Quick sample to return float temp in C.

Dependents:   mbed-IBooth-ETH

Fork of htu21d by Kevin Braun

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Apr 16 13:07:52 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Fit for purpose

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htu21d.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8fbe84ed61e6 -r 396c0b63392e htu21d.cpp
--- a/htu21d.cpp	Thu May 22 18:48:46 2014 +0000
+++ b/htu21d.cpp	Thu Apr 16 13:07:52 2015 +0000
@@ -29,123 +29,6 @@
 htu21d::~htu21d() {
-//Perform a soft reset on the HTU21D. REturn of 1 = ok, 0 = timeout.
-int htu21d::softReset() {
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.lock();
-    int htu21 = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21DRESET);            //soft reset, must wait 15mS
-        _i2c.stop();
-        wait_ms(16);                        //must wait a least 15mS for reset to finish
-        htu21d::getSNReg();                 //go load up the s/n registers
-    }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.unlock();
-    return(htu21);
-//Get the HTU21D user register. Returns 8 bit register.
-uint8_t htu21d::getUserReg() {
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.lock();
-    int htu21 = 0;
-    uint8_t htu21data = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21DREADUSER);
-        _i2c.start();
-        htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cREAD);
-        htu21data = _i2c.read(0);
-        _i2c.stop();
-    }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.unlock();
-    return(htu21data);
-//Turn ON the heater the HTU21D user register. 
-int htu21d::heaterOn() {
-    uint8_t htu21data = htu21d::getUserReg();
-    htu21data |= HTU21DHEATER;
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.lock();
-    int htu21 = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21DWRITEUSER);
-        htu21 = _i2c.write(htu21data);
-        _i2c.stop();
-    }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.unlock();
-    return(htu21);
-//Turn OFF the heater the HTU21D user register. 
-int htu21d::heaterOff() {
-    uint8_t htu21data = htu21d::getUserReg();
-    htu21data &= ~HTU21DHEATER;
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.lock();
-    int htu21 = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21DWRITEUSER);
-        htu21 = _i2c.write(htu21data);
-        _i2c.stop();
-    }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.unlock();
-    return(htu21);
-//Get the status of the heater the HTU21D user register. 0 = off, 4 = on.
-uint8_t htu21d::getHeater() {
-    uint8_t htu21data = htu21d::getUserReg();
-    htu21data &= HTU21DHEATER;
-    return(htu21data);
 //generic routine to get temp or humidity from HTU21D. 
@@ -216,90 +99,5 @@
-//Calculate the Dew Point from getTemp and getHum. User must first execute both getTemp and getHum for an accurate result.
-//Calculations come from DHT library
-/*  Copyright (C) Wim De Roeve
- *                based on DHT22 sensor library by HO WING KIT
- *                Arduino DHT11 library
-float htu21d::getDewPt() {
-    // dewPoint function NOAA
-    // reference: http://wahiduddin.net/calc/density_algorithms.htm    
-    double A0= 373.15/(273.15 + (double)theTempIs);
-    double SUM = -7.90298 * (A0-1);
-    SUM += 5.02808 * log10(A0);
-    SUM += -1.3816e-7 * (pow(10, (11.344*(1-1/A0)))-1) ;
-    SUM += 8.1328e-3 * (pow(10,(-3.49149*(A0-1)))-1) ;
-    SUM += log10(1013.246);
-    double VP = pow(10, SUM-3) * theHumIs;
-    double T = log(VP/0.61078);   // temp var
-    return (241.88 * T) / (17.558-T);
-float htu21d::getDewPtFast() {
-    // delta max = 0.6544 wrt dewPoint()
-    // 5x faster than dewPoint()
-    // reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew_point
-    double h21DtzA = 17.271;
-    double h21DtzB = 237.7;
-    double h21DtzC = (h21DtzA * theTempIs) / (h21DtzB + theTempIs) + log(theHumIs/100);
-    double h21DtzD = (h21DtzB * h21DtzC) / (h21DtzA - h21DtzC);
-    return (h21DtzD);
-//Get the HTU21D serial number registers. Returns 64 bit register.
-//should return 0x4854 00xx xxxx 32xx
-void htu21d::getSNReg() {
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.lock();
-    //get 16 bit SNC register, 8 bit SNC-CRC, 16 bit SNA register, 8 bit SNA-CRC
-    int htu21 = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21SNAC1);
-        _i2c.write(HTU21SNAC2);
-        _i2c.start();
-        htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cREAD);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snc = _i2c.read(1) << 8;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snc |= _i2c.read(1);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crcc = _i2c.read(1);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_sna = _i2c.read(1) << 8;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_sna |= _i2c.read(1);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crca = _i2c.read(0);
-        _i2c.stop();
-    }
-    //get 32 bit SNB register, 32 bit SNB-CRC - regs are intermixed
-    htu21 = 0;
-    _i2c.start();
-    htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cWRITE);     //i2c, 1 = ack
-    if(htu21 == 1) {
-        _i2c.write(HTU21SNB1);
-        _i2c.write(HTU21SNB2);
-        _i2c.start();
-        htu21 = _i2c.write(HTU21Di2cREAD);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snb = _i2c.read(1) << 24;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crcb = _i2c.read(1) << 24;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snb |= _i2c.read(1) << 16;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crcb |= _i2c.read(1) << 16;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snb |= _i2c.read(1) << 8;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crcb |= _i2c.read(1) << 8;
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_snb |= _i2c.read(1);
-        HTU21sn.HTU21D_crcb |= _i2c.read(0);
-        _i2c.stop();
-    }
-#ifdef RTOS_H
-    MutexI2cWait.unlock();