A stack which works with or without an Mbed os library. Provides IPv4 or IPv6 with a full 1500 byte buffer.

Dependents:   oldheating gps motorhome heating

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tcp/http/httpadd.c	Tue May 14 15:09:39 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "http.h"
+void HttpFillChar (char c, int length)
+    while (length > 0)
+    {
+        HttpAddChar(c);
+        length--;
+    }
+int  HttpAddText  (const char* text)
+    const char* start = text;
+    while (*text)
+    {
+        HttpAddChar(*text);
+        text++;
+    }
+    return text - start;
+int  HttpAddV     (char *fmt, va_list argptr)
+    int size  = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, argptr); //Find the size required
+    char text[size + 1];                         //Allocate enough memory for the size required with an extra byte for the terminating null
+    vsprintf(text, fmt, argptr);                 //Fill the new buffer
+    return HttpAddText(text);                    //Add the text
+int  HttpAddF     (char *fmt, ...)
+    va_list argptr;
+    va_start(argptr, fmt);
+    int size = HttpAddV(fmt, argptr);
+    va_end(argptr);
+    return size;
+void HttpAddData  (const char* data, int length)
+    while (length > 0)
+    {
+        HttpAddChar(*data);
+        data++;
+        length--;
+    }
+void HttpAddStream(void (*startFunction)(void), int (*enumerateFunction)(void))
+    startFunction();
+    while (true)
+    {
+        int c = enumerateFunction();
+        if (c == EOF) break;
+        HttpAddChar(c);
+    }
+void HttpAddNibbleAsHex(int nibble)
+    nibble &= 0x0F;
+    char c;
+    if      (nibble < 0x0A) c = nibble + '0';
+    else if (nibble < 0x10) c = nibble - 0xA + 'A';
+    else                    c = '0';
+    HttpAddChar(c);
+void HttpAddByteAsHex(int value)
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 4);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 0);
+void HttpAddInt12AsHex(int value)
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 8);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 4);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 0);
+void HttpAddInt16AsHex(int value)
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 12);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  8);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  4);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  0);
+void HttpAddInt32AsHex(int value)
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 28);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 24);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 20);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 16);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 12);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  8);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  4);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  0);
+void HttpAddInt64AsHex(int64_t value)
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 60);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 56);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 52);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 48);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 44);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 40);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 36);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 32);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 28);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 24);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 20);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 16);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >> 12);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  8);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  4);
+    HttpAddNibbleAsHex(value >>  0);
+void HttpAddTm(struct tm* ptm)
+    HttpAddF("%d-%02d-%02d ", ptm->tm_year + 1900, ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday);
+    switch(ptm->tm_wday)
+    {
+        case  0: HttpAddText("Sun"); break;
+        case  1: HttpAddText("Mon"); break;
+        case  2: HttpAddText("Tue"); break;
+        case  3: HttpAddText("Wed"); break;
+        case  4: HttpAddText("Thu"); break;
+        case  5: HttpAddText("Fri"); break;
+        case  6: HttpAddText("Sat"); break;
+        default: HttpAddText("???"); break;
+    }
+    HttpAddF(" %02d:%02d:%02d", ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec);
+    if      (ptm->tm_isdst  > 0) HttpAddText(" BST");
+    else if (ptm->tm_isdst == 0) HttpAddText(" GMT");
+    else                         HttpAddText(" UTC");