Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CoOS/kernel/task.c	Sat Sep 10 22:41:10 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @file       task.c
+ * @version    V1.1.4    
+ * @date       2011.04.20
+ * @brief      task management implementation code of CooCox CoOS kernel.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @copy
+ *
+ * 
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */ 
+/*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
+#include <coocox.h>
+/*---------------------------- Variable Define -------------------------------*/
+/*!< Table use to save TCB pointer.              */
+/*!< The stack of IDLE task.                     */
+OS_STK   idle_stk[CFG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE] = {0};
+P_OSTCB  FreeTCB     = 0;  /*!< pointer to free TCB                        */
+P_OSTCB  TCBRdy      = 0;  /*!< Pointer to the READY list.                 */
+P_OSTCB  TCBNext     = 0;  /*!< Poniter to task that next scheduled by OS  */
+P_OSTCB  TCBRunning  = 0;  /*!< Pointer to TCB that current running task.  */
+U64      OSCheckTime = 0;     /*!< The counter of system tick.                */
+OS_TID   PriNum;
+U32      RdyTaskPriInfo[(CFG_MAX_USER_TASKS+SYS_TASK_NUM+31)/32];
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Create a TCB list.      
+ * @param[in]  None      
+ * @param[out] None    
+ * @retval     None         
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called by CoOSInit() to initial the empty list     
+ *             of OS_TCBS,supply a pointer to free TCB.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CreateTCBList(void)
+    U8  i;
+    P_OSTCB ptcb1,ptcb2;
+    PriNum = 0;
+    ptcb1 = &TCBTbl[0];                    /* Build the free TCB list            */
+    ptcb2 = &TCBTbl[1];  
+    for(i=0;i< (CFG_MAX_USER_TASKS+SYS_TASK_NUM-1);i++ )
+    {
+        ptcb1->taskID    = i;
+        ptcb1->state     = TASK_DORMANT;
+        ptcb1->TCBnext   = ptcb2;
+        RdyTaskPri[i]    = INVALID_ID;
+        ActivePri[i]     = INVALID_ID;
+        ptcb1++;
+        ptcb2++;    
+    }
+        ActivePri[i]     = INVALID_ID;
+    ptcb1->taskID    = i;    
+    ptcb1->TCBnext   = 0;
+    FreeTCB = &TCBTbl[0];         /* Initialize FreeTCB as head item of list  */            
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Get sequence number for Assign priority      
+ * @param[in]  pri            Assign priority     
+ * @param[out] SequenceNum    priority number 
+ * @retval     Co_TRUE           Assign priority in priority queue.
+ *             Co_FALSE          Assign priority not in priority queue.
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to get sequence number for Assign priority.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static BOOL  GetPriSeqNum(U8 pri,OS_TID* SequenceNum)
+    OS_TID  seqNum;
+    OS_TID  num,tmpNum;
+    num = 0;
+    seqNum = PriNum;
+    while(num != seqNum)
+    {
+        tmpNum = num;
+        num = (num+seqNum)/2;
+        if(pri == ActivePri[num])
+        {
+            *SequenceNum = num;
+            return Co_TRUE;
+        }
+        else if (pri < ActivePri[num])
+        {
+            seqNum = num;
+            num = tmpNum;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            num++;
+        }
+    }
+    *SequenceNum = num;
+    return Co_FALSE;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Get the nearest ready priority sequence number for Assign number      
+ * @param[in]  seqNum         Assign sequence number     
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     INVALID_ID     Cannot find higher ready priority.   
+ *             Others         Nearest ready priority sequence number          
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to get the nearest ready priority sequence number.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static U8 GetRdyPriSeqNum(U8 seqNum)
+    U32 tmp;
+    U8  i,j,num;
+    S8  cnt;
+    i = seqNum/32;
+    j = seqNum%32;
+    do
+    {
+          tmp = RdyTaskPriInfo[i];
+        if(tmp != 0)
+        {
+            num = j/8;
+            do
+            {
+                if((tmp&(0xff<<(num*8))) !=0 )
+                {
+                    if((tmp&(0xf0<<(num*8))) !=0)
+                    {
+                        for(cnt=j; cnt >=(num*8+4); cnt--)    
+                        {
+                            if( (tmp&(1<<cnt)) !=0)
+                            {
+                                return (32*i+cnt);
+                            }    
+                        }            
+                    }
+                    if((j&0x4)==4)
+                        j = (j|0x3) -4;
+                    for(cnt=j; cnt >=num*8; cnt--)    
+                    {
+                        if( (tmp&(1<<cnt)) !=0)
+                        {
+                            return (32*i+cnt);
+                        }    
+                    }
+                }
+                j = num*8 -1;
+            }while((num--)!=0);
+        }
+        j=31;
+    }while((i--)!=0);
+    return INVALID_ID;                                            
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Remap the ready status of priority queue from Assign sequence number 
+ * @param[in]  seqNum         Assign sequence number     
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     None             
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to Remap the ready status for priority queue.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static void PrioRemap(OS_TID  seqNum)
+    U8 i,j;
+    U32 tmp;
+    tmp = j = 0;
+    j = seqNum/32;
+    for(i=0;i<seqNum%32;i++)
+    {
+        tmp |= 1<<i;
+    }
+    tmp &= RdyTaskPriInfo[j];
+    for(i=seqNum; i<PriNum; i++)
+    {
+        if((i%32==0)&&(i!=seqNum))
+        {
+            RdyTaskPriInfo[j++] = tmp;
+            tmp = 0;
+        }
+        if(RdyTaskPri[i] != INVALID_ID)
+        {
+            tmp = tmp | (1<<(i%32));
+        }
+    }
+    RdyTaskPriInfo[j++] = tmp;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Get the ready status for assign sequence number 
+ * @param[in]  seqNum      Assign sequence number     
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     Co_TRUE        This priority has ready task
+ *             Co_FALSE       This priority doesn't have ready task
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to get the ready status for assign sequence number.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static BOOL GetPrioSeqNumStatus(U8 seqNum)
+    if( (RdyTaskPriInfo[seqNum/32] & (1<<(seqNum%32))) == 0)
+    {
+        return Co_FALSE;
+    }
+    return Co_TRUE;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Set the ready status for assign sequence number 
+ * @param[in]  seqNum      Assign sequence number
+ * @param[in]  isRdy       Ready statues for assign sequence number      
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     None          
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to set the ready status for assign sequence number.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static void SetPrioSeqNumStatus(U8 seqNum, BOOL isRdy)
+    U32 tmp;
+    tmp = RdyTaskPriInfo[seqNum/32];
+    tmp    &= ~(1<<(seqNum%32));
+    tmp |= isRdy<<(seqNum%32);
+    RdyTaskPriInfo[seqNum/32] = tmp;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Active priority in queue 
+ * @param[in]  pri       Task priority
+ * @param[in]  None     
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     None          
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to active priority in queue, if this priority had been in activation,
+ *             increate the task num for this priority.    
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void ActiveTaskPri(U8 pri)
+    OS_TID  seqNum,num;
+    if(GetPriSeqNum(pri,&seqNum) == Co_FALSE)
+    {
+        for(num=PriNum;num>seqNum;num--)
+        {
+            ActivePri[num]     = ActivePri[num-1];
+            TaskNumPerPri[num] = TaskNumPerPri[num-1];
+            RdyTaskPri[num]    = RdyTaskPri[num-1];
+        }
+        ActivePri[seqNum]     = pri;
+        TaskNumPerPri[seqNum] = 1;
+        RdyTaskPri[seqNum]    = INVALID_ID;
+        PriNum++;
+        PrioRemap(seqNum);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+         TaskNumPerPri[seqNum]++;
+    }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Delete priority in queue 
+ * @param[in]  pri       Task priority
+ * @param[in]  None     
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     None          
+ *                    
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called in Binary-Scheduling Algorithm 
+ *             to decrease the task num for this priority, if the num goto 0,
+ *             remove the priority for queue.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void DeleteTaskPri(U8 pri)
+    OS_TID  seqNum,num;
+    GetPriSeqNum(pri,&seqNum);
+    TaskNumPerPri[seqNum]--;
+    if(TaskNumPerPri[seqNum]==0)
+    {
+        for(num=seqNum; num<(PriNum-1); num++)
+        {
+            ActivePri[num]     = ActivePri[num+1];
+            TaskNumPerPri[num] = TaskNumPerPri[num+1];
+            RdyTaskPri[num]    = RdyTaskPri[num+1];
+        }
+        PriNum--;
+        PrioRemap(seqNum);
+    }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Insert a task to the ready list       
+ * @param[in]  tcbInsert    A pointer to task will be inserted.
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     None     
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details   This function is called to insert a task to the READY list. 
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void InsertToTCBRdyList(P_OSTCB tcbInsert)
+    P_OSTCB ptcbNext,ptcb;
+    U8  prio;
+    U8  seqNum;
+    U8  RdyTaskSeqNum;
+    prio = tcbInsert->prio;             /* Get PRI of inserted task           */
+    tcbInsert->state     = TASK_READY;  /* Set task as TASK_READY             */
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0
+    ptcb = TCBRunning;
+    /* Set schedule time for the same PRI task as TCBRunning.                 */
+    if(prio == ptcb->prio)  /* Is PRI of inserted task equal to running task? */
+    {
+        if(ptcb != tcbInsert) /* Yes,is inserted task equal to running task?  */
+        {
+            if(ptcb != Co_NULL)            /* No,TCBRunning == Co_NULL?             */
+            {                           /* N0,OSCheckTime < OSTickCnt?        */
+                if(OSCheckTime < OSTickCnt)     
+                {                       /* Yes,set OSCheckTime for task robin */
+                    OSCheckTime = OSTickCnt + ptcb->timeSlice;    
+                }            
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+    GetPriSeqNum(prio,&seqNum);
+    if(GetPrioSeqNumStatus(seqNum) == Co_TRUE)
+    {
+        ptcb = &TCBTbl[RdyTaskPri[seqNum]];
+        RdyTaskPri[seqNum] = tcbInsert->taskID;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        RdyTaskPri[seqNum] = tcbInsert->taskID;
+        RdyTaskSeqNum = GetRdyPriSeqNum(seqNum);
+        SetPrioSeqNumStatus(seqNum, 1);
+        if(RdyTaskSeqNum == INVALID_ID)
+        {
+            ptcb = TCBRdy;
+            TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
+            if(ptcb == Co_NULL)
+            {
+                TCBRdy   = tcbInsert;    
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                tcbInsert->TCBnext = ptcb;  /* Yes,set tcbInsert as head item of list */
+                ptcb->TCBprev = tcbInsert;
+                TCBRdy         = tcbInsert;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ptcb = &TCBTbl[RdyTaskPri[RdyTaskSeqNum]];    
+        }
+    }
+    ptcbNext = ptcb->TCBnext;
+    tcbInsert->TCBnext = ptcbNext;    /* Set link for list                  */
+    ptcb->TCBnext      = tcbInsert;
+    tcbInsert->TCBprev = ptcb;
+    if(ptcbNext != Co_NULL)
+    {
+        ptcbNext->TCBprev  = tcbInsert;
+    }
+    ptcb = TCBRdy;
+    if (ptcb == Co_NULL)                   /* Is ready list Co_NULL?                */
+    {
+        TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
+        TCBRdy = tcbInsert;         /* Yse,set tcbInsert as head item of list */
+    }
+    else if (prio < ptcb->prio)/* Is PRI of inserted task higher than TCBRdy? */
+    {
+        TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
+        tcbInsert->TCBnext = ptcb;  /* Yes,set tcbInsert as head item of list */
+        ptcb->TCBprev  = tcbInsert;
+        TCBRdy         = tcbInsert;
+    }
+    else                                /* No,find correct place              */
+    {                                    
+        ptcbNext = ptcb->TCBnext;       /* Get next item                      */
+        while(ptcbNext != Co_NULL)         /* Is last item in ready list?        */
+        {                               /* No,find correct place              */
+            if(prio < ptcbNext->prio)   /* Is correct place?                  */
+                break;                  /* Yes,break circulation              */
+            ptcb     = ptcbNext;        /* Save current item                  */
+            ptcbNext = ptcbNext->TCBnext; /* Get next item                    */
+        }
+        tcbInsert->TCBnext = ptcbNext;  /* Set link for list                  */
+        ptcb->TCBnext      = tcbInsert;
+        tcbInsert->TCBprev = ptcb;
+        if(ptcbNext != Co_NULL)
+        {
+            ptcbNext->TCBprev  = tcbInsert;
+        }        
+    }
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Remove a task from the READY list       
+ * @param[in]  ptcb     A pointer to task which be removed.     
+ * @param[out] None                  
+ * @retval     None         
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to remove a task from the READY list.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void RemoveFromTCBRdyList(P_OSTCB ptcb)
+    U8 prio;
+    U8 seqNum;
+    BOOL isChange;
+    isChange = Co_FALSE;
+    prio = ptcb->prio;
+    GetPriSeqNum(prio,&seqNum);
+    /* Is there only one item in READY list?                                  */
+    if((ptcb->TCBnext == Co_NULL) && (ptcb->TCBprev == Co_NULL) )
+    {
+        TCBRdy = 0;                  /* Yes,set READY list as Co_NULL         */
+        isChange = Co_TRUE;
+    }
+    else if(ptcb->TCBprev == 0)      /* Is the first item in READY list?   */
+    {   
+        /* Yes,remove task from the list,and reset the head of READY list     */
+        TCBRdy = ptcb->TCBnext;            
+        ptcb->TCBnext   = 0;
+        TCBRdy->TCBprev = 0;
+        if(TCBRdy->prio != prio)
+            isChange = Co_TRUE;
+    }
+    else if( ptcb->TCBnext == 0)     /* Is the last item in READY list?    */
+    {                                   /* Yes,remove task from list          */
+        if(ptcb->TCBprev->prio != prio)
+            isChange = Co_TRUE;
+        else 
+            RdyTaskPri[seqNum] = ptcb->TCBprev->taskID;
+        ptcb->TCBprev->TCBnext = 0;
+        ptcb->TCBprev          = 0;
+    }
+    else                                /* No, remove task from list          */
+    {    
+        if((ptcb->TCBprev->prio != prio) && (ptcb->TCBnext->prio != prio))
+            isChange = Co_TRUE;
+        else if((ptcb->TCBprev->prio == prio) && (ptcb->TCBnext->prio != prio))
+            RdyTaskPri[seqNum] = ptcb->TCBprev->taskID;
+        ptcb->TCBprev->TCBnext = ptcb->TCBnext;
+        ptcb->TCBnext->TCBprev = ptcb->TCBprev;
+        ptcb->TCBnext = 0;
+        ptcb->TCBprev = 0;
+    }
+        if(isChange == Co_TRUE)
+        {
+            RdyTaskPri[seqNum] = INVALID_ID;
+            SetPrioSeqNumStatus(seqNum, 0);
+        }
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN > 0
+#define CFG_PRIORITY_SET_EN       (1)
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Change task priority       
+ * @param[in]  taskID     Specify task id.
+ * @param[in]  priority   New priority.     
+ * @param[out] None           
+ * @retval     E_OK              Change priority successful.
+ * @retval     E_INVALID_ID      Invalid id,change priority fail.
+ * @retval     E_PROTECTED_TASK  Can't change idle task priority.         
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to change priority for a specify task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+StatusType CoSetPriority(OS_TID taskID,U8 priority)
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN >0
+    U8 prio;
+    P_MUTEX    pMutex;
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN >0
+    P_ECB pecb;
+    if(taskID == 0)                     /* Is idle task?                      */
+    {                                             
+        return E_PROTECTED_TASK;        /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }   
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];             /* Get TCB of task ID                 */
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_DORMANT)
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(priority > CFG_LOWEST_PRIO)
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(ptcb->prio != priority)          /* Is PRI equal to original PRI?      */
+    {                                   /* No                                 */
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN >0
+        if(ptcb->mutexID != INVALID_ID)
+        {
+            pMutex = &MutexTbl[ptcb->mutexID];
+            if(pMutex->taskID == ptcb->taskID)  /* Task hold mutex?               */
+            {
+                 pMutex->originalPrio= priority;/* Yes,change original PRI in mutex*/
+                 if(ptcb->prio < priority)     /* Is task priority higher than set?*/
+                 {
+                     return E_OK;                /* Yes,do nothing,return OK       */
+                 }
+            }        
+         }
+        DeleteTaskPri(ptcb->prio);
+        ActiveTaskPri(priority);    
+        ptcb->prio = priority;              /* Change task PRI                */
+        if(ptcb->state == TASK_READY)       /* Is task in READY list?         */
+        {
+            OsSchedLock();                  /* Yes,reorder task in READY list */
+            RemoveFromTCBRdyList(ptcb);
+            InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);    
+            OsSchedUnlock();
+        }
+        else if(ptcb->state == TASK_RUNNING)/* Is task running?               */
+        {
+            if(ptcb->prio > TCBRdy->prio)   /* Yes,Is PRI higher than TCBRdy? */
+            {
+                OsSchedLock();              /* Yes,reorder task in READY list */
+                TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
+                OsSchedUnlock();
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {                                   /* No,task in WAITING list        */
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN >0
+            if(ptcb->mutexID != INVALID_ID) /* Is task in mutex WAITING list? */
+            {
+                /* Yes,reset the highest PRI in the list */
+                OsSchedLock(); 
+                pMutex = &MutexTbl[ptcb->mutexID];
+                ptcb = pMutex->waittingList;  
+                prio = pMutex->originalPrio; 
+                pMutex->hipriTaskID = pMutex->taskID;
+                while(ptcb != Co_NULL)
+                {
+                    if(ptcb->prio < prio)
+                    {
+                        prio = ptcb->prio;
+                        pMutex->hipriTaskID = ptcb->taskID;
+                    }
+                    ptcb = ptcb->TCBnext;            
+                }
+                OsSchedUnlock();
+                if(pMutex->originalPrio != prio)
+                {
+                    CoSetPriority(pMutex->taskID,prio);    
+                }    
+            }
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN >0
+            ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
+            if(ptcb->eventID != INVALID_ID) /* Is task in event WAITING list? */
+            {                                    
+                pecb = &EventTbl[ptcb->eventID];
+                /* Yes,is event sort type as preemptive PRI?                  */
+                if(pecb->eventSortType == EVENT_SORT_TYPE_PRIO)
+                {      
+                    /* Yes,reorder task in the list                           */
+                    RemoveEventWaittingList(ptcb);
+                    EventTaskToWait(pecb,ptcb);
+                }    
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return E_OK;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Schedule function      
+ * @param[in]  None      
+ * @param[out] None       
+ * @retval     None     
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called by every where need to switch context,
+ *             It is schedule function of OS kernel.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void Schedule(void)
+    U8  RunPrio,RdyPrio;
+    P_OSTCB pRdyTcb,pCurTcb;
+    pCurTcb = TCBRunning;    
+    pRdyTcb = TCBRdy;
+    if((pRdyTcb==Co_NULL) || (pCurTcb != TCBNext) || (OSSchedLock >1) || (OSIntNesting >0))
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    TaskSchedReq = Co_FALSE;
+    RunPrio = pCurTcb->prio;
+    RdyPrio = pRdyTcb->prio;
+    /* Is Running task status was changed? */
+    if(pCurTcb->state != TASK_RUNNING)    
+    {
+        TCBNext        = pRdyTcb;   /* Yes,set TCBNext and reorder READY list */
+        pRdyTcb->state = TASK_RUNNING;
+        RemoveFromTCBRdyList(pRdyTcb);
+    }
+    else if(RdyPrio < RunPrio )     /* Is higher PRI task coming in?          */
+    {
+        TCBNext        = pRdyTcb;   /* Yes,set TCBNext and reorder READY list */
+        InsertToTCBRdyList(pCurTcb);
+        RemoveFromTCBRdyList(pRdyTcb);
+        pRdyTcb->state = TASK_RUNNING;
+    }
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0                 /* Is time for robinning                  */                            
+    else if((RunPrio == RdyPrio) && (OSCheckTime == OSTickCnt))
+    {
+        TCBNext        = pRdyTcb;   /* Yes,set TCBNext and reorder READY list */
+        InsertToTCBRdyList(pCurTcb);
+        RemoveFromTCBRdyList(pRdyTcb);
+        pRdyTcb->state = TASK_RUNNING;
+    }
+    else
+    {                                    
+        return;    
+    }
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0
+    if(TCBNext->prio == TCBRdy->prio)  /* Reset OSCheckTime for task robinnig */
+        OSCheckTime = OSTickCnt + TCBNext->timeSlice;
+#if CFG_STK_CHECKOUT_EN > 0                       /* Is stack overflow?       */
+    if((pCurTcb->stkPtr < pCurTcb->stack)||(*(U32*)(pCurTcb->stack) != MAGIC_WORD))       
+    {                                    
+        CoStkOverflowHook(pCurTcb->taskID);       /* Yes,call handler         */        
+    }   
+    SwitchContext();                              /* Call task context switch */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Assign a TCB to task being created                         
+ * @param[in]  None     
+ * @param[out] None     
+ *      
+ * @retval     XXXX                             
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to assign a task control block for task 
+ *              being created.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+static P_OSTCB AssignTCB(void)
+    P_OSTCB    ptcb;
+    OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
+    if(FreeTCB == 0)                 /* Is there no free TCB               */
+    {
+        OsSchedUnlock();                /* Yes,unlock schedule                */
+        return 0;                    /* Error return                       */
+    }    
+    ptcb    = FreeTCB;          /* Yes,assgin free TCB for this task  */    
+    /* Set next item as the head of free TCB list                     */
+    FreeTCB = FreeTCB->TCBnext; 
+    OsSchedUnlock();
+    return ptcb;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Create a task       
+ * @param[in]  task       Task code entry.
+ * @param[in]  argv       The parameter passed to task.
+ * @param[in]  parameter  Task priority + stack size + time slice + isWaitting.
+ * @param[in]  stk        Pointer to stack top of task.
+ * @param[out] None   
+ * @retval     E_CREATE_FAIL    Fail to create a task .
+ * @retval     others           Valid task id.                 
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called by application to create a task,return a id 
+ *             to mark this task.
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+OS_TID CreateTask(FUNCPtr task,void *argv,U32 parameter,OS_STK *stk)
+    OS_STK* stkTopPtr;
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+    U8      prio;
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0    
+    U16     timeSlice;
+#if CFG_STK_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    U16 sktSz;
+    sktSz = (parameter&0xfff00)>>8;    
+    prio = parameter&0xff;
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    if(task == 0)
+    {
+        return E_CREATE_FAIL;
+    }
+    if(stk == 0)
+    {
+        return E_CREATE_FAIL;
+    }
+    if(prio > CFG_LOWEST_PRIO)
+    {
+        return E_CREATE_FAIL;        
+    }
+    if(sktSz < 20)
+    {
+        return E_CREATE_FAIL;        
+    }
+#endif      // CFG_STK_CHECKOUT_EN
+#endif      // CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN
+    if(TCBRunning != 0)
+         return E_CREATE_FAIL;    
+    stkTopPtr = InitTaskContext(task,argv,stk);   /* Initialize task context. */
+    ptcb = AssignTCB();                 /* Get free TCB to use                */
+    if(ptcb == 0)                    /* Is free TCB equal to Co_NULL?         */
+    {
+        return E_CREATE_FAIL;           /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+    ptcb->stkPtr = stkTopPtr;           /* Initialize TCB as user set         */
+    ptcb->prio   = prio;
+    ptcb->stack = stk+1 - sktSz; /* Set bottom stack for stack overflow check */
+    *(U32*)(ptcb->stack) = MAGIC_WORD;
+    ptcb->delayTick    = INVALID_VALUE;    
+    ptcb->taskFuc = task;
+    ptcb->taskStk = stk;
+    ptcb->TCBnext = 0;               /* Initialize TCB link in READY list  */
+    ptcb->TCBprev = 0;
+#if CFG_ROBIN_EN >0                        /* Set task time slice for task robin */
+    timeSlice = (parameter&0x7fff0000)>>20; 
+    if(timeSlice == 0)
+    {
+        timeSlice = CFG_TIME_SLICE;
+    }
+    ptcb->timeSlice = timeSlice;
+#if CFG_FLAG_EN > 0
+    ptcb->pnode = 0;                 /* Initialize task as no flag waiting */
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0
+    ptcb->eventID  = INVALID_ID;          /* Initialize task as no event waiting*/
+    ptcb->pmail    = 0;
+    ptcb->waitNext = 0;
+    ptcb->waitPrev = 0;
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN > 0
+    /* Initialize task as no mutex holding or waiting                         */
+    ptcb->mutexID = INVALID_ID; 
+    ActiveTaskPri(prio);    
+    if((parameter>>31) == 0)            /* Is task in waitting state?         */
+    {                                    /* No,set it into ready list          */
+        OsSchedLock();                  /* Lock schedule                      */
+        InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);       /* Insert into the READY list         */
+        OsSchedUnlock();                /* Unlock schedule                    */
+    }
+    else
+    {                                    /* Yes,Set task status as TASK_WAITING*/
+        ptcb->state   = TASK_WAITING;    
+    }
+    return ptcb->taskID;                /* Return task ID                     */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Delete Task     
+ * @param[in]  taskID      Task ID 
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     E_INVALID_ID      Invalid task ID.     
+ * @retval     E_PROTECTED_TASK  Protected task in OS.     
+ * @retval     E_OK              Delete successful.    
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to delete assign task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+StatusType CoDelTask(OS_TID taskID)
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_DORMANT)
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(taskID == 0)                     /* Is idle task?                      */
+    {                                             
+        return E_PROTECTED_TASK;        /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }    
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_RUNNING)     /* Is task running?                   */
+    {
+        if(OSSchedLock != 0)            /* Yes,is OS lock?                    */
+        {
+            return E_OS_IN_LOCK;        /* Yes,error return                   */
+        }    
+    }
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN >0                     /* Do task hold mutex?                */
+    if(ptcb->mutexID != INVALID_ID)
+    {
+        if(MutexTbl[ptcb->mutexID].taskID == ptcb->taskID)
+        {                               /* Yes,leave the mutex                */
+            CoLeaveMutexSection(ptcb->mutexID);
+        }
+    }
+    OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_READY)       /* Is task in READY list?             */
+    {
+        RemoveFromTCBRdyList(ptcb);     /* Yes,remove task from the READY list*/
+    }
+    else if(ptcb->state == TASK_WAITING)/* Is task in the WAITING list?       */
+    {
+        /* Yes,Is task in delay list? */
+        if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE)                     
+        {
+            RemoveDelayList(ptcb);      /* Yes,remove task from READY list    */
+        }
+#if CFG_EVENT_EN > 0
+        if(ptcb->eventID != INVALID_ID) /* Is task in event waiting list?     */
+        {        
+            /* Yes,remove task from event waiting list                        */
+            RemoveEventWaittingList(ptcb);    
+        }
+#if CFG_FLAG_EN > 0
+        if(ptcb->pnode != 0)         /* Is task in flag waiting list?      */
+        {
+            /* Yes,remove task from flag waiting list                         */
+            RemoveLinkNode((P_FLAG_NODE)ptcb->pnode);    
+        }
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN >0
+        if(ptcb->mutexID != INVALID_ID) /* Is task in mutex waiting list?     */
+        {
+            RemoveMutexList(ptcb);  /* Yes,remove task from mutex waiting list*/
+        }
+      }
+    ptcb->state   = TASK_DORMANT;       /* Release TCB                        */
+    TaskSchedReq  = Co_TRUE;
+    DeleteTaskPri(ptcb->prio);    
+    ptcb->TCBnext = FreeTCB;
+    FreeTCB       = ptcb;
+    OsSchedUnlock();                    /* Unlock schedule                    */
+    return E_OK;                        /* return OK                          */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Exit Task       
+ * @param[in]  None 
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     None             
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to exit current task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+void CoExitTask(void)
+    CoDelTask(TCBRunning->taskID);      /* Call task delete function          */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Activate Task       
+ * @param[in]  taskID      Task ID 
+ * @param[in]  argv        Task argv 
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     E_INVALID_ID      Invalid task ID.      
+ * @retval     E_OK              Activate task successful.             
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to activate current task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+StatusType CoActivateTask(OS_TID taskID,void *argv)
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+    OS_STK* stkTopPtr;
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
+    if(ptcb->stkPtr == Co_NULL)
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    if(ptcb->state != TASK_DORMANT)    
+        return E_OK;
+                                        /* Initialize task context. */
+    stkTopPtr = InitTaskContext(ptcb->taskFuc,argv,ptcb->taskStk);   
+    ptcb->stkPtr = stkTopPtr;           /* Initialize TCB as user set         */
+    OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
+    InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);           /* Insert into the READY list         */
+    OsSchedUnlock();                    /* Unlock schedule                    */
+    return E_OK;
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Get current task id      
+ * @param[in]  None
+ * @param[out] None
+ * @retval     ID of the current task.             
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to get current task id.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+OS_TID CoGetCurTaskID(void)
+    return (TCBRunning->taskID);        /* Return running task ID             */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Suspend Task      
+ * @param[in]  taskID    ID of task that want to suspend.
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     E_OK                  Task suspend successful. 
+ * @retval     E_INVALID_ID          Invalid event ID. 
+ * @retval     E_PROTECTED_TASK      Can't suspend idle task. 
+ * @retval     E_ALREADY_IN_WAITING  Task now in waiting state.
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to exit current task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+StatusType CoSuspendTask(OS_TID taskID)
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+    if(taskID == 0)                     /* Is idle task?                      */
+    {                                             
+        return E_PROTECTED_TASK;        /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }   
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_DORMANT)
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(OSSchedLock != 0)
+    {
+        return E_OS_IN_LOCK;
+    }
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_WAITING)     /* Is task in WAITING list?           */
+    {
+        return E_ALREADY_IN_WAITING;    /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+    OsSchedLock();    
+    if(ptcb != TCBRunning)              /* Is runing task?                    */
+    {
+        RemoveFromTCBRdyList(ptcb);     /* No,Remove task from READY list     */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
+    }
+    ptcb->state = TASK_WAITING;            /* Set task status as TASK_WAITING    */
+    OsSchedUnlock();                    /* Call task schedule                 */
+    return E_OK;                        /* Return OK                          */
+ *******************************************************************************
+ * @brief      Awake Task     
+ * @param[in]  taskID      ID of task that will been awaked.
+ * @param[out] None  
+ * @retval     E_OK                 Task awake successful. 
+ * @retval     E_INVALID_ID         Invalid task ID.
+ * @retval     E_TASK_NOT_WAITING   Task now not in waiting state.
+ * @retval     E_TASK_WAIT_OTHER    Task now waiting other awake event.
+ * @retval     E_PROTECTED_TASK     Idle task mustn't be awaked.      
+ *
+ * @par Description
+ * @details    This function is called to awake current task.     
+ *******************************************************************************
+ */
+StatusType CoAwakeTask(OS_TID taskID)
+    P_OSTCB ptcb;
+     if(taskID == 0)                     /* Is idle task?                      */
+    {                                             
+        return E_PROTECTED_TASK;        /* Yes,error return                   */
+    } 
+#if CFG_PAR_CHECKOUT_EN >0              /* Check validity of parameter        */
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    ptcb = &TCBTbl[taskID];
+    if(ptcb->state == TASK_DORMANT)
+    {
+        return E_INVALID_ID;
+    }
+    if(ptcb->state != TASK_WAITING)     /* Is task in WAITING list            */
+    {
+        return E_TASK_NOT_WAITING;      /* No,error return                    */
+    }    
+    if(ptcb->delayTick != INVALID_VALUE)/* Is task in READY list              */
+    {
+        return E_TASK_WAIT_OTHER;       /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+#if CFG_FLAG_EN > 0
+    if(ptcb->pnode != Co_NULL)             /* Is task in flag waiting list       */
+    {
+        return E_TASK_WAIT_OTHER;       /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+    if(ptcb->eventID != INVALID_ID)     /* Is task in event waiting list      */
+    {
+        return E_TASK_WAIT_OTHER;       /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+#if CFG_MUTEX_EN > 0
+    if(ptcb->mutexID != INVALID_ID)     /* Is task in mutex waiting list      */
+    {
+        return E_TASK_WAIT_OTHER;       /* Yes,error return                   */
+    }
+#endif      //CFG_TASK_WAITTING_EN
+    /* All no,so WAITING state was set by CoSuspendTask()                     */
+    OsSchedLock();                      /* Lock schedule                      */
+    InsertToTCBRdyList(ptcb);           /* Insert the task into the READY list*/
+    OsSchedUnlock();                    /* Unlock schedule                    */
+    return E_OK;                        /* return OK                          */