Clone of official tools

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolchains/	Thu May 19 19:44:41 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+mbed SDK
+Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import re
+from os.path import join, basename, splitext, dirname, exists
+from tools.toolchains import mbedToolchain
+from tools.settings import GCC_ARM_PATH, GCC_CR_PATH
+from tools.settings import GOANNA_PATH
+from tools.hooks import hook_tool
+class GCC(mbedToolchain):
+    LINKER_EXT = '.ld'
+    LIBRARY_EXT = '.a'
+    STD_LIB_NAME = "lib%s.a"
+    DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN = re.compile('((?P<line>\d+):)(\d+:)? (?P<severity>warning|error): (?P<message>.+)')
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, tool_path="", extra_verbose=False):
+        mbedToolchain.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        if target.core == "Cortex-M0+":
+            cpu = "cortex-m0plus"
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M4F":
+            cpu = "cortex-m4"
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M7F":
+            cpu = "cortex-m7"
+        else:
+            cpu = target.core.lower()
+        self.cpu = ["-mcpu=%s" % cpu]
+        if target.core.startswith("Cortex"):
+            self.cpu.append("-mthumb")
+        if target.core == "Cortex-M4F":
+            self.cpu.append("-mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16")
+            self.cpu.append("-mfloat-abi=softfp")
+        elif target.core == "Cortex-M7F":
+            self.cpu.append("-mfpu=fpv5-d16")
+            self.cpu.append("-mfloat-abi=softfp")
+        if target.core == "Cortex-A9":
+            self.cpu.append("-mthumb-interwork")
+            self.cpu.append("-marm")
+            self.cpu.append("-march=armv7-a")
+            self.cpu.append("-mfpu=vfpv3")
+            self.cpu.append("-mfloat-abi=hard")
+            self.cpu.append("-mno-unaligned-access")
+        # Note: We are using "-O2" instead of "-Os" to avoid this known GCC bug:
+        #
+        common_flags = ["-c", "-Wall", "-Wextra",
+            "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+            "-fmessage-length=0", "-fno-exceptions", "-fno-builtin",
+            "-ffunction-sections", "-fdata-sections",
+            "-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks", "-fomit-frame-pointer"
+            ] + self.cpu
+        if "save-asm" in self.options:
+            common_flags.append("-save-temps")
+        if "debug-info" in self.options:
+            common_flags.append("-O0")
+        else:
+            common_flags.append("-O2")
+        # add debug symbols for all builds
+        common_flags.append("-g")
+        main_cc = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-gcc")
+        main_cppc = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-g++")
+        self.asm = [main_cc, "-x", "assembler-with-cpp"] + common_flags
+        if not "analyze" in self.options:
+    = [main_cc, "-std=gnu99"] + common_flags
+            self.cppc =[main_cppc, "-std=gnu++98", "-fno-rtti"] + common_flags
+        else:
+    = [join(GOANNA_PATH, "goannacc"), "--with-cc=" + main_cc.replace('\\', '/'), "-std=gnu99", "--dialect=gnu", '--output-format="%s"' % self.GOANNA_FORMAT] + common_flags
+            self.cppc= [join(GOANNA_PATH, "goannac++"), "--with-cxx=" + main_cppc.replace('\\', '/'), "-std=gnu++98", "-fno-rtti", "--dialect=gnu", '--output-format="%s"' % self.GOANNA_FORMAT] + common_flags
+        self.ld = [join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-gcc"), "-Wl,--gc-sections", "-Wl,--wrap,main"] + self.cpu
+        self.sys_libs = ["stdc++", "supc++", "m", "c", "gcc"]
+ = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-ar")
+        self.elf2bin = join(tool_path, "arm-none-eabi-objcopy")
+    def parse_dependencies(self, dep_path):
+        dependencies = []
+        buff = open(dep_path).readlines()
+        buff[0] = re.sub('^(.*?)\: ', '', buff[0])
+        for line in buff:
+            file = line.replace('\\\n', '').strip()
+            if file:
+                # GCC might list more than one dependency on a single line, in this case
+                # the dependencies are separated by a space. However, a space might also
+                # indicate an actual space character in a dependency path, but in this case
+                # the space character is prefixed by a backslash.
+                # Temporary replace all '\ ' with a special char that is not used (\a in this
+                # case) to keep them from being interpreted by 'split' (they will be converted
+                # back later to a space char)
+                file = file.replace('\\ ', '\a')
+                if file.find(" ") == -1:
+                    dependencies.append(file.replace('\a', ' '))
+                else:
+                    dependencies = dependencies + [f.replace('\a', ' ') for f in file.split(" ")]
+        return dependencies
+    def is_not_supported_error(self, output):
+        return "error: #error [NOT_SUPPORTED]" in output
+    def parse_output(self, output):
+        # The warning/error notification is multiline
+        WHERE, WHAT = 0, 1
+        state, file, message = WHERE, None, None
+        for line in output.splitlines():
+            match = self.goanna_parse_line(line)
+            if match is not None:
+                self.cc_info(
+          'severity').lower(),
+          'file'),
+          'line'),
+          'message'),
+          ,
+                )
+                continue
+            # Each line should start with the file information: "filepath: ..."
+            # i should point past the file path                          ^
+            # avoid the first column in Windows (C:\)
+            i = line.find(':', 2)
+            if i == -1: continue
+            if state == WHERE:
+                file = line[:i]
+                message = line[i+1:].strip() + ' '
+                state = WHAT
+            elif state == WHAT:
+                match = GCC.DIAGNOSTIC_PATTERN.match(line[i+1:])
+                if match is None:
+                    state = WHERE
+                    continue
+                self.cc_info(
+          'severity'),
+                    file,'line'),
+                    message +'message')
+                )
+    def get_dep_option(self, object):
+        base, _ = splitext(object)
+        dep_path = base + '.d'
+        return ["-MD", "-MF", dep_path]
+    def get_compile_options(self, defines, includes):
+        return ['-D%s' % d for d in defines] + ['@%s' % self.get_inc_file(includes)]
+    @hook_tool
+    def assemble(self, source, object, includes):
+        # Build assemble command
+        cmd = self.asm + self.get_compile_options(self.get_symbols(), includes) + ["-o", object, source]
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_assembler(cmd)
+        # Return command array, don't execute
+        return [cmd]
+    @hook_tool
+    def compile(self, cc, source, object, includes):
+        # Build compile command
+        cmd = cc + self.get_compile_options(self.get_symbols(), includes)
+        cmd.extend(self.get_dep_option(object))
+        cmd.extend(["-o", object, source])
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_compiler(cmd)
+        return [cmd]
+    def compile_c(self, source, object, includes):
+        return self.compile(, source, object, includes)
+    def compile_cpp(self, source, object, includes):
+        return self.compile(self.cppc, source, object, includes)
+    @hook_tool
+    def link(self, output, objects, libraries, lib_dirs, mem_map):
+        libs = []
+        for l in libraries:
+            name, _ = splitext(basename(l))
+            libs.append("-l%s" % name[3:])
+        libs.extend(["-l%s" % l for l in self.sys_libs])
+        # NOTE: There is a circular dependency between the mbed library and the clib
+        # We could define a set of week symbols to satisfy the clib dependencies in "sys.o",
+        # but if an application uses only clib symbols and not mbed symbols, then the final
+        # image is not correctly retargeted
+            libs.extend(libs)
+        # Build linker command
+        cmd = self.ld + ["-o", output] + objects
+        if mem_map:
+            cmd.extend(['-T', mem_map])
+        for L in lib_dirs:
+            cmd.extend(['-L', L])
+        cmd.extend(libs)
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_linker(cmd)
+        # Split link command to linker executable + response file
+        link_files = join(dirname(output), ".link_files.txt")
+        with open(link_files, "wb") as f:
+            cmd_linker = cmd[0]
+            cmd_list = []
+            for c in cmd[1:]:
+                if c:
+                    cmd_list.append(('"%s"' % c) if not c.startswith('-') else c)   
+            string = " ".join(cmd_list).replace("\\", "/")
+            f.write(string)
+        # Exec command
+        self.default_cmd([cmd_linker, "@%s" % link_files])
+    @hook_tool
+    def archive(self, objects, lib_path):
+        archive_files = join(dirname(lib_path), ".archive_files.txt")
+        with open(archive_files, "wb") as f:
+            o_list = []
+            for o in objects:
+                o_list.append('"%s"' % o)                    
+            string = " ".join(o_list).replace("\\", "/")
+            f.write(string)
+        # Exec command
+        self.default_cmd([, 'rcs', lib_path, "@%s" % archive_files])
+    @hook_tool
+    def binary(self, resources, elf, bin):
+        # Build binary command
+        cmd = [self.elf2bin, "-O", "binary", elf, bin]
+        # Call cmdline hook
+        cmd = self.hook.get_cmdline_binary(cmd)
+        # Exec command
+        self.default_cmd(cmd)
+class GCC_ARM(GCC):
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+        GCC.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, GCC_ARM_PATH, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        # Use latest gcc nanolib
+        self.ld.append("--specs=nano.specs")
+        if in ["LPC1768", "LPC4088", "LPC4088_DM", "LPC4330", "UBLOX_C027", "LPC2368"]:
+            self.ld.extend(["-u _printf_float", "-u _scanf_float"])
+        elif in ["RZ_A1H", "ARCH_MAX", "DISCO_F407VG", "DISCO_F429ZI", "DISCO_F469NI", "NUCLEO_F401RE", "NUCLEO_F410RB", "NUCLEO_F411RE", "NUCLEO_F446RE", "ELMO_F411RE", "MTS_MDOT_F411RE", "MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE", "DISCO_F746NG"]:
+            self.ld.extend(["-u_printf_float", "-u_scanf_float"])
+        self.sys_libs.append("nosys")
+class GCC_CR(GCC):
+    def __init__(self, target, options=None, notify=None, macros=None, silent=False, extra_verbose=False):
+        GCC.__init__(self, target, options, notify, macros, silent, GCC_CR_PATH, extra_verbose=extra_verbose)
+        additional_compiler_flags = [
+            "-D__NEWLIB__", "-D__CODE_RED", "-D__USE_CMSIS", "-DCPP_USE_HEAP",
+        ]
+ += additional_compiler_flags
+        self.cppc += additional_compiler_flags
+        # Use latest gcc nanolib
+        self.ld.append("--specs=nano.specs")
+        if in ["LPC1768", "LPC4088", "LPC4088_DM", "LPC4330", "UBLOX_C027", "LPC2368"]:
+            self.ld.extend(["-u _printf_float", "-u _scanf_float"])
+        self.ld += ["-nostdlib"]