Code to test the Pressue PCB, non Lora Testing

Dependencies:   mbed LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
13:f8d1a87594ec 2022-06-27 amir_chaudhary This code measures Vbat, Pressure, Temp and Humiidity default tip
12:85b3174c8b30 2022-05-25 amir_chaudhary Code to test the Pressure PCB
11:7a7913d47ca6 2021-12-10 amir_chaudhary Temp, Humidity and Diff Pressure
10:f3b1186fc0b0 2021-10-25 uss1994 temp/humidity/pressure w/ watchdog
9:ee9dcbb9708d 2017-04-24 mluis WARNING: Radio API timings changed from micro-seconds to milliseconds; ; Synchronized with git revision e506c246652fa44c3f24cecb89d0707b49ece739; Updated all libraries to the latest versions
8:8d6f486e1a7d 2017-04-04 mluis Updated vt100.h to comply with latest mbed library versions.; Updated mbed library to the latest versions.
7:3173f0508a98 2016-07-05 mluis Synchronized example application with GitHub LoRaMac-node examples; Updated mbed and LoRaWAN-lib libraries
6:a48936885eac 2016-05-18 mluis Updated LoRaWAN-Lib library
5:1e9f6a365854 2016-05-13 mluis Updated mbed, LoRaWAN-lib and SX1276Lib libraries.
4:00cf2370c99d 2016-03-14 mluis Updated project with latest version of the used libraries
3:9c6f7f082151 2016-01-07 mluis Updated according to git revision a2226468d470eceb251338e1acfb24cfd121effa
2:01e3c65c7c3a 2015-11-26 mluis Updated SX1276Lib library
1:352f608c3337 2015-11-26 mluis Changed application architecture to mimic GitHub LoRaMac-node repository.
0:92bca02df485 2015-10-20 mluis LoRaWAN-demo project creation using LoRaWAN-lib library