Clone of official tools
export/ds5_5/lpc812.cproject.tmpl@47:21ae3e5a7128, 2021-02-04 (annotated)
- Committer:
- Anders Blomdell
- Date:
- Thu Feb 04 17:17:13 2021 +0100
- Revision:
- 47:21ae3e5a7128
- Parent:
- 35:da9c89f8be7d
Add a few normpath calls
Who changed what in which revision?
User | Revision | Line number | New contents of line |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 2 | <?fileVersion 4.0.0?> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 3 | |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 4 | <cproject storage_type_id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.XmlProjectDescriptionStorage"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 5 | <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 6 | <cconfiguration id=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 7 | <storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider" id="" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Build"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 8 | <externalSettings/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 9 | <extensions> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 10 | <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GmakeErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 11 | <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.CWDLocator" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 12 | <extension id="com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.error" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 13 | </extensions> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 14 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 15 | <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 16 | <configuration artifactExtension="axf" artifactName="${ProjName}" buildArtefactType="" buildProperties="," cleanCommand="$(if $(findstring Windows_NT,$(OS)),clean,/bin/rm -f)" description="" errorParsers="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GmakeErrorParser;org.eclipse.cdt.core.CWDLocator;com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.error" id="" name="Build" parent="" postannouncebuildStep="" postbuildStep="fromelf --bin "${ProjDirPath}/Build/${ProjName}.axf" -o "../${ProjName}.bin"" preannouncebuildStep="" prebuildStep=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 17 | <folderInfo id="" name="/" resourcePath=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 18 | <toolChain errorParsers="com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.error" id="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.exe.debug.1781361929" name="ARM Compiler" superClass="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.exe.debug"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 19 | <targetPlatform binaryParser="" id="" name=""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 20 | <builder autoBuildTarget="all" buildPath="${workspace_loc:/ds5_lpc812/Build}" cleanBuildTarget="clean" id="" incrementalBuildTarget="all" managedBuildOn="true" name="CDT Internal Builder" superClass=""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 21 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug.1694050615" name="ARM C Compiler" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 22 | <tool command="armcc" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="" id="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug.1642314243" name="ARM C++ Compiler" superClass="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 23 | <option id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.option.targetcpu.235324898" name="Target CPU (--cpu)" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.option.targetcpu" value="Cortex-M0" valueType="string"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 24 | <option id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.option.incpath.1328570024" name="Include path (-I)" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.option.incpath" valueType="includePath"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 25 | {% for path in include_paths %} |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 26 | <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value=""${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/{{path}}}""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 27 | {% endfor %} |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 28 | </option> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 29 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.input.51293980" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.input"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 30 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.input.2068563074" superClass="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.input"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 31 | </tool> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 32 | <tool command="armasm" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="" id="com.arm.tool.assembler.1597855725" name="ARM Assembler" superClass="com.arm.tool.assembler"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 33 | <option id="com.arm.tool.assembler.option.cpu.1268314117" name="Target CPU (--cpu)" superClass="com.arm.tool.assembler.option.cpu" value="Cortex-M0" valueType="string"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 34 | </tool> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 35 | <tool command="armlink" commandLinePattern="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} ${OUTPUT_FLAG} ${OUTPUT_PREFIX}${OUTPUT} ${INPUTS}" errorParsers="" id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.2036393580" name="ARM Linker" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 36 | <option id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.option.cpu.419580654" name="Target CPU (--cpu)" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker.option.cpu" value="Cortex-M0" valueType="string"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 37 | <option id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.option.scatter.1235987457" name="Scatter file (--scatter)" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker.option.scatter" value="${ProjDirPath}/{{ scatter_file }}" valueType="string"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 38 | <option id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.userobjs.1389137013" name="Other object files" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker.userobjs" valueType="userObjs"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 39 | {% for path in object_files %} |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 40 | <listOptionValue builtIn="false" value=""${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/{{path}}}""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 41 | {% endfor %} |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 42 | </option> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 43 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.input.806269116" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker.input"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 44 | <additionalInput kind="additionalinputdependency" paths="$(USER_OBJS)"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 45 | <additionalInput kind="additionalinputdependency" paths="$(LIBS)"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 46 | </inputType> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 47 | </tool> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 48 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.librarian.1693045804" name="ARM Librarian" superClass="com.arm.tool.librarian"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 49 | </toolChain> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 50 | </folderInfo> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 51 | </configuration> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 52 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 53 | <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 54 | </cconfiguration> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 55 | <cconfiguration id=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 56 | <storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider" id="" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Release"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 57 | <externalSettings/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 58 | <extensions> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 59 | <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GmakeErrorParser" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 60 | <extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.CWDLocator" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 61 | <extension id="com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.error" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ErrorParser"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 62 | </extensions> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 63 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 64 | <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 65 | <configuration artifactExtension="axf" artifactName="${ProjName}" buildArtefactType="" buildProperties="," cleanCommand="$(if $(findstring Windows_NT,$(OS)),clean,/bin/rm -f)" description="" id="" name="Release" parent=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 66 | <folderInfo id="" name="/" resourcePath=""> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 67 | <toolChain id="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.exe.release.855323040" name="ARM Compiler" superClass="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.exe.release"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 68 | <targetPlatform id="" name=""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 69 | <builder buildPath="${workspace_loc:/ds5_lpc812/Release}" id="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.builder.155956859" keepEnvironmentInBuildfile="false" managedBuildOn="true" name="Gnu Make Builder" superClass="com.arm.toolchain.baremetal.builder"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 70 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.baremetal.exe.release.8403098" name="ARM C Compiler" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.baremetal.exe.release"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 71 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.release.724046879" name="ARM C++ Compiler" superClass="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.release"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 72 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.input.2054513225" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.compiler.input"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 73 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.input.1205595081" superClass="com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.input"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 74 | </tool> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 75 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.assembler.1688115594" name="ARM Assembler" superClass="com.arm.tool.assembler"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 76 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.901819873" name="ARM Linker" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 77 | <inputType id="com.arm.tool.c.linker.input.730137058" superClass="com.arm.tool.c.linker.input"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 78 | <additionalInput kind="additionalinputdependency" paths="$(USER_OBJS)"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 79 | <additionalInput kind="additionalinput" paths="$(LIBS)"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 80 | </inputType> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 81 | </tool> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 82 | <tool id="com.arm.tool.librarian.1880062119" name="ARM Librarian" superClass="com.arm.tool.librarian"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 83 | </toolChain> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 84 | </folderInfo> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 85 | </configuration> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 86 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 87 | <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 88 | </cconfiguration> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 89 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 90 | <storageModule moduleId="cdtBuildSystem" version="4.0.0"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 91 | <project id="" name="Bare-metal Executable" projectType=""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 92 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 93 | <storageModule moduleId="refreshScope" versionNumber="1"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 94 | <storageModule moduleId="scannerConfiguration"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 95 | <autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId=""/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 96 | <scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId=";;com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug.1642314243;com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.input.2068563074"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 97 | <autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.ARMCompilerDiscoveryProfile"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 98 | </scannerConfigBuildInfo> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 99 | <scannerConfigBuildInfo instanceId=";;com.arm.tool.cpp.compiler.baremetal.exe.debug.1642314243;com.arm.tool.c.compiler.input.51293980"> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 100 | <autodiscovery enabled="true" problemReportingEnabled="true" selectedProfileId="com.arm.eclipse.builder.armcc.ARMCompilerDiscoveryProfile"/> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 101 | </scannerConfigBuildInfo> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 102 | </storageModule> |
screamer | 0:66f3b5499f7f | 103 | </cproject> |