Library(Beta) for Gameduino 2

Dependencies:   arduino

Dependents:   aa_gd_jw

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GDTransport.h	Fri Apr 11 07:24:23 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+#ifndef _GDTRANSPORT_H_
+#define _GDTRANSPORT_H_
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "arduino.h"
+#ifndef DEBUGOUT
+//#define DEBUGOUT (x,...)   std::printf(x, ##y);
+#define DEBUGOUT(x, ...) std::printf(""x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
+// Convert degrees to Furmans
+#define DEGREES(n) ((65536UL * (n)) / 360)
+#define NEVER                0
+#define LESS                 1
+#define LEQUAL               2
+#define GREATER              3
+#define GEQUAL               4
+#define EQUAL                5
+#define NOTEQUAL             6
+#define ALWAYS               7
+#define ARGB1555             0
+#define L1                   1
+#define L4                   2
+#define L8                   3
+#define RGB332               4
+#define ARGB2                5
+#define ARGB4                6
+#define RGB565               7
+#define PALETTED             8
+#define TEXT8X8              9
+#define TEXTVGA              10
+#define BARGRAPH             11
+#define NEAREST              0
+#define BILINEAR             1
+#define BORDER               0
+#define REPEAT               1
+#define KEEP                 1
+#define REPLACE              2
+#define INCR                 3
+#define DECR                 4
+#define INVERT               5
+#define DLSWAP_DONE          0
+#define DLSWAP_LINE          1
+#define DLSWAP_FRAME         2
+#define INT_SWAP             1
+#define INT_TOUCH            2
+#define INT_TAG              4
+#define INT_SOUND            8
+#define INT_PLAYBACK         16
+#define INT_CMDEMPTY         32
+#define INT_CMDFLAG          64
+#define INT_CONVCOMPLETE     128
+#define TOUCHMODE_OFF        0
+#define TOUCHMODE_FRAME      2
+#define ZERO                 0
+#define ONE                  1
+#define SRC_ALPHA            2
+#define DST_ALPHA            3
+#define BITMAPS              1
+#define POINTS               2
+#define LINES                3
+#define LINE_STRIP           4
+#define EDGE_STRIP_R         5
+#define EDGE_STRIP_L         6
+#define EDGE_STRIP_A         7
+#define EDGE_STRIP_B         8
+#define RECTS                9
+#define OPT_MONO             1
+#define OPT_NODL             2
+#define OPT_FLAT             256
+#define OPT_CENTERX          512
+#define OPT_CENTERY          1024
+#define OPT_NOBACK           4096
+#define OPT_NOTICKS          8192
+#define OPT_NOHM             16384
+#define OPT_NOPOINTER        16384
+#define OPT_NOSECS           32768
+#define OPT_NOHANDS          49152
+#define OPT_RIGHTX           2048
+#define OPT_SIGNED           256
+#define LINEAR_SAMPLES       0
+#define ULAW_SAMPLES         1
+#define ADPCM_SAMPLES        2
+// 'instrument' argument to
+#define SILENCE              0x00
+#define SQUAREWAVE           0x01
+#define SINEWAVE             0x02
+#define SAWTOOTH             0x03
+#define TRIANGLE             0x04
+#define BEEPING              0x05
+#define ALARM                0x06
+#define WARBLE               0x07
+#define CAROUSEL             0x08
+#define PIPS(n)              (0x0f + (n))
+#define HARP                 0x40
+#define XYLOPHONE            0x41
+#define TUBA                 0x42
+#define GLOCKENSPIEL         0x43
+#define ORGAN                0x44
+#define TRUMPET              0x45
+#define PIANO                0x46
+#define CHIMES               0x47
+#define MUSICBOX             0x48
+#define BELL                 0x49
+#define CLICK                0x50
+#define SWITCH               0x51
+#define COWBELL              0x52
+#define NOTCH                0x53
+#define HIHAT                0x54
+#define KICKDRUM             0x55
+#define POP                  0x56
+#define CLACK                0x57
+#define CHACK                0x58
+#define MUTE                 0x60
+#define UNMUTE               0x61
+#define RAM_CMD              1081344UL
+#define RAM_DL               1048576UL
+#define RAM_PAL              1056768UL
+#define REG_CLOCK            1057800UL
+#define REG_CMD_DL           1058028UL
+#define REG_CMD_READ         1058020UL
+#define REG_CMD_WRITE        1058024UL
+#define REG_CPURESET         1057820UL
+#define REG_CSPREAD          1057892UL
+#define REG_DITHER           1057884UL
+#define REG_DLSWAP           1057872UL
+#define REG_FRAMES           1057796UL
+#define REG_FREQUENCY        1057804UL
+#define REG_GPIO             1057936UL
+#define REG_GPIO_DIR         1057932UL
+#define REG_HCYCLE           1057832UL
+#define REG_HOFFSET          1057836UL
+#define REG_HSIZE            1057840UL
+#define REG_HSYNC0           1057844UL
+#define REG_HSYNC1           1057848UL
+#define REG_ID               1057792UL
+#define REG_INT_EN           1057948UL
+#define REG_INT_FLAGS        1057944UL
+#define REG_INT_MASK         1057952UL
+#define REG_MACRO_0          1057992UL
+#define REG_MACRO_1          1057996UL
+#define REG_OUTBITS          1057880UL
+#define REG_PCLK             1057900UL
+#define REG_PCLK_POL         1057896UL
+#define REG_PLAY             1057928UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_FORMAT  1057972UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_FREQ    1057968UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_LENGTH  1057960UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_LOOP    1057976UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_PLAY    1057980UL
+#define REG_PLAYBACK_START   1057956UL
+#define REG_PWM_DUTY         1057988UL
+#define REG_PWM_HZ           1057984UL
+#define REG_ROTATE           1057876UL
+#define REG_SOUND            1057924UL
+#define REG_SWIZZLE          1057888UL
+#define REG_TAG              1057912UL
+#define REG_TAG_X            1057904UL
+#define REG_TAG_Y            1057908UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_ADC_MODE   1058036UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_CHARGE     1058040UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_DIRECT_XY  1058164UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_DIRECT_Z1Z2 1058168UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_MODE       1058032UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RAW_XY     1058056UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RZ         1058060UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_RZTHRESH   1058052UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_SCREEN_XY  1058064UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_SETTLE     1058044UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TAG        1058072UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TAG_XY     1058068UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_A 1058076UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_B 1058080UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_C 1058084UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_D 1058088UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_E 1058092UL
+#define REG_TOUCH_TRANSFORM_F 1058096UL
+#define REG_TRACKER          1085440UL
+#define REG_VCYCLE           1057852UL
+#define REG_VOFFSET          1057856UL
+#define REG_VOL_PB           1057916UL
+#define REG_VOL_SOUND        1057920UL
+#define REG_VSIZE            1057860UL
+#define REG_VSYNC0           1057864UL
+#define REG_VSYNC1           1057868UL
+#define VERTEX2II(x, y, handle, cell) \
+    ((2UL << 30) | (((x) & 511UL) << 21) | (((y) & 511UL) << 12) | (((handle) & 31) << 7) | (((cell) & 127) << 0))
+#define ROM_PIXEL_FF        0xc0400UL
+class GDTransport {
+    SPI _spi;
+    DigitalOut _cs;
+    byte streaming;
+    uint16_t wp;
+    uint16_t freespace;
+    GDTransport(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs)
+        : _spi(mosi, miso, sclk)
+        , _cs(cs)
+    {
+    }
+    void begin() 
+    {   
+        _spi.format(8, 0);
+        _spi.frequency(10000000);
+        _cs = 1;   
+        hostcmd(0x00); // FT_GPU_ACTIVE_M
+        hostcmd(0x62); // Switch PLL output to 48MHz
+        hostcmd(0x68); // FT_GPU_CORE_RESET
+        _spi.frequency(16000000);
+        byte chipid = rd(REG_ID);
+        DEBUGOUT("0x%x", chipid);
+        wp = 0;
+        freespace = 4096 - 4;
+        stream();
+    }
+    SPI* SPI()
+    {
+        return &_spi;
+    }
+    void cmd32(uint32_t x) 
+    {
+        if (freespace < 4) 
+        {
+            getfree(4);
+        }
+        wp += 4;
+        freespace -= 4;
+        union 
+        {
+            uint32_t c;
+            uint8_t b[4];
+        };
+        c = x;
+        _spi.write(b[0]);
+        _spi.write(b[1]);
+        _spi.write(b[2]);
+        _spi.write(b[3]);
+    }
+    void cmdbyte(byte x) 
+    {
+        if (freespace == 0) 
+        {
+            getfree(1);
+        }
+        wp++;
+        freespace--;
+        _spi.write(x);
+    }
+    void cmd_n(byte *s, uint16_t n) 
+    {
+        if (freespace < n) 
+        {
+            getfree(n);
+        }
+        wp += n;
+        freespace -= n;
+        while (n > 8) 
+        {
+            n -= 8;
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+        }
+        while (n--)
+            _spi.write(*s++);
+    }
+    void flush() 
+    {
+        getfree(0);
+    }
+    uint16_t rp() 
+    {
+        uint16_t r = __rd16(REG_CMD_READ);
+        if (r == 0xfff) 
+        {
+            for (;;) ;
+        }
+        return r;
+    }
+    void finish() 
+    {
+        wp &= 0xffc;
+        __end();
+        __wr16(REG_CMD_WRITE, wp);
+        while (rp() != wp);
+        stream();
+    }
+    byte rd(uint32_t addr)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __start(addr);
+        byte r = _spi.write(0);
+        stream();
+        return r;
+    }
+    void wr(uint32_t addr, byte v)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __wstart(addr);
+        _spi.write(v);
+        stream();
+    }
+    uint16_t rd16(uint32_t addr)
+    {
+        uint16_t r = 0;
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __start(addr);
+        r = _spi.write(0);
+        r |= (_spi.write(0) << 8);
+        stream();
+        return r;
+    }
+    void wr16(uint32_t addr, uint32_t v)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __wstart(addr);
+        _spi.write(v);
+        _spi.write(v >> 8);
+        stream();
+    }
+    uint32_t rd32(uint32_t addr)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __start(addr);
+//        _spi.write(0);
+        union {
+            uint32_t c;
+            uint8_t b[4];
+        };
+        b[0] = _spi.write(0);
+        b[1] = _spi.write(0);
+        b[2] = _spi.write(0);
+        b[3] = _spi.write(0);
+        stream();
+        return c;
+    }
+    void rd_n(byte *dst, uint32_t addr, uint16_t n)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __start(addr);
+//        _spi.write(0);
+        while (n--)
+            *dst++ = _spi.write(0);
+        stream();
+    }
+    void wr_n(uint32_t addr, byte *src, uint16_t n)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __wstart(addr);
+        while (n--)
+            _spi.write(*src++);
+        stream();
+    }
+    void wr32(uint32_t addr, unsigned long v)
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __wstart(addr);
+        _spi.write(v);
+        _spi.write(v >> 8);
+        _spi.write(v >> 16);
+        _spi.write(v >> 24);
+        stream();
+    }
+    uint32_t getwp(void) 
+    {
+        return RAM_CMD + (wp & 0xffc);
+    }
+    void bulk(uint32_t addr) 
+    {
+        __end(); // stop streaming
+        __start(addr);
+    }
+    void resume(void) 
+    {
+        stream();
+    }
+    void __start(uint32_t addr) // start an SPI transaction to addr
+    {
+        _cs = 0;
+        _spi.write(addr >> 16);
+        _spi.write(addr >> 8);
+        _spi.write(addr & 0xff );
+        _spi.write(0);
+    }
+    void __wstart(uint32_t addr) // start an SPI write transaction to addr
+    {
+        _cs = 0;
+        _spi.write(0x80 | (addr >> 16));
+        _spi.write(addr >> 8);
+        _spi.write(addr & 0xff);
+    }
+    void __end() // end the SPI transaction
+    {
+        _cs = 1;
+    }
+    void stop() // end the SPI transaction
+    {
+        wp &= 0xffc;
+        __end();
+        __wr16(REG_CMD_WRITE, wp);
+    }
+    void stream(void) {
+        __end();
+        __wstart(RAM_CMD + (wp & 0xfff));
+    }
+    uint32_t __rd16(uint32_t addr)
+    {
+        uint32_t r;
+        __start(addr);
+        r = _spi.write(0);
+        r |= (_spi.write(0) << 8);
+        __end();
+        return r;
+    }
+    void __wr16(uint32_t addr, uint32_t v)
+    {
+        __wstart(addr);
+        _spi.write(lowByte(v));
+        _spi.write(highByte(v));
+        __end();
+    }
+    void hostcmd(byte a)
+    {
+        _cs = 0;
+        _spi.write(a);
+        _spi.write(0x00);
+        _spi.write(0x00);
+        _cs = 1;
+        delay(60);
+    }
+    void getfree(uint16_t n)
+    {
+        wp &= 0xfff;
+        __end();
+        __wr16(REG_CMD_WRITE, wp & 0xffc);
+        do {
+            uint16_t fullness = (wp - rp()) & 4095;
+            freespace = (4096 - 4) - fullness;
+        } while (freespace < n);
+        stream();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file