The PCAL6416A is a low-voltage 16-bit general purpose I/O (GPIO) expander with interrupt. This component library is compatible to basic operation as GPIO expanders: PCAL6416A, PCAL9555, PCA9555, PCA9535, PCA9539, PCAL9554, PCA9554 and PCA9538. On addition to this, this library is including mbed-SDK-style APIs. APIs that similar to DigitaiInOut, DigitalOut, DigitalIn, BusInOUt, BusOut and BusIn are available.

This is a copy of the PCA9555 library by Akifumi "Tedd" OKANO, which is compatible with PCAL6416A chip.

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
Commit message:
A change of name for the PCAL955x library to make it searchable for people needing PCAL6416A library.

Changed in this revision

PCAL6416/PCAL6416.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PCAL6416/PCAL6416.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExp.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExp.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExpAPI.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusIn.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusIn.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusInOut.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusInOut.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusOut.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusOut.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalIn.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalIn.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalInOut.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalInOut.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalOut.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalOut.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/PCAL955x.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
base_classes/PCAL955x.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PCAL6416/PCAL6416.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "PCAL6416.h"
+PCAL6416::PCAL6416( PinName i2c_sda, PinName i2c_scl, char i2c_address )
+    : PCAL955x( i2c_sda, i2c_scl, i2c_address ), n_of_pins( 16 )
+PCAL6416::PCAL6416( I2C &i2c_obj, char i2c_address )
+    : PCAL955x( i2c_obj, i2c_address ), n_of_pins( 16 )
+int PCAL6416::number_of_pins( void )
+    return ( n_of_pins );
+void PCAL6416::reg_index_write( char reg_index, int data )
+    char    a[ 3 ];
+    a[ 0 ]  = regmap[ reg_index ];
+    a[ 1 ]  = data;
+    a[ 2 ]  = data >> 8;
+    bus_write( a, sizeof( a ) );
+int PCAL6416::reg_index_read( char reg_index )
+    char    a[ 2 ];
+    bus_read( regmap[ reg_index ], a, sizeof( a ) );
+    return ( ((int)(a[ 1 ]) << 8) | a[ 0 ] );
+PCAL6416& PCAL6416::operator= ( int bit_pattern )
+    write( bit_pattern );
+    return ( *this );
+PCAL6416& PCAL6416::operator= ( PCAL6416& rhs )
+    write( );
+    return *this;
+const char PCAL6416::regmap[]   = {
+    InputPort,
+    OutoutPort,
+    PolarityInversionPort,
+    ConfigurationPort,
+    OutputDriveStrength0,
+    OutputDriveStrength1,
+    InputLatch,
+    PullUpPullDowmEnable,
+    PullUpPullDowmSelection,
+    InterruptMask,
+    InterruptStatus,
+    OutputPortConfiguration
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PCAL6416/PCAL6416.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/** PCAL6416A 16-bit I2C-bus GPIO expander
+ *
+ *  An operation sample of PCA(L)9555, PCA9535, PCA9539 and PCAL6416.
+ *  mbed accesses the PCAL6416 registers through I2C.
+ *
+ *  @class    PCAL6416
+ *  @author   Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version  0.6.1
+ *  @date     19-Mar-2015
+ *  @modified 15-Feb-2017, by Andriy Makukha, Shenzhen MZJ Technology Co.
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ *
+ *  About PCAL6416:
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_PCAL6416
+#define     MBED_PCAL6416
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "PCAL955x.h"
+#include    "CompGpioExpAPI.h"
+/** PCAL6416 class
+ *
+ *  This is a driver code for the Low-voltage 16-bit I2C-bus GPIO with Agile I/O.
+ *  This class provides interface for PCAL6416 operation.
+ *  Detail information is available on next URL.
+ *
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555 library's basic IO operation is compatible to PCA9555, PCA9535, PCAL6416A and PCA9539.
+ *  This library can be used for those GPIO expander chips also.
+ *  Next sample code shows operation based on low-level-API (operated by just device instane)
+ *  
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  //  GPIO-expander operation sample using a device instance
+ *  
+ *  #include    "mbed.h"
+ *  #include    "PCAL6416.h"
+ *
+ *  PCAL6416    gpio( p28, p27, 0xE8 );     //  using PCA9539
+ *
+ *  int main() {
+ *      gpio.configure( 0xFFFF );           //  Set all pins: input
+ *      printf( "  0x%04X\r\n", (int)gpio );//  Print pins state
+ *
+ *      gpio.configure( 0x0000 );           //  Set all pins: output
+ *      int count   = 0;
+ *      while(1) {
+ *          gpio.write( count++ );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ *
+ *  GpioDigitalInOut, GpioDigitalOut, GpioDigitalIn,
+ *  GpioBusInOut, GpioBusOut and GpioBusIn API class are available also.
+ *  For those high-level-API details, please find those class library page.
+ *  The GpioDigital* and GpioBus* APIs can be used like next sample code.
+ *
+ *  @code
+ *  //  GPIO-expander operation sample using high-level-API
+ *  
+ *  #include    "mbed.h"
+ *  #include    "PCAL6416.h"
+ *
+ *  PCAL6416        gpio( p28, p27, 0xE8 );     //  using PCA9539
+ *
+ *  //  The GPIO pins are grouped in some groups and operated as bus I/O
+ *  GpioBusIn       bus_in( gpio, X0_0, X0_1, X0_2, X0_3 );
+ *  GpioBusOut      bus_out( gpio, X0_4, X0_5, X0_6 );
+ *  GpioBusInOut    bus_io( gpio, X1_7, X1_6, X1_5, X1_4, X1_3, X1_2, X1_1, X1_0 );
+ *  GpioDigitalOut  myled( gpio, X0_7 );
+ *
+ *  int main() {
+ *      bus_io.input();
+ *      printf( "I/O = 0x%02X\r\n", (int)bus_io );
+ *      printf( "In  = 0x%01X\r\n", (int)bus_in );
+ *
+ *      bus_io.output();
+ *
+ *      int count   = 0;
+ *      while(1) {
+ *          bus_out = count;
+ *          bus_io  = count;
+ *          myled   = count & 0x1;
+ *          count++;
+ *          wait( 0.1 );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class PCAL6416 : public PCAL955x
+    /** Name of the PCAL6416 registers */
+    enum command_reg {
+        InputPort0              = 0x00, /**< InputPort0 register                */
+        InputPort1,                     /**< InputPort1 register                */
+        OutoutPort0,                    /**< OutoutPort0 register               */
+        OutoutPort1,                    /**< OutoutPort1 register               */
+        PolarityInversionPort0,         /**< PolarityInversionPort0 register    */
+        PolarityInversionPort1,         /**< PolarityInversionPort1 register    */
+        ConfigurationPort0,             /**< ConfigurationPort0 register        */
+        ConfigurationPort1,             /**< ConfigurationPort1 register        */
+        OutputDriveStrength0_0  = 0x40, /**< OutputDriveStrength0_0 register    */
+        OutputDriveStrength0_1,         /**< OutputDriveStrength0_1 register    */
+        OutputDriveStrength1_0,         /**< OutputDriveStrength1_0 register    */
+        OutputDriveStrength1_1,         /**< OutputDriveStrength1_1 register    */
+        InputLatch0,                    /**< InputLatch0 register               */
+        InputLatch1,                    /**< InputLatch1 register               */
+        PullUpPullDowmEnable0,          /**< PullUpPullDowmEnable0 register     */
+        PullUpPullDowmEnable1,          /**< PullUpPullDowmEnable1 register     */
+        PullUpPullDowmSelection0,       /**< PullUpPullDowmSelection0 register  */
+        PullUpPullDowmSelection1,       /**< PullUpPullDowmSelection1 register  */
+        InterruptMask0,                 /**< InterruptMask0 register            */
+        InterruptMask1,                 /**< InterruptMask1 register            */
+        InterruptStatus0,               /**< InterruptStatus0 register          */
+        InterruptStatus1,               /**< InterruptStatus1 register          */
+        OutputPortConfiguration = 0x4F, /**< OutputPortConfiguration register   */
+    };
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names
+     *    for when the high-level APIs 
+     *    (GpioDigitalOut, GpioDigitalInOut, GpioDigitalIn, 
+     *    GpioBusOut, GpioBusInOut are GpioBusIn) are used
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin */
+        X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin */
+        X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin */
+        X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin */
+        X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin */
+        X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin */
+        X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin */
+        X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin */
+        X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin */
+        X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin */
+        X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin */
+        X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin */
+        X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin */
+        X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin */
+        X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin */
+        X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin */
+        X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin */
+        X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin */
+        X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin */
+        X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin */
+        X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin */
+        X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin */
+        X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin */
+        X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin */
+        X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin */
+        X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin */
+        X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin */
+        X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin */
+        X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin */
+        X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin */
+        X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin */
+        X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin */
+        X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create a PCAL6416 instance connected to specified I2C pins with specified address
+     *
+     * @param i2c_sda       I2C-bus SDA pin
+     * @param i2c_sda       I2C-bus SCL pin
+     * @param i2c_address   I2C-bus address (default: 0x40)
+     */
+    PCAL6416( PinName i2c_sda, PinName i2c_scl, char i2c_address = PCAL955x::DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR );
+    /** Create a PCAL6416 instance connected to specified I2C pins with specified address
+     *
+     * @param i2c_obj       I2C object (instance)
+     * @param i2c_address   I2C-bus address (default: 0x40)
+     */
+    PCAL6416( I2C &i2c_obj, char i2c_address = PCAL955x::DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR );
+    /** Destractor
+     */
+    virtual         ~PCAL6416();
+    /** Returns the number of I/O pins
+     *
+     *  @returns
+     *    The number of I/O pins
+     */
+    virtual int     number_of_pins( void );
+    /** Set output port bits
+     *
+     *  @param bit_pattern  16-bit output pattern for port1 and port0.
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    The data for pins, given as integer.
+     *    The 16-bit MSB goes to P1_7 pin and LSB goes to P0_0 pin.
+     *    Data will not come out from the pin if it is configured as input.
+     *
+     *  @see configure()
+     */
+    void            write( int bit_pattern );
+    /** Read pin states
+     *
+     *  @return
+     *    16-bit pattern from port1 and port0.
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    The data from pins, given as integer.
+     *    The 16-bit port data comes from IO pins, P1_7 as MSB, P0_0 as LSB.
+     *    Data cannot be read if the port is configured as output.
+     *
+     *  @see configure()
+     */
+    int             read( void );
+    /** Polarity setting
+     *
+     *  @param bit_pattern  16-bit polarity setting pattern for port1 and port0.
+     *    If the bit is set to '1', the state will be inverted.
+     *    (Default state is all '0')
+     *
+     *  @see configure()
+     */
+    void            polarity( int bit_pattern );
+    /** Set IO congiguration
+     *
+     *  @param bit_pattern  16-bit IO direction setting pattern for port1 and port0.
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    The data for pins, given as integer.
+     *    The 16-bit MSB goes to P1_7 pin and LSB goes to P0_0 pin.
+     *    If the bit is set to '1', the pin will be input.
+     *
+     *  @see write()
+     *  @see read()
+     */
+    void            configure( int bit_pattern );
+    /** Set interrupt mask
+     *
+     *  @param bit_pattern  16-bit interrupt mask
+     *
+     *  @see interrupt_status()
+     */
+    void            interrupt_mask( int bit_pattern );
+    /** Read interrupt status
+     *
+     *  @return
+     *    16-bit data from interrupt status registers
+     *
+     *  @see interrupt_status()
+     */
+    int             interrupt_status( void );
+    /** A shorthand for read()
+     */
+    operator int( void );
+    /** Write 16-bit data into registers
+     *
+     *  @param reg_index    
+     *    RegisterIndex (like InputPort, OutoutPort, ConfigurationPort, etc.)
+     *  @param data  16-bit data. Data will be written into the pair of 8-bit 
+     *    registers.
+     */
+    virtual void    reg_index_write( char register_index, int data );
+    /** Read 16-bit data from registers
+     *
+     *  @param reg_index
+     *    RegisterIndex (like InputPort, OutoutPort, ConfigurationPort, etc.)
+     *
+     *  @return
+     *    16-bit data from each pair of registers.
+     *    The register which has lower address will be upper 8-bit data.
+     */
+    virtual int     reg_index_read( char register_index );
+    /** A shorthand for write()
+     */
+    PCAL6416&       operator= ( int bit_pattern );
+    PCAL6416&       operator= ( PCAL6416& rhs );
+    /** Register index name */
+    enum RegisterIndex {
+        InputPort               = InputPort0,
+        OutoutPort              = OutoutPort0,
+        PolarityInversionPort   = PolarityInversionPort0,
+        ConfigurationPort       = ConfigurationPort0,
+        OutputDriveStrength0    = OutputDriveStrength0_0,
+        OutputDriveStrength1    = OutputDriveStrength1_0,
+        InputLatch              = InputLatch0,
+        PullUpPullDowmEnable    = PullUpPullDowmEnable0,
+        PullUpPullDowmSelection = PullUpPullDowmSelection0,
+        InterruptMask           = InterruptMask0,
+        InterruptStatus         = InterruptStatus0
+    };
+    static const char   regmap[];
+    const int           n_of_pins;
+#endif  //  MBED_PCAL6416
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExp.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "CompGpioExp.h"
+CompGpioExp::CompGpioExp() {}
+CompGpioExp::~CompGpioExp() {}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExp.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/** GPIO expander abstraction class 
+ *
+ *  No instance can be made from this class
+ *
+ *  @class   CompGpioExp
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_CompGpioExp
+#define     MBED_CompGpioExp
+#include    "mbed.h"
+typedef enum {
+    // GPIO Expander pin names
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+} GpioPinName;
+/** Abstract class for GPIO expander devices
+ *  
+ *  No instance can be made from this class
+ */
+class CompGpioExp
+    CompGpioExp();
+    virtual ~CompGpioExp();
+    virtual void    write( int pin, int value )     = 0;
+    virtual int     read( int pin )                 = 0;
+    virtual void    configure( int pin, int value ) = 0;
+    virtual int     read( void )                    = 0;
+    virtual void    write_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits )        = 0;
+    virtual void    configure_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits )    = 0;
+#endif  //  MBED_CompGpioExp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/CompGpioExpAPI.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalOut.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalIn.h"
+#include    "GpioBusInOut.h"
+#include    "GpioBusOut.h"
+#include    "GpioBusIn.h"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusIn.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioBusIn.h"
+    CompGpioExp &gpiop, 
+    GpioPinName p0,  GpioPinName p1,  GpioPinName p2,  GpioPinName p3,
+    GpioPinName p4,  GpioPinName p5,  GpioPinName p6,  GpioPinName p7,
+    GpioPinName p8,  GpioPinName p9,  GpioPinName p10, GpioPinName p11,
+    GpioPinName p12, GpioPinName p13, GpioPinName p14, GpioPinName p15  )
+GpioBusInOut( gpiop, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15 )
+    this->input();
+GpioBusIn::GpioBusIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] )
+    : GpioBusInOut( gpiop, pins )
+    this->input();
+GpioBusIn::operator int( void )
+    return( read() );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusIn.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+/** GpioBusIn API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioBusIn
+#define     MBED_GpioBusIn
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioBusInOut.h"
+/** GpioBusIn class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioBusIn
+ *
+ *  "GpioBusIn" class works like "BusIn" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555    gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioBusIn   nibble( gpio_exp, X0_0, X0_1, X0_2, X0_3 );
+ *   
+ *  int main() {
+ *      while ( 1 ) {
+ *          switch ( nibble ) {
+ *              case 0x3: printf( "Hello!\n" ); break; // X0_0 and X0_1 are 1
+ *              case 0x8: printf( "World!\n" ); break; // X0_3 is 1
+ *          }
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class GpioBusIn : public GpioBusInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create an GpioBusIn, connected to the specified pins
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param p<n>     DigitalInOut pin to connect to bus bit p<n> (GpioPinName)
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    It is only required to specify as many pin variables as is required
+     *    for the bus; the rest will default to NC (not connected)
+     */
+    GpioBusIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop,
+               GpioPinName p0,         GpioPinName p1  = X_NC, GpioPinName p2  = X_NC, GpioPinName p3  = X_NC,
+               GpioPinName p4  = X_NC, GpioPinName p5  = X_NC, GpioPinName p6  = X_NC, GpioPinName p7  = X_NC,
+               GpioPinName p8  = X_NC, GpioPinName p9  = X_NC, GpioPinName p10 = X_NC, GpioPinName p11 = X_NC,
+               GpioPinName p12 = X_NC, GpioPinName p13 = X_NC, GpioPinName p14 = X_NC, GpioPinName p15 = X_NC );
+    GpioBusIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual     ~GpioBusIn();
+    /** A shorthand for read()
+     */
+    operator int( void );
+    GpioBusIn& operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioBusIn& operator= ( GpioBusIn& rhs );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioBusIn
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusInOut.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include    "GpioBusInOut.h"
+    CompGpioExp &gpiop,
+    GpioPinName p0,  GpioPinName p1,  GpioPinName p2,  GpioPinName p3,
+    GpioPinName p4,  GpioPinName p5,  GpioPinName p6,  GpioPinName p7,
+    GpioPinName p8,  GpioPinName p9,  GpioPinName p10, GpioPinName p11,
+    GpioPinName p12, GpioPinName p13, GpioPinName p14, GpioPinName p15  )
+    : gpio_p( &gpiop )
+    GpioPinName pins[16] = { p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15 };
+    init( gpiop, pins );
+GpioBusInOut::GpioBusInOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[16] )
+    init( gpiop, pins );
+void GpioBusInOut::init( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[16] )
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
+        pin_list[ i ]   = pins[ i ];
+    mask_bits    = ~(make_bitpattern( 0xFFFF ));
+void GpioBusInOut::write( int value )
+    int bitpattern;
+    bitpattern  = make_bitpattern( value );
+    gpio_p->write_with_mask( bitpattern, mask_bits );
+int GpioBusInOut::make_bitpattern( int value )
+    int bit_pattern = 0;
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
+        bit_pattern     |= (pin_list[ i ] != X_NC) ? ((value >> i) & 0x1) << pin_list[ i ] : 0x0;
+    return ( bit_pattern );
+int GpioBusInOut::read( void )
+    int r;
+    int v   = 0;
+    r   = gpio_p->read();
+    for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
+        v   |= (pin_list[ i ] != X_NC) ? ((r >> pin_list[ i ]) & 0x1) << i : 0x0;
+    return v;
+void GpioBusInOut::output( void )
+    gpio_p->configure_with_mask( 0x0, mask_bits );
+void GpioBusInOut::input( void )
+    gpio_p->configure_with_mask( ~0x0, mask_bits );
+GpioBusInOut& GpioBusInOut::operator=( int rhs )
+    write( rhs );
+    return *this;
+GpioBusInOut& GpioBusInOut::operator=( GpioBusInOut& rhs )
+    write(;
+    return *this;
+GpioBusInOut::operator int( void )
+    return( read() );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusInOut.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+/** GpioBusInOut API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioBusInOut
+#define     MBED_GpioBusInOut
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+/** GpioBusInOut class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioBusInOut
+ *
+ *  "GpioBusInOut" class works like "BusInOut" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555        gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioBusInOut    pins( gpio_exp, X0_0, X0_1, X0_2 );
+ *   
+ *  int main() {
+ *      while(1) {
+ *          pins.output();
+ *          pins    = 0x3;
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *          pins.input();
+ *          wait( 1 );
+ *          if( pins == 0x6 ) {
+ *              printf( "Hello!\n" );
+ *          }
+ *      }
+ *  } *  @endcode
+ */
+class GpioBusInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create an GpioBusInOut, connected to the specified pins
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param p<n>     DigitalInOut pin to connect to bus bit p<n> (GpioPinName)
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    It is only required to specify as many pin variables as is required
+     *    for the bus; the rest will default to NC (not connected)
+     */
+    GpioBusInOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop,
+                  GpioPinName p0,         GpioPinName p1  = X_NC, GpioPinName p2  = X_NC, GpioPinName p3  = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p4  = X_NC, GpioPinName p5  = X_NC, GpioPinName p6  = X_NC, GpioPinName p7  = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p8  = X_NC, GpioPinName p9  = X_NC, GpioPinName p10 = X_NC, GpioPinName p11 = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p12 = X_NC, GpioPinName p13 = X_NC, GpioPinName p14 = X_NC, GpioPinName p15 = X_NC );
+    GpioBusInOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual ~GpioBusInOut();
+    /* Group: Access Methods */
+    /** Write the value to the output bus
+     *
+     *  @param value An integer specifying a bit to write for every corresponding DigitalInOut pin
+     */
+    void write( int value );
+    /** Read the value currently output on the bus
+     *
+     *  @returns
+     *    An integer with each bit corresponding to associated DigitalInOut pin setting
+     */
+    int read();
+    /** Set as an output
+     */
+    void output();
+    /** Set as an input
+     */
+    void input();
+    /** A shorthand for write()
+     */
+    GpioBusInOut&   operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioBusInOut&   operator= ( GpioBusInOut& rhs );
+    /** A shorthand for read()
+     */
+    operator int( void );
+    CompGpioExp     *gpio_p;
+    int             pin_list[ 16 ];
+    int             mask_bits;
+    void    init( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[16] );
+    int     make_bitpattern( int value );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioBusInOut
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusOut.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioBusOut.h"
+    CompGpioExp &gpiop, 
+    GpioPinName p0,  GpioPinName p1,  GpioPinName p2,  GpioPinName p3,
+    GpioPinName p4,  GpioPinName p5,  GpioPinName p6,  GpioPinName p7,
+    GpioPinName p8,  GpioPinName p9,  GpioPinName p10, GpioPinName p11,
+    GpioPinName p12, GpioPinName p13, GpioPinName p14, GpioPinName p15  )
+GpioBusInOut( gpiop, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15 )
+    init();
+GpioBusOut::GpioBusOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] )
+    : GpioBusInOut( gpiop, pins )
+    init();
+GpioBusOut& GpioBusOut::operator=( int rhs )
+    write( rhs );
+    return ( *this );
+GpioBusOut& GpioBusOut::operator=( GpioBusOut& rhs )
+    write( );
+    return *this;
+void GpioBusOut::init( void )
+    write( 0x0 );
+    this->output();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioBus/GpioBusOut.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+/** GpioBusOut API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioBusOut
+#define     MBED_GpioBusOut
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioBusInOut.h"
+/** GpioBusOut class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioBusOut
+ *
+ *  "GpioBusOut" class works like "BusOut" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555    gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioBusOut  mypins( gpio_exp, X0_0, X0_1, X0_2, X0_3 );
+ *   
+ *  int main() {
+ *      while( 1 ) {
+ *          for( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
+ *              mypins  = i;
+ *              wait( 0.25 );
+ *          }
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class GpioBusOut : public GpioBusInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create an GpioBusOut, connected to the specified pins
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param p<n>     DigitalInOut pin to connect to bus bit p<n> (GpioPinName)
+     *
+     *  @note
+     *    It is only required to specify as many pin variables as is required
+     *    for the bus; the rest will default to NC (not connected)
+     */
+    GpioBusOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, 
+                  GpioPinName p0,         GpioPinName p1  = X_NC, GpioPinName p2  = X_NC, GpioPinName p3  = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p4  = X_NC, GpioPinName p5  = X_NC, GpioPinName p6  = X_NC, GpioPinName p7  = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p8  = X_NC, GpioPinName p9  = X_NC, GpioPinName p10 = X_NC, GpioPinName p11 = X_NC,
+                  GpioPinName p12 = X_NC, GpioPinName p13 = X_NC, GpioPinName p14 = X_NC, GpioPinName p15 = X_NC );
+    GpioBusOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual     ~GpioBusOut();
+    /** A shorthand for write()
+     */
+    GpioBusOut& operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioBusOut& operator= ( GpioBusOut& rhs );
+    void        init( void );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioBusOut
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalIn.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalIn.h"
+GpioDigitalIn::GpioDigitalIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name )
+    : GpioDigitalInOut( gpiop, pin_name )
+    this->input();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalIn.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+/** GpioDigitalIn API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioDigitalIn
+#define     MBED_GpioDigitalIn
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+/** GpioDigitalIn class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioDigitalIn
+ *
+ *  "GpioDigitalIn" class works like "DigitalIn" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555        gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioDigitalOut  pin( gpio_exp, X0_0 );
+ *  
+ *  GpioDigitalIn   enable( gpio_exp, X0_0 );
+ *  DigitalOut      led( LED1 );
+ *  
+ *  int main() {
+ *      while(1) {
+ *          if( enable ) {
+ *              led = !led;
+ *          }
+ *          wait(0.25);
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class GpioDigitalIn : public GpioDigitalInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create a GpioDigitalInOut connected to the specified pin
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param pin_name DigitalInOut pin to connect to
+     */
+    GpioDigitalIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual ~GpioDigitalIn();
+    GpioDigitalIn&     operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioDigitalIn&     operator= ( GpioDigitalIn& rhs );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioDigitalIn
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalInOut.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+GpioDigitalInOut::GpioDigitalInOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name )
+    : gpio_p( &gpiop ), pin( pin_name ), output_state( 1 ), config_state( 1 )
+    this->input();
+void GpioDigitalInOut::write( int v )
+    output_state   = v;
+    gpio_p->write( pin, output_state );
+void GpioDigitalInOut::configure( int pin, int v )
+    config_state    = v;
+    gpio_p->configure( pin, config_state );
+int GpioDigitalInOut::read( void )
+    if ( config_state )
+        return ( gpio_p->read( pin ) );
+    else
+        return ( output_state );
+void GpioDigitalInOut::input( void )
+    config_state    = 1;
+    gpio_p->configure( pin, config_state );
+void GpioDigitalInOut::output( void )
+    config_state    = 0;
+    gpio_p->configure( pin, config_state );
+GpioDigitalInOut& GpioDigitalInOut::operator=( int rhs )
+    write( rhs );
+    return ( *this );
+GpioDigitalInOut& GpioDigitalInOut::operator=( GpioDigitalInOut& rhs )
+    write( );
+    return *this;
+GpioDigitalInOut::operator int( void )
+    return( read() );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalInOut.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+/** GpioDigitalInOut API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioDigitalInOut
+#define     MBED_GpioDigitalInOut
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "CompGpioExp.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+/** GpioDigitalInOut class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioDigitalInOut
+ *
+ *  "GpioDigitalInOut" class works like "DigitalInOut" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555            gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0x40 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioDigitalInOut    pin( gpio_exp, X0_0 );
+ *  
+ *  int main()
+ *  {
+ *      pin.output();
+ *      pin = 0;
+ *      wait_us( 500 );
+ *      pin.input();
+ *      wait_us( 500 );
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class GpioDigitalInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create a GpioDigitalInOut connected to the specified pin
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param pin_name DigitalInOut pin to connect to
+     */
+    GpioDigitalInOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual ~GpioDigitalInOut();
+    /** Set the output, specified as 0 or 1 (int)
+     *
+     *  @param v    An integer specifying the pin output value,
+     *      0 for logical 0, 1 (or any other non-zero value) for logical 1
+     */
+    virtual void    write( int v );
+    /** Return the output setting, represented as 0 or 1 (int)
+     *
+     *  @returns
+     *    an integer representing the output setting of the pin if it is an output,
+     *    or read the input if set as an input
+     */    
+    virtual int     read( void );
+    /** Set as an output
+     */
+    void            output( void );
+    /** Set as an input
+     */
+    void            input( void );
+    /** A shorthand for write()
+     */
+    GpioDigitalInOut&      operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioDigitalInOut&      operator= ( GpioDigitalInOut& rhs );
+    /** A shorthand for read()
+     */
+    virtual operator int( void );
+    CompGpioExp     *gpio_p;
+    GpioPinName     pin;
+    int             output_state;
+    int             config_state;
+    void    write( int pin, int value );
+    void    configure( int pin, int value );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioDigitalInOut
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalOut.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalOut.h"
+GpioDigitalOut::GpioDigitalOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name )
+    : GpioDigitalInOut( gpiop, pin_name )
+    write( 0 );
+    this->output();
+GpioDigitalOut& GpioDigitalOut::operator=( int rhs )
+    write( rhs );
+    return ( *this );
+GpioDigitalOut& GpioDigitalOut::operator=( GpioDigitalOut& rhs )
+    write( );
+    return *this;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/CompGpioExp/GpioDigital/GpioDigitalOut.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/** GpioDigitalInOut API for GPIO-expander component class 
+ *
+ *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version 0.6
+ *  @date    19-Mar-2015
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_GpioDigitalOut
+#define     MBED_GpioDigitalOut
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "GpioDigitalInOut.h"
+/** GpioDigitalOut class
+ *
+ *  @class GpioDigitalOut
+ *
+ *  "GpioDigitalOut" class works like "DigitalOut" class of mbed-SDK. 
+ *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
+ *  
+ *  PCAL9555        gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
+ *  GpioDigitalOut  pin( gpio_exp, X0_0 );
+ *   
+ *  int main() {
+ *      while( 1 ) {
+ *          pin = 1;
+ *          wait( 0.2 );
+ *          pin = 0;
+ *          wait( 0.2 );
+ *      }
+ *  }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+ class GpioDigitalOut : public GpioDigitalInOut
+    /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
+    typedef enum {
+    X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
+    X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
+    X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
+    X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
+    X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
+    X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
+    X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
+    X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
+    X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
+    X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
+    } GpioPinName;
+    /** Create a GpioDigitalOut connected to the specified pin
+     *
+     *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
+     *  @param pin_name DigitalInOut pin to connect to
+     */
+    GpioDigitalOut( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pin_name );
+    /**
+     *  Destractor
+     */
+    virtual ~GpioDigitalOut();
+    /** A shorthand for write()
+     */
+    GpioDigitalOut&     operator= ( int rhs );
+    GpioDigitalOut&     operator= ( GpioDigitalOut& rhs );
+#endif  //  MBED_GpioDigitalOut
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/PCAL955x.cpp	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "PCAL955x.h"
+PCAL955x::PCAL955x( PinName i2c_sda, PinName i2c_scl, char i2c_address )
+    :   i2c_p( new I2C( i2c_sda, i2c_scl ) ),
+        i2c( *i2c_p ),
+        address( i2c_address ),
+        pin_state( ~0x0 ),
+        pin_direction( ~0x0 )
+PCAL955x::PCAL955x( I2C &i2c_, char i2c_address )
+    :   i2c_p( NULL ),
+        i2c( i2c_ ),
+        address( i2c_address ),
+        pin_state( ~0x0 ),
+        pin_direction( ~0x0 )
+    if ( NULL != i2c_p )
+        delete  i2c_p;
+void PCAL955x::write( int bit_pattern )
+    pin_state   = bit_pattern;
+    reg_index_write( OUTPUT, pin_state );
+int PCAL955x::read( void )
+    return ( reg_index_read( INPUT ) );
+void PCAL955x::polarity( int bit_pattern )
+    reg_index_write( POLARITY, pin_direction );
+void PCAL955x::configure( int bit_pattern )
+    pin_direction   = bit_pattern;
+    reg_index_write( CONFIG, pin_direction );
+void PCAL955x::write_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits )
+    pin_state   &= (bitpattern |  mask_bits);
+    pin_state   |= (bitpattern & ~mask_bits);
+    write( pin_state );
+void PCAL955x::configure_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits )
+    pin_direction   &= (bitpattern |  mask_bits);
+    pin_direction   |= (bitpattern & ~mask_bits);
+    configure( pin_direction );
+void PCAL955x::interrupt_mask( int bit_pattern )
+    int     new_config;
+    new_config  = (~bit_pattern) | reg_index_read( CONFIG );
+    reg_index_write( CONFIG, new_config );
+    reg_index_write( INT_MASK, bit_pattern );
+int PCAL955x::interrupt_status( void )
+    return ( reg_index_read( INT_STAT ) );
+void PCAL955x::bus_write( char *dp, int length )
+#if 0
+    printf( "bus_write: 0x%02X - ", address );
+    for ( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
+        printf( " 0x%02X", *(dp + i)  );
+    printf( "\r\n" );
+    i2c.write( address, dp, length );
+void PCAL955x::bus_read( char reg_addr, char *dp, int length )
+    i2c.write( address, (char *)(&reg_addr), 1, true );
+  address, dp, length );
+void PCAL955x::write( int pin, int v )
+    if ( pin < number_of_pins() ) {
+        if ( v )
+            pin_state   |= 0x01 << pin;
+        else
+            pin_state   &= ~(0x01 << pin);
+    } else {
+        pin_state   = v ? ~0x0 : 0x0;
+    }
+    write( pin_state );
+int PCAL955x::read( int pin )
+    return ( (reg_index_read( INPUT ) >> pin) & 0x1 );
+void PCAL955x::configure( int pin, int v )
+    if ( pin < number_of_pins() ) {
+        if ( v )
+            pin_direction   |= 0x01 << pin;
+        else
+            pin_direction   &= ~(0x01 << pin);
+    } else {
+        pin_direction   = v ? ~0x0 : 0x0;
+    }
+    configure( pin_direction );
+PCAL955x::operator int( void )
+    return( read() );
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base_classes/PCAL955x.h	Wed Feb 15 10:07:59 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/** PCAL955x GPIO with Agile I/O, interrupt and weak pull-up family
+ *
+ *  Abstract class for PCAL955x/PCAL6416 family
+ *  No instance can be made from this class
+ *
+ *  @class    PCAL955x
+ *  @author   Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
+ *  @version  0.5.1
+ *  @date     07-Mar-2015
+ *  @modified 15-Feb-2017, by Andriy Makukha, Shenzhen MZJ Technology Co.
+ *
+ *  Released under the Apache 2 license
+ */
+#ifndef     MBED_PCAL955x
+#define     MBED_PCAL955x
+#include    "mbed.h"
+#include    "CompGpioExp.h"
+/** Abstract class for PCAL955x/PCAL6416 family
+ *  
+ *  No instance can be made from this class
+ */
+class PCAL955x : public CompGpioExp
+    enum register_index {
+        INPUT,
+        OUTPUT,
+        POLARITY,
+        CONFIG,
+        ODS0,
+        ODS1,
+        IN_LATCH,
+        PULL_EN,
+        PULL_SEL,
+        INT_MASK,
+        INT_STAT,
+        OPC
+    };
+    PCAL955x( PinName i2c_sda, PinName i2c_scl, char i2c_address = DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR );
+    PCAL955x( I2C &i2c_obj, char i2c_address = DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR );
+    virtual ~PCAL955x();
+    virtual void    write( int pin, int value );
+    virtual int     read( int pin );
+    virtual void    configure( int pin, int value );
+    virtual int     read( void );   
+    virtual void    write_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits );
+    virtual void    configure_with_mask( int bitpattern, int mask_bits );
+    void            write( int bit_pattern );
+    void            polarity( int bit_pattern );
+    void            configure( int bit_pattern );
+    void            interrupt_mask( int bit_pattern );
+    int             interrupt_status( void );
+    virtual int     number_of_pins( void )                     = 0;
+    virtual void    reg_index_write( char reg_addr, int data )  = 0;
+    virtual int     reg_index_read( char reg_addr )             = 0;
+                    operator int( void );
+    enum {
+        DEFAULT_I2C_ADDR    = 0x40,
+    };
+    void bus_write( char *dp, int length );
+    void bus_read( char reg_addr, char *dp, int length );
+    I2C             *i2c_p;
+    I2C             &i2c;
+    char            address;    //  I2C slave address
+    int             pin_state;
+    int             pin_direction;
+#endif  //  MBED_PCAL955x
\ No newline at end of file