Library for controlling a strip of Adafruit NeoPixels with WS2812 drivers. Because of the strict timing requirements of the self-clocking data signal, the critical parts of code are written in ARM assembly. Currently, only the NXP LPC1768 platform is supported. More information about NeoPixels can be found at

Fork of NeoStrip by Allen Wild



File content as of revision 0:9f237b11f0a8:

 * NeoStrip.cpp
 * Allen Wild
 * March 2014
 * Controls a strip of Adafruit NeoPixels, addressable RGB LEDs
 * Currently, because of the global nature of the IO register and bitmask variables,
 * it is only possible to use one NeoStrip instance at a time.
 * This library supports only the NXP LPC1768!

#include "mbed.h"
#include "NeoStrip.h"

// function to write to the strip, implemented in ARM assembly
extern "C" void neo_out(NeoColor*, int);

// FastIO register address and bitmask for the GPIO pin
// because these are imported in the assembly
uint32_t neo_fio_reg;
uint32_t neo_bitmask;

NeoStrip::NeoStrip(PinName pin, int N) : N(N)
	bright = 0.5;
	Nbytes = N * 3;
	strip = (NeoColor*)malloc(N * sizeof(NeoColor));
	if (strip == NULL)
		printf("NeoStrip: ERROR unable to malloc strip data");
		N = 0;
	gpio_init(&gpio, pin, PIN_OUTPUT);		// initialize GPIO registers
	neo_fio_reg = (uint32_t)gpio.reg_dir;	// set registers and bitmask for
	neo_bitmask = 1 << ((int)pin & 0x1F);	// the assembly to use

void NeoStrip::setBrightness(float bright)
	this->bright = bright;

void NeoStrip::setPixel(int p, int color)
	int red = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
	int green = (color & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
	int blue = (color & 0x0000FF);
	setPixel(p, red, green, blue);

void NeoStrip::setPixel(int p, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
	// set the given pixel's RGB values
	// the array is indexed modulo N to avoid overflow
	strip[p % N].red = (uint8_t)(red * bright);
	strip[p % N].green = (uint8_t)(green * bright);
	strip[p % N].blue = (uint8_t)(blue * bright);

void NeoStrip::setPixels(int p, int n, const int *colors)
	int r, g, b;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		r = (colors[i] & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
		g = (colors[i] & 0x00FF00) >>8;
		b = colors[i] & 0x0000FF;
		setPixel(p+i, r, g, b);

void NeoStrip::clear()
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		strip[i].red = 0;
		strip[i].green = 0;
		strip[i].blue = 0;

void NeoStrip::write()
	__disable_irq();		// disable interrupts
	neo_out(strip, Nbytes);	// output to the strip
	__enable_irq();			// enable interrupts
	wait_us(50);			// wait 50us for the reset pulse