Core Base Classes for the Light Endpoints

Dependencies:   BufferedSerial

Dependents:   mbed_mqtt_endpoint_ublox_ethernet mbed_mqtt_endpoint_ublox_cellular mbed_nsp_endpoint_ublox_cellular mbed_nsp_endpoint_ublox_ethernet ... more

--- a/Preferences.cpp	Wed Mar 19 17:41:33 2014 +0000
+++ b/Preferences.cpp	Wed Mar 19 21:36:48 2014 +0000
@@ -24,34 +24,60 @@
  // default constructor
  Preferences::Preferences(ErrorHandler *error_handler) {
      this->m_error_handler = error_handler;
-     this->m_config_file = new ConfigFile();
  // destructor
  Preferences::~Preferences() {
-     if (this->m_config_file != NULL) delete this->m_config_file;
  // initialize the preferences from the preferences file
  bool Preferences::initialize() {
      bool success = true;
-     // read from the config file
-     if (this->m_config_file != NULL) {
-         if (!this->m_config_file->read(PREFERENCES_FILE)) {
-            this->logger()->log("Unable to initialize preferences: %s",PREFERENCES_FILE);
-            success = false;
+     // initialize the memory buffers and count
+     for(int i=0;i<MAX_NUM_PREFERENCES;++i) {
+         memset(this->m_names[i],0,PREFERENCE_NAME_LEN+1);
+         memset(this->m_values[i],0,PREFERENCE_VALUE_LEN+1);
+     }
+     this->m_num_preferences = 0;
+     // read and open the config file
+     FILE *fp = fopen(PREFERENCES_FILE,"r");
+     if (fp != NULL) {
+         // read in the first line
+         memset(buffer,0,PREFERENCE_NAME_LEN + PREFERENCE_NAME_LEN + 10);
+         int n = fscanf(fp,"%s",buffer);
+         // loop and read each line
+         while(n != EOF) {
+             // replace the equals sign with a space
+             for(int i=0;i<strlen(buffer);++i) if (buffer[i] == '=') buffer[i] = ' ';
+             // parse
+             sscanf(buffer,"%s%s",this->m_names[this->m_num_preferences],this->m_values[this->m_num_preferences]);
+             // DEBUG
+             this->logger()->log("Installed Preference: %s=%s",this->m_names[this->m_num_preferences],this->m_values[this->m_num_preferences]);
+             // increment the tally
+             ++this->m_num_preferences;
+             // reset the buffer and read in another line
+             memset(buffer,0,PREFERENCE_NAME_LEN + PREFERENCE_NAME_LEN + 10);
+             n = fscanf(fp,"%s",buffer);
-         else {
-             // success!
-             this->logger()->log("Preference File: %s read successfully",PREFERENCES_FILE);
-             success = true;
-         }
+         // close
+         fclose(fp);
+         // summary
+         this->logger()->log("Installed %d preferences",this->m_num_preferences);
      else {
-         // no config file object
-         this->logger()->log("Unable to initialize preferences: %s. No instance.",PREFERENCES_FILE);
+         // unable to open the preferences file - not loaded
+         this->logger()->log("Unable to open preferences file %s... Preferences not loaded.",PREFERENCES_FILE);
          success = false;
@@ -82,19 +108,54 @@
  // string preference with defaults
  char *Preferences::getPreference(char *name,char *buffer,int buffer_length,char *def_value) {
-     if (this->m_config_file != NULL) {
-         memset(buffer,0,buffer_length);
-         this->m_config_file->getValue(name,buffer,buffer_length);
-         if (strlen(buffer) == 0 && def_value != NULL) strncpy(buffer,def_value,this->min(buffer_length,strlen(def_value)));
+     char *value = NULL;
+     // clean the buffer
+     memset(buffer,0,buffer_length);
+     // get our index
+     int index = this->indexOfPreference(name);
+     if (index >= 0) {
+         // fill with our value
+         strncpy(buffer,this->m_values[index],this->min(buffer_length,strlen(this->m_values[index])));
+         value = buffer;
+     }
+     else {
+         // fill with the default
+         if (def_value != NULL) strncpy(buffer,def_value,this->min(buffer_length,strlen(def_value)));
+         if (def_value != NULL) value = buffer;
-     return buffer;
+     // return the value
+     return value;
+ }
+ // get the index of the named preference
+ int Preferences::indexOfPreference(char *name) {
+     bool found = false;
+     int index = -1;
+     // parameter check
+     if (name != NULL && strlen(name) > 0) {
+         // loop until we find the name.. then stop and record its index
+         for(int i=0;i<this->m_num_preferences && !found;++i) {
+             if (strcmp(name,this->m_names[i]) == 0) {
+                found = true;
+                index = i;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     // return the index value
+     return index;
  // get our error handler
  ErrorHandler *Preferences::logger() { return this->m_error_handler; }
  // get our preference count
- int Preferences::numPreferences() { return this->m_config_file->getCount(); }
+ int Preferences::numPreferences() { return this->m_num_preferences; }
  // min function
  int Preferences::min(int value1,int value2) {