
Dependencies:   mbed LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/app/main.cpp	Tue Oct 20 13:23:35 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+ / _____)             _              | |
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+    (C)2015 Semtech
+Description: LoRaMac classA device implementation
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "board.h"
+#include "radio.h"
+#include "LoRaMac.h"
+#include "SerialDisplay.h"
+ * When set to 1 the application uses the Over-the-Air activation procedure
+ * When set to 0 the application uses the Personalization activation procedure
+ */
+#define OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION                     1
+ * Indicates if the end-device is to be connected to a private or public network
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK                      true
+ * Join requests trials duty cycle.
+ */
+#define OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION_DUTYCYCLE           10000000  // 10 [s] value in us
+ * Mote device IEEE EUI
+ *
+ * \remark must be written as a little endian value (reverse order of normal reading)
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI                          { 0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55, 0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11 }
+ * Application IEEE EUI
+ *
+ * \remark must be written as a little endian value (reverse order of normal reading)
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_APPLICATION_EUI                     { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }
+ * AES encryption/decryption cipher application key
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_APPLICATION_KEY                     { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0x00 }
+ * Current network ID
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_NETWORK_ID                          ( uint32_t )0
+ * Device address on the network
+ *
+ * \remark must be written as a big endian value (normal reading order)
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_DEVICE_ADDRESS                      ( uint32_t )0x12345678
+ * AES encryption/decryption cipher network session key
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_NWKSKEY                             { 0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6, 0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C }
+ * AES encryption/decryption cipher application session key
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_APPSKEY                             { 0x2B, 0x7E, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xAE, 0xD2, 0xA6, 0xAB, 0xF7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xCF, 0x4F, 0x3C }
+ * Defines the application data transmission duty cycle
+ */
+#define APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE                            5000000  // 5 [s] value in us
+#define APP_TX_DUTYCYCLE_RND                        1000000  // 1 [s] value in us
+ * LoRaWAN confirmed messages
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON                    true
+ * LoRaWAN Adaptative Data Rate
+ *
+ * \remark Please note that when ADR is enabled the end-device should be static
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_ADR_ON                              1
+ * LoRaWAN ETSI duty cycle control enable/disable
+ *
+ * \remark Please note that ETSI mandates duty cycled transmissions. Use only for test purposes
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON                        false
+ * LoRaWAN application port
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_APP_PORT                            15
+ * User application data buffer size
+ */
+#define LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE                       6
+#define LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE                       1
+static uint8_t DevEui[] = LORAWAN_DEVICE_EUI;
+static uint8_t AppEui[] = LORAWAN_APPLICATION_EUI;
+static uint8_t AppKey[] = LORAWAN_APPLICATION_KEY;
+static uint8_t NwkSKey[] = LORAWAN_NWKSKEY;
+static uint8_t AppSKey[] = LORAWAN_APPSKEY;
+ * Indicates if the MAC layer has already joined a network.
+ */
+static bool IsNetworkJoined = false;
+static bool IsNetworkJoinedStatusUpdate = false;
+ * User application data
+ */
+static uint8_t AppData[LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE];
+ * Defines the application data transmission duty cycle
+ */
+static uint32_t TxDutyCycleTime;
+TimerEvent_t TxNextPacketTimer;
+ * Defines the join request timer
+ */
+TimerEvent_t JoinReqTimer;
+ * Indicates if a new packet can be sent
+ */
+static bool TxNextPacket = true;
+static bool ScheduleNextTx = false;
+static bool AppLedStateOn = false;
+static LoRaMacEvent_t LoRaMacEvents;
+TimerEvent_t Led1Timer;
+volatile bool Led1StateChanged = false;
+TimerEvent_t Led2Timer;
+volatile bool Led2StateChanged = false;
+volatile bool Led3StateChanged = false;
+volatile bool LinkStatusUpdated = false;
+struct sLoRaMacUplinkStatus
+    uint8_t Acked;
+    int8_t Datarate;
+    uint16_t UplinkCounter;
+    uint8_t Port;
+    uint8_t *Buffer;
+    uint8_t BufferSize;
+struct sLoRaMacDownlinkStatus
+    int16_t Rssi;
+    int8_t Snr;
+    uint16_t DownlinkCounter;
+    bool RxData;
+    uint8_t Port;
+    uint8_t *Buffer;
+    uint8_t BufferSize;
+void SerialDisplayRefresh( void )
+    SerialDisplayInit( );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateActivationMode( OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateNwkId( LORAWAN_NETWORK_ID );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateDevAddr( LORAWAN_DEVICE_ADDRESS );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 12, NwkSKey );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 13, AppSKey );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateEui( 5, DevEui );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateEui( 6, AppEui );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 7, AppKey );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateNetworkIsJoined( IsNetworkJoined );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateAdr( LORAWAN_ADR_ON );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateDutyCycle( LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON );
+    SerialDisplayUpdatePublicNetwork( LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 3, AppLedStateOn );
+void SerialRxProcess( void )
+    if( SerialDisplayReadable( ) == true )
+    {
+        switch( SerialDisplayGetChar( ) )
+        {
+            case 'R':
+            case 'r':
+                // Refresh Serial screen
+                SerialDisplayRefresh( );
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+ * Prepares the frame buffer to be sent
+ */
+static void PrepareTxFrame( uint8_t port )
+    AppData[0] = AppLedStateOn;
+    AppData[1] = LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter >> 8;
+    AppData[2] = LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter;
+    AppData[3] = LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Rssi >> 8;
+    AppData[4] = LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Rssi;
+    AppData[5] = LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr;
+static void ProcessRxFrame( LoRaMacEventFlags_t *flags, LoRaMacEventInfo_t *info )
+    switch( info->RxPort ) // Check Rx port number
+    {
+        case 1: // The application LED can be controlled on port 1 or 2
+        case 2:
+            if( info->RxBufferSize == 1 )
+            {
+                AppLedStateOn = info->RxBuffer[0] & 0x01;
+                Led3StateChanged = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+static bool SendFrame( void )
+    uint8_t sendFrameStatus = 0;
+    LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked = false;
+    LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port = LORAWAN_APP_PORT;
+    LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer = AppData;
+    LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize = LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE;
+    SerialDisplayUpdateFrameType( LORAWAN_CONFIRMED_MSG_ON );
+    sendFrameStatus = LoRaMacSendFrame( LORAWAN_APP_PORT, AppData, LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE );
+    sendFrameStatus = LoRaMacSendConfirmedFrame( LORAWAN_APP_PORT, AppData, LORAWAN_APP_DATA_SIZE, 8 );
+    switch( sendFrameStatus )
+    {
+    case 5: // NO_FREE_CHANNEL
+        // Try again later
+        return true;
+    default:
+        return false;
+    }
+ * \brief Function executed on JoinReq Timeout event
+ */
+static void OnJoinReqTimerEvent( void )
+    TimerStop( &JoinReqTimer );
+    TxNextPacket = true;
+ * \brief Function executed on TxNextPacket Timeout event
+ */
+static void OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent( void )
+    TimerStop( &TxNextPacketTimer );
+    TxNextPacket = true;
+ * \brief Function executed on Led 1 Timeout event
+ */
+static void OnLed1TimerEvent( void )
+    TimerStop( &Led1Timer );
+    Led1StateChanged = true;
+ * \brief Function executed on Led 2 Timeout event
+ */
+static void OnLed2TimerEvent( void )
+    TimerStop( &Led2Timer );
+    Led2StateChanged = true;
+ * \brief Function to be executed on MAC layer event
+ */
+static void OnMacEvent( LoRaMacEventFlags_t *flags, LoRaMacEventInfo_t *info )
+    if( flags->Bits.JoinAccept == 1 )
+    {
+        TimerStop( &JoinReqTimer );
+        IsNetworkJoined = true;
+        IsNetworkJoinedStatusUpdate = true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( flags->Bits.Tx == 1 )
+        {
+        }
+        if( flags->Bits.Rx == 1 )
+        {
+            if( flags->Bits.RxData == true )
+            {
+                ProcessRxFrame( flags, info );
+            }
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Rssi = info->RxRssi;
+            if( info->RxSnr & 0x80 ) // The SNR sign bit is 1
+            {
+                // Invert and divide by 4
+                LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr = ( ( ~info->RxSnr + 1 ) & 0xFF ) >> 2;
+                LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr = -LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Divide by 4
+                LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr = ( info->RxSnr & 0xFF ) >> 2;
+            }
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter++;
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.RxData = flags->Bits.RxData;
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Port = info->RxPort;
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Buffer = info->RxBuffer;
+            LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.BufferSize = info->RxBufferSize;
+            LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked = info->TxAckReceived;
+            LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Datarate = info->TxDatarate;
+            LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter = LoRaMacGetUpLinkCounter( ) - 1;
+            LinkStatusUpdated = true;
+            TimerStart( &Led2Timer );
+        }
+    }
+    // Schedule a new transmission
+    ScheduleNextTx = true;
+ * Main application entry point.
+ */
+int main( void )
+    SerialDisplayInit( );
+    uint8_t sendFrameStatus = 0;
+    bool trySendingFrameAgain = false;
+    BoardInit( );
+    LoRaMacEvents.MacEvent = OnMacEvent;
+    LoRaMacInit( &LoRaMacEvents, &BoardGetBatterieLevel );
+    IsNetworkJoined = false;
+    SerialDisplayUpdateActivationMode( OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION );
+    IsNetworkJoined = true;
+    SerialDisplayUpdateNwkId( LORAWAN_NETWORK_ID );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateDevAddr( LORAWAN_DEVICE_ADDRESS );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 12, NwkSKey );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 13, AppSKey );
+    // Sends a JoinReq Command every 5 seconds until the network is joined
+    TimerInit( &JoinReqTimer, OnJoinReqTimerEvent ); 
+    TimerSetValue( &JoinReqTimer, OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION_DUTYCYCLE );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateEui( 5, DevEui );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateEui( 6, AppEui );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateKey( 7, AppKey );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateNetworkIsJoined( IsNetworkJoined );
+    TxNextPacket = true;
+    TimerInit( &TxNextPacketTimer, OnTxNextPacketTimerEvent );
+    TimerInit( &Led1Timer, OnLed1TimerEvent );
+    TimerSetValue( &Led1Timer, 500000 );
+    TimerInit( &Led2Timer, OnLed2TimerEvent );
+    TimerSetValue( &Led2Timer, 500000 );
+    LoRaMacSetAdrOn( LORAWAN_ADR_ON );
+    LoRaMacTestSetDutyCycleOn( LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON );
+    LoRaMacSetPublicNetwork( LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateAdr( LORAWAN_ADR_ON );
+    SerialDisplayUpdateDutyCycle( LORAWAN_DUTYCYCLE_ON );
+    SerialDisplayUpdatePublicNetwork( LORAWAN_PUBLIC_NETWORK );
+    LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter = 0;
+    while( 1 )
+    {
+        while( IsNetworkJoined == false )
+        {
+            if( TxNextPacket == true )
+            {
+                TxNextPacket = false;
+                sendFrameStatus = LoRaMacJoinReq( DevEui, AppEui, AppKey );
+                switch( sendFrameStatus )
+                {
+                case 1: // BUSY
+                    break;
+                case 0: // OK
+                case 2: // NO_NETWORK_JOINED
+                case 3: // LENGTH_PORT_ERROR
+                case 4: // MAC_CMD_ERROR
+                case 6: // DEVICE_OFF
+                default:
+                    // Relaunch timer for next trial
+                    TimerStart( &JoinReqTimer );
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            SerialRxProcess( );
+        }
+        SerialRxProcess( );
+        if( IsNetworkJoinedStatusUpdate == true )
+        {
+            IsNetworkJoinedStatusUpdate = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateNetworkIsJoined( IsNetworkJoined );
+        }
+        if( Led1StateChanged == true )
+        {
+            Led1StateChanged = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 1, 0 );
+        }
+        if( Led2StateChanged == true )
+        {
+            Led2StateChanged = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 2, 0 );
+        }
+        if( Led3StateChanged == true )
+        {
+            Led3StateChanged = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 3, AppLedStateOn );
+        }
+        if( LinkStatusUpdated == true )
+        {
+            LinkStatusUpdated = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 2, 1 );
+            SerialDisplayUpdateUplink( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Datarate, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize );
+            SerialDisplayUpdateDownlink( LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.RxData, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Rssi, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Snr, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.DownlinkCounter, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Port, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.Buffer, LoRaMacDownlinkStatus.BufferSize );
+        }
+        if( ScheduleNextTx == true )
+        {
+            ScheduleNextTx = false;
+            // Schedule next packet transmission
+            TimerSetValue( &TxNextPacketTimer, TxDutyCycleTime );
+            TimerStart( &TxNextPacketTimer );
+        }
+        if( trySendingFrameAgain == true )
+        {
+            trySendingFrameAgain = SendFrame( );
+        }
+        if( TxNextPacket == true )
+        {
+            TxNextPacket = false;
+            SerialDisplayUpdateDonwlinkRxData( false );
+            PrepareTxFrame( LORAWAN_APP_PORT );
+            SerialDisplayUpdateLedState( 1, 1 );
+            TimerStart( &Led1Timer );
+            trySendingFrameAgain = SendFrame( );
+            SerialDisplayUpdateUplink( LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Acked, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Datarate, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.UplinkCounter, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Port, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.Buffer, LoRaMacUplinkStatus.BufferSize );
+        }
+    }