Quick and dirty CoOS + LWIP ( Webserver )

Dependencies:   mbed lwip

Sat Sep 10 22:41:10 2011 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 1 /**
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 2 *******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 3 * @file arch.c
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 4 * @version V1.1.4
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 5 * @date 2011.04.20
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 6 * @brief This file provides InitTaskContext() and SysTick_Handler().
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 7 *******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 8 * @copy
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 10 *
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 11 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 CooCox </center></h2>
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 12 *******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 13 */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 14
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 15 /*---------------------------- Include ---------------------------------------*/
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 16 #include <coocox.h>
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 17 U64 OSTickCnt = 0; /*!< Current system tick counter */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 18
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 19 /**
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 20 ******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 21 * @brief Initial task context
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 22 * @param[in] task Entry point of task.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 23 * @param[in] param The parameter pass to task.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 24 * @param[in] pstk The pointer to stack top.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 25 * @param[out] None
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 26 * @retval Returns location of new stack top.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 27 *
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 28 * @par Description
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 29 * @details This function is called to initialize the stack frame of the
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 30 * task being created.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 31 ******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 32 */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 33 OS_STK *InitTaskContext(FUNCPtr task,void *param,OS_STK *pstk)
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 34 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 35 OS_STK *context;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 36 context = pstk;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 37 *(context--) = (U32)0x01000000L; /* xPSR */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 38 *(context--) = (U32)task; /* Entry point of task. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 39 *(context) = (U32)0xFFFFFFFEL;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 40 context = context - 5;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 41 *(context) = (U32)param; /* R0: argument */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 42 context = context - 8;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 43
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 44 return (context); /* Returns location of new stack top. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 45 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 46
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 47
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 48
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 49 /**
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 50 *******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 51 * @brief System tick interrupt handler.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 52 * @param[in] None
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 53 * @param[out] None
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 54 * @retval None
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 55 *
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 56 * @par Description
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 57 * @details This is system tick interrupt headler.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 58 * @note CoOS may schedule when exiting this ISR.
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 59 *******************************************************************************
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 60 */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 61 extern "C" void SysTick_Handler(void)
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 62 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 63 OSSchedLock++; /* Lock scheduler. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 64 OSTickCnt++; /* Increment systerm time. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 65 #if CFG_TASK_WAITTING_EN >0
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 66 if(DlyList != Co_NULL) /* Have task in delay list? */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 67 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 68 if(DlyList->delayTick > 1) /* Delay time > 1? */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 69 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 70 DlyList->delayTick--; /* Decrease delay time of the list head. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 71 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 72 else
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 73 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 74 DlyList->delayTick = 0;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 75 isr_TimeDispose(); /* Call hander for delay time list */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 76 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 77 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 78 #endif
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 79
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 80 #if CFG_TMR_EN > 0
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 81 if(TmrList != Co_NULL) /* Have timer in working? */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 82 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 83 if(TmrList->tmrCnt > 1) /* Timer time > 1? */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 84 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 85 TmrList->tmrCnt--; /* Decrease timer time of the list head. */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 86 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 87 else
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 88 {
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 89 TmrList->tmrCnt = 0;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 90 isr_TmrDispose(); /* Call hander for timer list */
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 91 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 92 }
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 93 #endif
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 94 TaskSchedReq = Co_TRUE;
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 95 OsSchedUnlock();
astroboy 0:94897d537b31 96 }