A Weather station designed to read the values of temperature and pressure from the sensor (BMP180), data displayed via a nokia N5110 display.

Dependencies:   BMP180 N5110 PowerControl mbed

--- a/Barometer.h	Mon May 11 10:12:22 2015 +0000
+++ b/Barometer.h	Mon May 11 22:10:42 2015 +0000
@@ -217,16 +217,23 @@
+A structure, contains the output, titles and nextstate data
+@param output - integer value holds the output value of the members
+@param title - char array contains titles of the members
+@param nextState - int array contains the values for the next and previous states
 struct  State {
     int output;
     char title[14];
     int nextState[2];
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the start menu
 typedef struct State STyp1; // for the start menu
 STyp1 fsmA[4] = {
     {0,"Live Data",{1,3}},
     {1,"Saved Data",{2,0}},
@@ -234,8 +241,11 @@
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the settings menu
 typedef struct State STyp2; // for the settings menu
 STyp2 fsmB[4] = {
@@ -243,8 +253,10 @@
     {3,"Data Logger",{0,2}},
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the time/date settings also the alarmclock function
 typedef struct State STyp3; // for the time/date settings
 STyp3 fsmC[5] = {
@@ -254,8 +266,10 @@
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the unitsettings function
 typedef struct State STyp4; // for the units settings
 STyp3 fsmD[4] = {
@@ -263,31 +277,37 @@
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the powerSaverSetting
 typedef struct State STyp5; // for the Power saver settings
 STyp5 fsmE[2] = {
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the alarms menu
 typedef struct State Stype6; // for the alarms menu
 Stype6 fsmF[2] = {
     {1,"Alarm Clock", {0,0}},
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the threshold and alarmclock functions
 typedef struct State Stype7; // yes or no
 Stype7 fsmG[2] = {
     {0,"No", {0,0}},
+Initialises a typedef struct, contains the output, titles and nextstate data for the threshold menu
 typedef struct State Stype8; // for the thresholds
 Stype8 fsmH[4] = {
     {20,"Min T:",{1,3}},
     {30,"Max T:",{2,0}},
@@ -297,198 +317,174 @@
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the fisrt button interrupt
+@param button1Flag - integer to indicate if the interrupt has occured
 void button1Pressed();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the second button interrupt
+@param button2Flag - integer to indicate if the interrupt has occured
 void button2Pressed();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the third button interrupt
+@param button3Flag - integer to indicate if the interrupt has occured
 void button3Pressed();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the fourth button interrupt
+@param button4Flag - integer to indicate if the interrupt has occured
 void button4Pressed();
-void sliderPulled();
-void sliderRisen();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the ticker timer
+@param timerFlag - integer to indicate the timer is expired
 void timerExpired();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to the ticker dataLoggerTimer
+@param dataLoggerFlag - integer to indicate the data logger timer is expired
 void dataLoggerTimerExpired ();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
-void tickerExpired ();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Opens the local folder, creates a csv file and stores the arrays.
+@param data - char array inserted in the local file
+@param data1 - char array inserted in the local file
+@param data2 - char array inserted in the local file
+@param data3 - char array inserted in the local file
 void saveToFile(char *data,char *data1,char *data2,char *data3);
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Gets the local time from the RTC and stores them into two arrays
+@param currentTime - integer to store the current data epoch unix time stamp
+@param bufferTime - char array to store the time stamp
+@param bufferTime - char array to store the date stamp
 void updateTime();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Displays the char arrays on the LCD
+@param buffer 0 - char array printed on (0,0)
+@param buffer 1 - char array printed on (0,1)
+@param buffer 2 - char array printed on (0,2)
+@param buffer 3 - char array printed on (0,3)
+@param buffer 4 - char array printed on (0,4)
+@param buffer 5 - char array printed on (0,5)
 void display();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Reads the data from the sensor and stores them into arrays
+@param bufferT - char array to store temperature
+@param bufferP - char array to store pressure
+@param temperature - float to store the value of the temperature
+@param pressure - float to store the value of the pressure
 void readData();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+ISR attached to power saver timeout to set the flag to 1
+@param powerSaverFlag - integer to indicate if the state of the power saver
 void powerSaverExpired();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Checks if the power saver option is set by the user, if yes puts the device in sleep mode and turns off the lcd.
+Also if the buttons are pressed it wakes up the device and attached the timeout
 void powerSaverCheck();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Indicates the live data on the screen and updates the data once a second
+@param timerFlag - integer set when the timer ends
 void liveData();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Recieves the data, puts them in arrays and saves them to the file. Saved arrays are restored and used to calculate the minimun maximum average values
+@param sumTemperature - integer to store the total value of temperature values
+@param sumPressure - integer to store the total value of pressure values
+@param temperatureSent - char with the temperature values saved to the file
+@param pressureSent- char with the pressure values saved to the file
+@param timeSent- char with the time stamps saved to the file
+@param dateSent- char with the data stamps saved to the file
+@param temperatureRecieved - char with the temperature values restored from the file
+@param pressureRecieved- char with the pressure values restored from the file
+@param timeRecieved- char with the time stamps restored from the file
+@param dateRecieved- char with the data stamps restored from the file
+@param minTemperature - int to store the minimum value of temperature
+@param minPressure - int to store the minimum value of pressure
+@param maxTemperature - int to store the maximum value of temperature
+@param maxPressure - int to store the maximum value of pressure
+@param avgTemperature - int to store the average value of temperature
+@param avgPressure - int to store the average value of pressure
 void loggerData();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Uses the data from the loggerData function to indicate the calculated values and plot the graphs
 void dataLogger();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
-void forecast();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Checks the current values of temperature and pressure and compares to the threshold values, triggers the alarm if match
 void thresholdCheck();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Alloes the user to set the values for the thresholds and also turn the alarm on or off
 void threshold();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Compares the set time in the alarm clock section with the current time, triggers the alarm when they match
 void alarmClockCheck();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Allows the user to set the min , hour, day, month and year values to set the alarm clock
 void alarmClock ();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+Alarm menu, includes two submenus : alarmclock and thresholds
 void alarmsMenu ();
-Adds up two integer variables
-@param a - integer to add
-@param b - integer to add
-@returns the sum of a and b
+*Fourth option in the settings menu./n
+*Allows the user to turn on the data logger and set the value of time out /n
+*Attaches a timeout to set the dataloggerFlag /n
+@param dataLoggerFlag - integer used as a flag to indicate if the datalogger option is switched on or off
+@param state - integer used to navigate through fsm states
 void dataLoggerSetting();