Mirror with some correction

Dependencies:   mbed FastIO FastPWM USBDevice



File content as of revision 79:682ae3171a08:

// NVM - Non-Volatile Memory
// This module handles the storage of our configuration settings
// and calibration data in flash memory, which allows us to
// retrieve these settings after each power cycle.

#ifndef NVM_H
#define NVM_H

#include "config.h"
#include "FreescaleIAP.h"

// Non-volatile memory (NVM) structure
// This structure defines the layout of our saved configuration
// and calibration data in flash memory.
// The space in flash for the structure is reserved in the main
// program, by exploiting the linker's placement of const data
// in flash memory.  This gives us a region of the appropriate
// size.
struct NVM
    // checksum - we use this to determine if the flash record
    // has been properly initialized
    uint32_t checksum;

    // signature and version reference values
    static const uint32_t SIGNATURE = 0x4D4A522A;
    static const uint16_t VERSION = 0x0003;
    // Is the data structure valid?  We test the signature and 
    // checksum to determine if we've been properly stored.
    bool valid() const
        return (d.sig == SIGNATURE 
                && d.vsn == VERSION
                && d.sz == sizeof(NVM)
                && checksum == CRC32(&d, sizeof(d)));
    // Save to non-volatile memory.  Returns true on success, false
    // if an error code is returned from the flash programmer.
    bool save(FreescaleIAP &iap, int addr)
        // update the checksum and structure size
        d.sig = SIGNATURE;
        d.vsn = VERSION;
        d.sz = sizeof(NVM);
        checksum = CRC32(&d, sizeof(d));
        // save the data to flash
        return iap.programFlash(addr, this, sizeof(*this)) == FreescaleIAP::Success;
    // stored data (excluding the checksum)
        // Signature, structure version, and structure size, as further
        // verification that we have valid data.
        uint32_t sig;
        uint16_t vsn;
        int sz;
        // configuration and calibration data
        Config c;
    } d;

#endif /* NVM_M */