMutex->hipriTaskID = pCurTcb->taskID; pMutex->mutexFlag = MUTEX_OCCUPY; /* Occupy the mutex resource*/ } /* If the mutex resource had been occupied */ else if(pMutex->mutexFlag == MUTEX_OCCUPY) { ptcb = &TCBTbl[pMutex->taskID]; if(ptcb->prio > pCurTcb->prio) /* Need to promote priority of owner? */ { #if CFG_ORDER_LIST_SCHEDULE_EN ==0 DeleteTaskPri(ptcb->prio); ActiveTaskPri(pCurTcb->prio); #endif ptcb->prio = pCurTcb->prio; /* Promote prio of owner */ /* Upgarde the highest priority about the mutex */ pMutex->hipriTaskID = pCurTcb->taskID; if(ptcb->state == TASK_READY) /* If the task is ready to run */ { RemoveFromTCBRdyList(ptcb); /* Remove the task from READY list*/ InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb); /* Insert the task into READY list*/ } #if CFG_EVENT_EN >0 /* If the task is waiting on a event */ else if(ptcb->eventID != INVALID_ID) { pecb = &EventTbl[ptcb->eventID]; /* If the event waiting type is preemptive Priority */ if(pecb->eventSortType == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_PRIO) { /* Remove the task from event waiting list */ RemoveEventWaittingList(ptcb); /* Insert the task into event waiting list */ EventTaskToWait(pecb,ptcb); } } #endif } pCurTcb->state = TASK_WAITING; /* Block current task */ TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE; pCurTcb->TCBnext = 0; pCurTcb->TCBprev = 0; ptcb = pMutex->waittingList; if(ptcb == 0) /* If the event waiting list is empty */ { pMutex->waittingList = pCurTcb; /* Insert the task to head */ } else /* If the event waiting list is not empty */ { while(ptcb->TCBnext != 0) /* Insert the task to tail */ { ptcb = ptcb->TCBnext; } ptcb->TCBnext = pCurTcb; pCurTcb->TCBprev = ptcb; pCurTcb->TCBnext = 0; } } OsSchedUnlock(); return E_OK; } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Leave from a critical area * @param[in] mutexID Specify mutex id. * @param[out] None * @retval E_INVALID_ID Invalid mutex id. * @retval E_CALL Error call in ISR. * @retval E_OK Exit a critical area successful. * * @par Description * @details This function must be called when exiting from a critical area. * @note ******************************************************************************* */ StatusType CoLeaveMutexSection(OS_MutexID mutexID) { P_OSTCB ptcb; P_MUTEX pMutex; U8 prio; U8 taskID; if(OSIntNesting > 0) /* If the caller is ISR */ { return E_CALL; } #if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0 if(mutexID >= MutexFreeID) { return E_INVALID_ID; /* Invalid mutex id, return error */ } #endif OsSchedLock(); pMutex = &MutexTbl[mutexID]; /* Obtain point of mutex control block*/ ptcb = &TCBTbl[pMutex->taskID]; ptcb->mutexID = INVALID_ID; if(pMutex->waittingList == 0) /* If the mutex waiting list is empty */ { pMutex->mutexFlag = MUTEX_FREE; /* The mutex resource is available */ pMutex->taskID = INVALID_ID; OsSchedUnlock(); } else /* If there is at least one task waitting for the mutex */ { taskID = pMutex->taskID; /* Get task ID of mutex owner */ /* we havn't promoted current task's priority */ if(pMutex->hipriTaskID == taskID) { ptcb = pMutex->waittingList;/* Point to mutex first waiting task */ prio = ptcb->prio; while(ptcb != 0) /* Find the highest priority task */ { if(ptcb->prio < prio) { prio = ptcb->prio; pMutex->hipriTaskID = ptcb->taskID; } ptcb = ptcb->TCBnext; } } else /* we have promoted current task's priority */ { prio = TCBTbl[taskID].prio; } /* Reset the task priority */ pMutex->taskID = INVALID_ID; CoSetPriority(taskID,pMutex->originalPrio); /* Find first task in waiting list ready to run */ ptcb = pMutex->waittingList; pMutex->waittingList = ptcb->TCBnext; pMutex->originalPrio = ptcb->prio; pMutex->taskID = ptcb->taskID; #if CFG_ORDER_LIST_SCHEDULE_EN ==0 if(prio != ptcb->prio) { DeleteTaskPri(ptcb->prio); ActiveTaskPri(prio); } #endif ptcb->prio = prio; /* Raise the task's priority */ /* Insert the task which acquire the mutex into ready list. */ ptcb->TCBnext = 0; ptcb->TCBprev = 0; InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb); /* Insert the task into the READY list */ OsSchedUnlock(); } return E_OK; } /** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Remove a task from mutex waiting list * @param[in] ptcb TCB which will remove out. * @param[out] None * @retval None * * @par Description * @details This function be called when delete a task. * @note ******************************************************************************* */ void RemoveMutexList(P_OSTCB ptcb) { U8 prio; OS_TID taskID; P_MUTEX pMutex; pMutex = &MutexTbl[ptcb->mutexID]; /* If only one task waiting on mutex */ if((ptcb->TCBnext ==0) && (ptcb->TCBprev == 0)) { pMutex->waittingList = 0; /* Waiting list is empty */ } else if(ptcb->TCBnext == 0) /* If the task is the last of waiting list*/ { /* Remove task from mutex waiting list */ ptcb->TCBprev->TCBnext = 0; ptcb->TCBprev = 0; } else if(ptcb->TCBprev == 0)/* If the task is the first of waiting list*/ { /* Remove task from waiting list */ ptcb->TCBnext->TCBprev = 0; ptcb->TCBnext = 0; } else /* If the task is in the middle of waiting list */ { /* Remove task from wait list */ ptcb->TCBnext->TCBprev = ptcb->TCBprev; ptcb->TCBprev->TCBnext = ptcb->TCBnext; ptcb->TCBprev = 0; ptcb->TCBnext = 0; } ptcb->mutexID = INVALID_ID; /* If the task have highest priority in mutex waiting list */ if(pMutex->hipriTaskID == ptcb->taskID) { ptcb = pMutex->waittingList; prio = pMutex->originalPrio; pMutex->hipriTaskID = pMutex->taskID; while(ptcb != 0) /* Find task ID of highest priority task*/ { if(ptcb->prio < prio) { prio = ptcb->prio; pMutex->hipriTaskID = ptcb->taskID; } ptcb = ptcb->TCBnext; } taskID = pMutex->taskID; pMutex->taskID = INVALID_ID; CoSetPriority(taskID,prio); /* Reset the mutex ower priority */ pMutex->taskID = taskID; } } #endif