
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-STM32F103C8T6 eeprom_flash Watchdog PinDetect DS1820

  1. Bluepill STM32F103C8T6 Heating system
    1. _This project is core part of bigger heating system project!_

Features - Reading temperature from four DS18B20 sensors - Making a decision about switching on/off heater and pomp - Executing simple user commands from UART - Storing state parameters to program memory (EEPROM emulation)

Mon Sep 24 14:57:38 2018 +0000
uart 19200

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hudakz 5:3c3ef17a17a6 1 #include "stm32f103c8t6.h"
hudakz 0:ab218237069e 2 #include "mbed.h"
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 3 #include "mbed_events.h"
andrewklmn 17:718e41e971f8 4 #include "DS1820.h"
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 5 #include "PinDetect.h"
andrewklmn 31:0a516ceaec4d 6 #include "Watchdog.h"
andrewklmn 35:74a546766adb 7 #include "eeprom_flash.h"
andrewklmn 19:74f78a777ffa 8 #include <string>
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 9 #include "temp_controller.h"
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 10
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 11 // Create a queue that can hold a maximum of 32 events
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 12 EventQueue queue(32 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 13 // Create a thread that'll run the event queue's dispatch function
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 14 //Thread t;
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 15
andrewklmn 32:aebbfe391bbc 16 Watchdog wd;
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 17 unsigned int eeprom_config_value;
andrewklmn 41:978c2d85a0e7 18 extern char working_mode;
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 19 extern int temp_error[];
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 20 extern float temp[];
andrewklmn 43:cc47a2e6ae07 21 extern float simulated_temp[];
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 22
andrewklmn 39:aa5f95061409 23 Serial pc(PA_2, PA_3); // (TX, RX) Pin definition
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 24 char a[128] = ""; // RX command buffer
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 25 char i = 0; // RX char pointer
andrewklmn 14:d954558361b9 26 static char recieved = 0;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 27
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 28
andrewklmn 23:33d6689834c6 29 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
andrewklmn 17:718e41e971f8 30
andrewklmn 34:09d8edcce624 31 DigitalOut pomp_OFF(PA_12); // pomp off
andrewklmn 34:09d8edcce624 32 DigitalOut heater_OFF(PA_15); // heater off
andrewklmn 34:09d8edcce624 33
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 34 // This function is called when a character goes into the RX buffer.
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 35 void rxCallback() {
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 36 char c;
andrewklmn 14:d954558361b9 37 c = pc.getc();
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 38 if (recieved == 0){ // skip if command was already received
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 39 if ( c == 0x0d || c == 0x0a ) {
andrewklmn 29:5940a80717e4 40 while ( pc.readable() ) c = pc.getc();
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 41 recieved = 1;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 42 } else {
andrewklmn 43:cc47a2e6ae07 43 if (i==127){ // max length of command from SERIAL
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 44 a[0] = c;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 45 a[1] = '\0';
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 46 i = 0;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 47 } else {
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 48 a[i] = c;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 49 i++;
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 50 a[i] = '\0';
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 51 };
andrewklmn 14:d954558361b9 52 };
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 53 };
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 54 };
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 55
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 56 void blink_myled(char amount) {
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 57 while (amount > 0) {
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 58 myled = 0;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 59 wait(0.1);
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 60 myled = 1;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 61 wait(0.2);
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 62 amount--;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 63 };
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 64 };
andrewklmn 23:33d6689834c6 65
andrewklmn 23:33d6689834c6 66 void pb_hit_interrupt (void) {
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 67
andrewklmn 37:c9b96afec535 68 //writeEEPROMWord(0, 666 );
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 69 //epprom_config_value++;
andrewklmn 41:978c2d85a0e7 70 working_mode ++;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 71 blink_myled(working_mode);
andrewklmn 46:0d60fbcfb245 72 if (working_mode == 7) working_mode=0;
andrewklmn 41:978c2d85a0e7 73
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 74 //pc.printf("working_mode %d \r\n", working_mode);
andrewklmn 41:978c2d85a0e7 75 //pc.printf("Button pressed \r\n");
andrewklmn 23:33d6689834c6 76 };
andrewklmn 25:49e5d653d789 77
andrewklmn 25:49e5d653d789 78 void pb_out_interrupt (void) {
andrewklmn 45:abc682827659 79 //queue.call_in(2000, printf, "called in 2 seconds\n");
andrewklmn 45:abc682827659 80 //pc.printf("Button unpressed\r\n");
andrewklmn 25:49e5d653d789 81 };
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 82
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 83
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 84 void at_command(){
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 85 int x;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 86 int ii;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 87 int jj;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 88 char num[10];
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 89
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 90
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 91 if (recieved == 1) {
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 92
andrewklmn 32:aebbfe391bbc 93 __disable_irq();
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 94
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 95 if (strcmp(a,"AT get all")==0) {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 96 // config_ram|config_rom|mode|status0|status1|status2|status3|status4|temp0|temp1|temp2|temp3|temp4
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 97 pc.printf("%u|%u|", eeprom_config_value, readEEPROMWord(0));
andrewklmn 47:4a955f381a1e 98 if (working_mode==3 || working_mode==4) {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 99 pc.printf("%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|", working_mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 100 pc.printf("%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%d|%d\r\n",
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 101 simulated_temp[0],
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 102 simulated_temp[1],
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 103 simulated_temp[2],
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 104 simulated_temp[3],
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 105 simulated_temp[4],
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 106 (uint8_t)pomp_OFF,
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 107 (uint8_t)heater_OFF
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 108 );
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 109 } else {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 110 pc.printf("%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|", working_mode, temp_error[0], temp_error[1], temp_error[2], temp_error[3], temp_error[4]);
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 111 pc.printf("%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%d|%d\r\n", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], (uint8_t)pomp_OFF , (uint8_t)heater_OFF);
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 112 };
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 113 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT")==0) {
andrewklmn 43:cc47a2e6ae07 114 pc.printf("OK\r\n");
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 115 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT get config")==0) {
andrewklmn 43:cc47a2e6ae07 116 pc.printf("%u|%u\r\n", eeprom_config_value, readEEPROMWord(0));
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 117 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT get status")==0) {
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 118 pc.printf("%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d|%d\r\n", temp_error[0], temp_error[1], temp_error[2], temp_error[3], temp_error[4], (uint8_t)pomp_OFF , (uint8_t)heater_OFF);
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 119 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT get temp")==0) {
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 120 pc.printf("%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f\r\n", temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4]);
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 121 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT get sim temp")==0) {
andrewklmn 43:cc47a2e6ae07 122 pc.printf("%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f\r\n", simulated_temp[0], simulated_temp[1], simulated_temp[2], simulated_temp[3], simulated_temp[4]);
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 123 } else if (strcmp(a,"AT get mode")==0) {
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 124 pc.printf("%d\r\n", working_mode);
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 125 } else if (strncmp(a,"AT set mode ",12) == 0) {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 126 x= (int)a[12] - 48;
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 127 working_mode = ( x >= 0 && x <=6 ) ? x : working_mode;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 128 pc.printf("%d\r\n", working_mode);
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 129 } else if (strncmp(a,"AT set sim temp ", 16) == 0) {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 130 // from a[16] "t0|t1|t2|t3|t4\0"
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 131 ii = 16;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 132 for (int j=0; j<6; j++) {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 133 jj = 0;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 134 while ( a[ii]!='|' && a[ii]!='\0') {
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 135 num[jj] = a[ii];
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 136 ii++;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 137 jj++;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 138 };
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 139 ii++;
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 140 num[jj] = '\0';
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 141 simulated_temp[j] = (float)atol(num);
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 142 };
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 143 pc.printf("%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f|%3.1f\r\n",
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 144 simulated_temp[0],
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 145 simulated_temp[1],
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 146 simulated_temp[2],
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 147 simulated_temp[3],
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 148 simulated_temp[4]
andrewklmn 44:e6efa8be1f9e 149 );
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 150 } else {
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 151 pc.printf("Bad request\r\n");
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 152 };
andrewklmn 42:03cbc2a6f63b 153
andrewklmn 32:aebbfe391bbc 154 __enable_irq();
andrewklmn 32:aebbfe391bbc 155
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 156 // ready for new command
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 157 recieved = 0;
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 158 a[0] = '\0';
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 159 i = 0;
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 160 };
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 161 };
andrewklmn 39:aa5f95061409 162
hudakz 10:4b88be251088 163
hudakz 0:ab218237069e 164 int main() {
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 165
hudakz 10:4b88be251088 166 confSysClock(); //Configure system clock (72MHz HSE clock, 48MHz USB clock)
andrewklmn 37:c9b96afec535 167
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 168 heater_OFF = 1;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 169 pomp_OFF = 1;
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 170
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 171 eeprom_config_value = get_temp_config_value();
andrewklmn 50:94730b99ea41 172 working_mode = (char)get_mode_config_value();
andrewklmn 38:a0753c2a4497 173
andrewklmn 37:c9b96afec535 174 wd.Configure(10.0);
andrewklmn 32:aebbfe391bbc 175
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 176 PinDetect pb(PA_11);
andrewklmn 23:33d6689834c6 177 pb.mode(PullUp);
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 178
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 179 // Delay for initial pullup to take effect
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 180 wait(.005);
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 181
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 182 pb.attach_deasserted(&pb_hit_interrupt);
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 183 pb.attach_asserted(&pb_out_interrupt);
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 184 //pb.rise(&pb_out_interrupt);
andrewklmn 26:750f21025bb9 185 pb.setSampleFrequency();
andrewklmn 22:32beca745706 186
andrewklmn 12:187e02ab447f 187 pc.attach(&rxCallback, Serial::RxIrq);
andrewklmn 51:881a30217532 188 pc.baud(19200);
andrewklmn 39:aa5f95061409 189 pc.printf("\r\nNaumovich 2.0\r\n");
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 190
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 191 blink_myled(3);
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 192
andrewklmn 48:4ec055c066b4 193
andrewklmn 17:718e41e971f8 194
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 195 start_temp );
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 196 queue.call_every(100, at_command);
andrewklmn 37:c9b96afec535 197 queue.call_every(2000, check_temp);
andrewklmn 41:978c2d85a0e7 198 queue.call_every(500, process_temp);
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 199
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 200 // Start queue
andrewklmn 27:007e17df5ba0 201 queue.dispatch();
andrewklmn 22:32beca745706 202 };
hudakz 8:f1432e9af6c8 203