A stack which works with or without an Mbed os library. Provides IPv4 or IPv6 with a full 1500 byte buffer.

Dependents:   oldheating gps motorhome heating



File content as of revision 115:5c003909bcf3:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include     "log.h"
#include     "net.h"
#include  "action.h"
#include "ip6addr.h"
#include     "udp.h"
#include     "ar4.h"
#include     "ar6.h"
#include     "arp.h"
#include     "eth.h"
#include     "nr4.h"
#include     "nr6.h"
#include     "dns.h"
#include     "mac.h"
#include    "tftp.h"
#include "mstimer.h"

bool TftpTrace = false;

#define WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS 5000

#define TFTP_RRQ   1
#define TFTP_WRQ   2
#define TFTP_DATA  3
#define TFTP_ACK   4
#define TFTP_ERROR 5

static void logOp(char* p)
    if (*p)
        LogF("Unknown op code %02x%02x", *p, *++p);
    switch (*p)
        case TFTP_RRQ:   Log ("RRQ")                         ; break;
        case TFTP_WRQ:   Log ("WRQ")                         ; break;
        case TFTP_DATA:  Log ("DATA")                        ; break;
        case TFTP_ACK:   Log ("ACK")                         ; break;
        case TFTP_ERROR: Log ("ERROR")                       ; break;
        default:         LogF("Unknown op code 00%02x", *p); break;

static void logError(char* p)
    if (*p)
        LogF("Unknown error code %02x%02x", *p, *++p);
    switch (*p)
        case 0:  Log ("Not defined, see error message."  ); break;
        case 1:  Log ("File not found."                  ); break;
        case 2:  Log ("Access violation."                ); break;
        case 3:  Log ("Disk full or allocation exceeded."); break;
        case 4:  Log ("Illegal TFTP operation."          ); break;
        case 5:  Log ("Unknown transfer ID."             ); break;
        case 6:  Log ("File already exists."             ); break;
        case 7:  Log ("No such user."                    ); break;
        default: LogF("Unknown error code 00%02x", *p    ); break;
bool       TftpSendRequestsViaIp4 = false;
uint32_t   TftpServerIp4;
char       TftpServerIp6[16];
int        TftpWriteStatus = TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE;
char       TftpServerName[DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1];
char       TftpFileName  [DNS_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1];

int      (*TftpGetNextByteFunction)();

static void logHeader(int size, char* p)
    if (NetTraceVerbose)
        Log ("TFTP header\r\n");
        Log ("  Op code "); logOp(p);         Log("\r\n");
        Log ("  Size    "); LogF("%d", size); Log("\r\n");
        Log ("TFTP  header");
        Log (": Op "); logOp(p);
        LogF(", %d bytes", size);
        Log ("\r\n");
static int sendBlock(uint16_t block, int* pSize, char* pHeader)
    /*2 bytes    2 bytes     n bytes
    | Opcode |   Block #  |   Data     |
     ---------------------------------- */
     char* p = pHeader;
    *p++ = 0;
    *p++ = TFTP_DATA;
    *p++ = block >> 8;
    *p++ = block & 0xFF;
    int len = 0;
    while (len < 512)
        int c = TftpGetNextByteFunction();
        if (c == -1) break;
        *p++ = c;
    if (len < 512) TftpWriteStatus = TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE;
    *pSize = p - pHeader;
    return UNICAST_TFTP;
static void handleError(char* p)
     /*2 bytes   2 bytes      string    1 byte
    |  ERROR |  ErrorCode |   ErrMsg   |   0  |
     ----------------------------------------- */
    p += 2; //Skip the op code which we already know
    if (NetTraceNewLine) Log("\r\n");
    LogTime("TFTP error - ");
    logError(p); p += 2;
    TftpWriteStatus = TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE;
static int handleAck(char* pHeaderRx, int* pSizeTx, char* pHeaderTx)
    /* 2 bytes    2 bytes
    |   ACK    |   Block #  |
     ----------------------- */
    char* p = pHeaderRx;
    p += 2; //Skip the op code which we already know
    uint16_t block = *p++;
    block <<= 8;
    block += *p++;
    return sendBlock(block + 1, pSizeTx, pHeaderTx);
static int sendRequest(int* pSize, char* pHeader)
    /*2 bytes    string   1 byte     string   1 byte
    |   WRQ  |  Filename  |   0  |    Mode    |  0  |
     ----------------------------------------------- */
     char* p = pHeader;
    *p++ = 0;
    *p++ = TFTP_WRQ;
    char* pName = TftpFileName;
    while (*pName) *p++ = *pName++;
    *p++ = 0;
    const char* pMode = "octet";
    while (*pMode) *p++ = *pMode++;
    *p++ = 0;
    *pSize = p - pHeader;
    return UNICAST_TFTP;
int TftpHandlePacketReceived(void (*traceback)(void), int sizeRx, void * pPacketRx, int* pSizeTx, void* pPacketTx)
    char* pHeaderRx = (char*)pPacketRx;
    char* pHeaderTx = (char*)pPacketTx;
    char* p = pHeaderRx;
    if (*p)
        LogTimeF("Expected high byte of op code to be zero not %u\r\n", *p);
        return DO_NOTHING;
    if (TftpTrace)
        if (NetTraceNewLine) Log("\r\n");
        LogTimeF("TFTP received packet\r\n");
        if (NetTraceStack) traceback();
        logHeader(sizeRx, pHeaderRx);
    int dest = DO_NOTHING;
    switch (*p)
        case TFTP_ACK:
            if (TftpWriteStatus == TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE) return DO_NOTHING;
            dest = handleAck(pHeaderRx, pSizeTx, pHeaderTx);
        case TFTP_ERROR:
            return DO_NOTHING;
            LogTimeF("\r\nTFTP packet unknown mode %d\r\n", *p);
            return DO_NOTHING;

    if (TftpTrace) logHeader(*pSizeTx, pHeaderTx);

    return ActionMakeFromDestAndTrace(dest, TftpTrace && NetTraceStack);
static bool resolve4(char* server, uint32_t* pIp)
    //Check if have IP, if not, then request it and stop
    Nr4NameToIp(server, pIp);
    if (!*pIp)
        Nr4MakeRequestForIpFromName(server); //The request is only repeated if made after a freeze time - call as often as you want.
        return false;

    //Check if have MAC and, if not, request it and stop
    char mac[6];
    Ar4IpToMac(*pIp, mac);
    if (MacIsEmpty(mac))
        Ar4MakeRequestForMacFromIp(*pIp); //The request is only repeated if made after a freeze time - call as often as you want.
        return false;
    return true;
static bool resolve6(char* server, char* ip)
    //Check if have IP, if not, then request it and stop
    Nr6NameToIp(server, ip);
    if (Ip6AddressIsEmpty(ip))
        Nr6MakeRequestForIpFromName(server); //The request is only repeated if made after a freeze time - call as often as you want.
        return false;

    //Check if have MAC and, if not, request it and stop
    char mac[6];
    Ar6IpToMac(ip, mac);
    if (MacIsEmpty(mac))
        Ar6MakeRequestForMacFromIp(ip); //The request is only repeated if made after a freeze time - call as often as you want.
        return false;
    return true;
static bool isTimedOut()
    static uint32_t writeStartMs = 0;
    if (TftpWriteStatus == TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE) writeStartMs = MsTimerCount;
    if (MsTimerHasElapsed(writeStartMs, WRITE_TIMEOUT_MS))
        LogTime("TFTP - write operation timed out so reset\r\n");
        writeStartMs = MsTimerCount;
        return true;
    return false;
static bool isOkToGo()
    if (!TftpServerName[0])
        LogTimeF("TftpPollForRequestToSend - A request to send a client message has been made but no server name has been specified\r\n");
        return false;
    if (!TftpGetNextByteFunction)
        LogTimeF("TftpPollForRequestToSend - A request to send a client message has been made but TFTP has not been plumbed into a file stream\r\n");
        return false;
    return true;
static bool isResolved(int type)
    if (type == IPV4) return resolve4(TftpServerName, &TftpServerIp4);
    if (type == IPV6) return resolve6(TftpServerName,  TftpServerIp6);
    return false;
int TftpPollForPacketToSend(int type, void* pPacket, int* pSize)
    if (isTimedOut()                                ) { TftpWriteStatus = TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE; return DO_NOTHING; }
    if (TftpWriteStatus != TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_REQUEST) {                                           return DO_NOTHING; }
    if (!isOkToGo()                                 ) { TftpWriteStatus = TFTP_WRITE_STATUS_NONE; return DO_NOTHING; }
    if (!isResolved(type)                           ) {                                           return DO_NOTHING; }

    //Have IP and MAC so send request
    int dest = sendRequest(pSize, (char*)pPacket);
    if (TftpTrace)
        if (NetTraceNewLine) Log("\r\n");
        LogTimeF("TFTP Sending request\r\n");
        logHeader(*pSize, (char*)pPacket);
    return ActionMakeFromDestAndTrace(dest, TftpTrace && NetTraceStack);