
Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

Fri May 13 16:00:11 2016 +0100
Synchronized with git revision 7bd986845c110b2c4e8bc58739a74757dd6ff493

Full URL: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/commit/7bd986845c110b2c4e8bc58739a74757dd6ff493/

* [STM32F1 F4] Fix #1705 MBED_37

The transmit data register needs to be flushed at the initialisation of
the uart.
In case previous transmission was interrupted by a uart init, uart may
contain a char that will be transmitted at the next start.

This is the case in MBED_37 test (serial_auto_nc_rx).
The MCU is writting {{start}}\n
At the moment of the \n the main program is handling 'new serial'. The
next time the main program is handling a printf, the previous \n is
still present in the uart->DR register and is transmitted.
This cannot happen anymore with this commit

* [STM32_F1] Fix #1705 MBED_37 by resetting the uart

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 1 {
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 2 "name": "mbed-classic",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 3 "version": "0.0.1",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 4 "description": "mbed core SDK (for mbed 2.0, *not* mbedOS)",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 5 "keywords": [
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 6 "mbed"
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 7 ],
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 8 "author": "Bogdan Marinescu <bogdan.marinescu@arm.com>",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 9 "repository": {
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 10 "url": "git@github.com:mbedmicro/mbed.git",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 11 "type": "git"
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 12 },
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 13 "homepage": "https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 14 "licenses": [
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 15 {
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 16 "url": "https://spdx.org/licenses/Apache-2.0",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 17 "type": "Apache-2.0"
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 18 }
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 19 ],
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 20 "extraIncludes": [
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 21 "api",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 22 "hal",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 23 "targets/hal",
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 24 "targets/cmsis"
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 25 ],
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 26 "dependencies": {
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 27 },
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 28 "targetDependencies": {
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 29 }
bogdanm 0:9b334a45a8ff 30 }