Dreamforce 2015 BLE-based mDS HeartRate Monitor Endpoint

Dependencies:   GroveEarbudSensor mbed mbedConnectorInterface mbedEndpointNetwork_BLE

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00001 /**
00002  * @file    main.cpp
00003  * @brief   mbed Connected Home Endpoint main entry point
00004  * @author  Doug Anson
00005  * @version 1.0
00006  * @see
00007  *
00008  * Copyright (c) 2014
00009  *
00010  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00011  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00012  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00013  *
00014  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00015  *
00016  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00017  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00018  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00019  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00020  * limitations under the License.
00021  */
00023 // mbed Connector Interface (configuration)
00024 #include "mbedConnectorInterface.h"
00026 // mbed Network Endpoint 
00027 #include "mbedEndpointNetwork.h"
00029 // Static Resources
00030 #include "StaticResource.h"
00031 StaticResource mfg(&logger,"dev/mfg","Nordic Semi");
00032 StaticResource model(&logger,"dev/mdl","nRF51822");
00034 // Heartrate Resource
00035 #include "HeartrateResource.h"
00036 HeartrateResource hr(&logger,"888/0/5850",true);     // observable   
00038 // Enable BLE-based Location
00039 #define ENABLE_BLE_LOCATION                     false // true - enable BLELocation from Proxy (experimental!!). false - use default location below
00041 // Location Resource
00042 #include "LocationResource.h"
00043 LocationResource location(&logger,"999/0/1234",true); // observable
00045 // LED Light Resource
00046 #include "LightResource.h"
00047 LightResource light(&logger,"311/0/5850");
00049 // My Endpoint Name
00050 #define MY_ENDPOINT_NAME                        "mbed-ble-hrm-XX"       // replace "XX" with your number
00052 // My NSP Domain
00053 #define MY_NSP_DOMAIN                           "dfbridgeXX"            // replace "XX" with your number
00055 // Customization Example: My custom NSP IPv4 address and NSP CoAP port 
00056 uint8_t my_nsp_address[NSP_IP_ADDRESS_LENGTH] = {129,41,134,116};       // bluemix vm v2.3
00057 int my_nsp_coap_port                          = 5683;
00059 // called from the Endpoint::start() below to create resources and the endpoint internals...
00060 Connector::Options *configure_endpoint(Connector::OptionsBuilder &config)
00061 {
00062     // Build the endpoint configuration parameters
00063     logger.log("configure_endpoint: building endpoint configuration...");
00064     return config.setEndpointNodename(MY_ENDPOINT_NAME)                   // custom endpoint name
00065                  .setNSPAddress(my_nsp_address)                           // custom NSP address
00066                  .setDomain(MY_NSP_DOMAIN)                                // custom NSP domain
00067                  .setNSPPortNumber(my_nsp_coap_port)                      // custom NSP CoAP port
00069                  // enable or disable(default) immediate observationing control
00070                  .setImmedateObservationEnabled(true)
00072                  // enable or disable(default) GET-based observation control
00073                  .setEnableGETObservationControl(false)
00075                  // add the static resource representing this endpoint
00076                  .addResource(&mfg)
00077                  .addResource(&model)
00079                  // add the heartrate resource
00080                  .addResource(&light)
00081                  .addResource(&hr)                    // Resource implements its own observationing...
00082                  .addResource(&location,13245)        // observe every 13.245 seconds
00084                  // finalize the configuration...
00085                  .build();
00086 }
00088 // main entry point...
00089 int main()
00090 {    
00091     // Announce
00092     logger.log("\r\n\r\nmbed mDS BLE Heartrate Endpoint");
00094     // we have to plumb our network first
00095     Connector::Endpoint::plumbNetwork();
00097     // starts the endpoint by finalizing its configuration (configure_endpoint() above called),creating a Thread and reading NSP events...
00098     logger.log("Start the endpoint to finish setup and enter the main loop...");
00099     Connector::Endpoint::start();
00100 }