Receive data and clock for data communications example

Dependencies:   C12832 mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
21:874a80ebcab5 2015-04-30 askksa12543 crc fixed default tip
20:38caf615a9e1 2015-04-29 askksa12543 crc update
19:cbb3a8d9d007 2015-04-22 askksa12543 crc updated
18:15d54b8d7ccc 2015-04-16 askksa12543 wrong address message fixed
17:ec89b1cab73b 2015-04-16 n02655194 LPC1
16:ca9f769ff024 2015-04-16 n02655194 Fixed Incorrect Address Display
15:0f8871dd3324 2015-04-16 n02655194 start of address/crc error handling
14:5a55a41dc118 2015-04-14 n02655194 Proper Addressing
13:14002c51e465 2015-04-13 askksa12543 crc finished
12:a7244ff9a00e 2015-04-02 askksa12543 testing
11:b37d0454f623 2015-04-02 askksa12543 testing
10:971ed3df27a7 2015-04-02 n02655194 d_flag;
9:471f39ee2a68 2015-04-02 askksa12543 testing
8:1fbfeda91f7f 2015-03-29 n02655194 functions requires testing;
7:a4a28f144b07 2015-03-23 askksa12543 address
6:46fe2170bb5c 2015-03-23 askksa12543 updated
5:27d091ff2a99 2015-03-17 askksa12543 preamble finished
4:2c92fc5e1563 2015-03-15 askksa12543 multi-byte reception fixed
3:65f19cad137f 2015-03-01 askksa12543 lab 2
2:886800d05776 2015-02-26 askksa12543 lab
1:58f38d557d20 2015-02-26 askksa12543 Initial commit
0:538c5d1e0d1d 2015-02-26 askksa12543 Initial commit