Clone of official tools

--- a/	Mon Aug 29 11:56:59 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Wed Jan 04 11:58:24 2017 -0600
@@ -14,13 +14,23 @@
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
+from json import load
+from os.path import join, dirname
+from os import listdir
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
 from tools.toolchains import TOOLCHAINS
 from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES
 from tools.utils import argparse_force_uppercase_type, \
-    argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type, argparse_many
+    argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type, argparse_many, \
+    argparse_filestring_type, args_error, argparse_profile_filestring_type,\
+    argparse_deprecate
-def get_default_options_parser(add_clean=True, add_options=True):
+FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE = "Please use the --profile argument instead.\n"\
+                            "Documentation may be found in "\
+                            "docs/"
+def get_default_options_parser(add_clean=True, add_options=True,
+                               add_app_config=False):
     """Create a new options parser with the default compiler options added
     Keyword arguments:
@@ -54,28 +64,60 @@
                         help="print Warnings, and Errors in color",
                         action="store_true", default=False)
-    parser.add_argument("--cflags", default=[], action="append",
-                        help="Extra flags to provide to the C compiler")
+    parser.add_argument("--cflags",
+                        type=argparse_deprecate(FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE),
+                        help="Deprecated. " + FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE)
-    parser.add_argument("--asmflags", default=[], action="append",
-                        help="Extra flags to provide to the assembler")
+    parser.add_argument("--asmflags",
+                        type=argparse_deprecate(FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE),
+                        help="Deprecated. " + FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE)
-    parser.add_argument("--ldflags", default=[], action="append",
-                        help="Extra flags to provide to the linker")
+    parser.add_argument("--ldflags",
+                        type=argparse_deprecate(FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE),
+                        help="Deprecated. " + FLAGS_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE)
     if add_clean:
         parser.add_argument("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False,
                             help="clean the build directory")
     if add_options:
-        parser.add_argument("-o", "--options", action="append",
-                            help=('Add a build argument ("save-asm": save the '
-                                  'asm generated by the compiler, "debug-info":'
-                                  ' generate debugging information, "analyze": '
-                                  'run Goanna static code analyzer")'),
-                            type=argparse_lowercase_hyphen_type(['save-asm',
-                                                                 'debug-info',
-                                                                 'analyze'],
-                                                                "build option"))
+        parser.add_argument("--profile", dest="profile", action="append",
+                            type=argparse_profile_filestring_type,
+                            help="Build profile to use. Can be either path to json" \
+                            "file or one of the default one ({})".format(", ".join(list_profiles())),
+                            default=[])
+    if add_app_config:
+        parser.add_argument("--app-config", default=None, dest="app_config",
+                            type=argparse_filestring_type,
+                            help="Path of an app configuration file (Default is to look for 'mbed_app.json')")
     return parser
+def list_profiles():
+    """Lists available build profiles
+    Checks default profile directory (mbed-os/tools/profiles/) for all the json files and return list of names only
+    """
+    return [fn.replace(".json", "") for fn in listdir(join(dirname(__file__), "profiles")) if fn.endswith(".json")]
+def extract_profile(parser, options, toolchain):
+    """Extract a Toolchain profile from parsed options
+    Positional arguments:
+    parser - parser used to parse the command line arguments
+    options - The parsed command line arguments
+    toolchain - the toolchain that the profile should be extracted for
+    """
+    profile = {'c': [], 'cxx': [], 'ld': [], 'common': [], 'asm': []}
+    filenames = options.profile or [join(dirname(__file__), "profiles",
+                                         "default.json")]
+    for filename in filenames:
+        contents = load(open(filename))
+        try:
+            for key in profile.iterkeys():
+                profile[key] += contents[toolchain][key]
+        except KeyError:
+            args_error(parser, ("argument --profile: toolchain {} is not"
+                                " supported by profile {}").format(toolchain,
+                                                                   filename))
+    return profile