
Dependents of C12832

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Lab 2.3.1 Debounce
Using potentiometer to alter an onboard LED brightness and outputting the analog value of the pot to an LCD display
Perform an LED toggle by interrupt over an existing sequence. PRints out to LCD upon occurence of interrupt.
PErform interrupt ISR upon prompt over an existing sequence.
Lab exercise 2.3 Interrupt
Lab exercise 2.4
Lab exercise 2.2 Potentiometers experiment
Lab exercise 2.4
Final code for paint dispensing Machine
Simulation of a chemical etch wetbench tank
Lab Day 1, Experiment 2.2: Potentiometer Experiments
Lab Day 1, Experiment 2.3.1: Debouncing
Lab Day 1, Experiment 2.3.: Interrupt Experiment
2.2 lab answer
Q3 instrumentations
Implementatie van de opdracht Round Robin
Finished all tasks of the workshop, just need to do the final task where the main decided which functions to run
can hello
3 axis accellerometer for pitch and roll on lcd and serial output
Polymorphism technique Shape Classes
displays services offered by facilities offering civilian services with short summaries
A simple class for driving an RGB LED that uses standard color specification. led, rgb
A PID controller to control a buggie car that follows a line based on voltage variation detected by sensors attached to the car buggie, C++, PID
Sends infinity hotkey combinations (Current: LCTRL + RALT + NUM) Cycles numbers 0 to 9 with gaps of 10 seconds.
Embedded System Project for Group 9 Wearable Infant Growth Monitoring