mbed Connector Endpoint interface. This interface permits a mbed endpoint to easily setup MDS resources and emit those resources to an MDS server.

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--- a/api/Options.cpp	Tue Jan 27 22:52:25 2015 +0000
+++ b/api/Options.cpp	Tue Jan 27 23:41:34 2015 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * @brief   mbed CoAP Options (immutable OptionsBuilder instance) class implementation
  * @author  Doug Anson/Chris Paola
  * @version 1.0
- * @see     
+ * @see
  * Copyright (c) 2014
@@ -19,52 +19,90 @@
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
- #include "Options.h"
- namespace Connector {
-     // default constructor
-     Options::Options() {
-     }
-     // copy constructor
-     Options::Options(const Options &opt) {
-     }
-     // destructors
-     Options::~Options() {
-     }
-     // lifetime pointer
-     char *Options::getLifetime() { return this->m_lifetime; }
-     // NSP domain
-     string Options::getDomain() { return this->m_domain; }
-     // Endpoint name
-     string Options::getEndpointNodename() { return this->m_node_name; }
-     // Endpoint Type
-     string Options::getEndpointType() { return this->m_endpoint_type; }
-     // NSP Port number
-     int Options::getNSPPortNumber() { return this->m_nsp_port; }
-     // NODE Radio Channel List
-     uint32_t Options::setRadioChannelList() { return this->m_channel_list; }
-     // NSP Read update period
-     int Options::getReadUpdatePeriod() { return this->m_rd_update_period; }
-     // NSP Address
-     uint8_t *Options::getNSPAddress() { return this->m_nsp_address; }
-     // NODE MAC Address
-     uint8_t *Options::setMACAddress() { return this->m_mac_address; }
-     // Static Resources
-     StaticResourcesList *Options::getStaticResourceList() { return &this->m_static_resources; }
-     // Dynamic Resources
-     DynamicResourcesList *Options::getDynamicResourceList() { return &this->m_dynamic_resources; }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "Options.h"
+namespace Connector {
+// default constructor
+// copy constructor
+Options::Options(const Options &opt)
+// destructors
+// lifetime pointer
+char *Options::getLifetime()
+    return this->m_lifetime;
+// NSP domain
+string Options::getDomain()
+    return this->m_domain;
+// Endpoint name
+string Options::getEndpointNodename()
+    return this->m_node_name;
+// Endpoint Type
+string Options::getEndpointType()
+    return this->m_endpoint_type;
+// NSP Port number
+int Options::getNSPPortNumber()
+    return this->m_nsp_port;
+// NODE Radio Channel List
+uint32_t Options::setRadioChannelList()
+    return this->m_channel_list;
+// NSP Read update period
+int Options::getReadUpdatePeriod()
+    return this->m_rd_update_period;
+// NSP Address
+uint8_t *Options::getNSPAddress()
+    return this->m_nsp_address;
+// NODE MAC Address
+uint8_t *Options::setMACAddress()
+    return this->m_mac_address;
+// Static Resources
+StaticResourcesList *Options::getStaticResourceList()
+    return &this->m_static_resources;
+// Dynamic Resources
+DynamicResourcesList *Options::getDynamicResourceList()
+    return &this->m_dynamic_resources;
+} // namespace Connector