Fork of Erik Olieman's FastPWM library created to add the targets I need.

Fork of FastPWM by Erik -



File content as of revision 21:aa2884be5496:

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Yeah ASCII art turtle more fun than copyright stuff

#include "mbed.h"

#ifndef FASTPWM_H
#define FASTPWM_H

/** Library that allows faster and/or higher resolution PWM output
  * Library can directly replace standard mbed PWM library.
  * Contrary to the default mbed library, this library takes doubles instead of floats. The compiler will autocast if needed,
  * but do take into account it is done for a reason, your accuracy will otherwise be limitted by the floating point precision.
class FastPWM : public PwmOut {
    * Create a FastPWM object connected to the specified pin
    * @param pin - PWM pin to connect to
    * @param prescaler - Clock prescaler, -1 is dynamic (default), 0 is bit random, everything else normal
    FastPWM(PinName pin, int prescaler = -1);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in seconds (double), keeping the pulsewidth the same.
    void period(double seconds);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in milli-seconds (int), keeping the pulsewidth the same.
    void period_ms(int ms);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in micro-seconds (int), keeping the pulsewidth the same.
    void period_us(int us);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in micro-seconds (double), keeping the pulsewidth the same.
    void period_us(double us);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in clock ticks, keeping _pulse width_ the same.
    * This function can be used if low overhead is required. Do take into account the result is
    * board (clock frequency) dependent, and this does not keep an equal duty cycle!
    void period_ticks(uint32_t ticks);
    * Set the PWM pulsewidth, specified in seconds (double), keeping the period the same.
    void pulsewidth(double seconds);
    * Set the PWM pulsewidth, specified in milli-seconds (int), keeping the period the same.
    void pulsewidth_ms(int ms);
    * Set the PWM pulsewidth, specified in micro-seconds (int), keeping the period the same.
    void pulsewidth_us(int us);
    * Set the PWM pulsewidth, specified in micro-seconds (double), keeping the period the same.
    void pulsewidth_us(double us);
    * Set the PWM period, specified in clock ticks, keeping the period the same.
    * This function can be used if low overhead is required. Do take into account the result is
    * board (clock frequency) dependent!
    void pulsewidth_ticks(uint32_t ticks);
    * Set the ouput duty-cycle, specified as a percentage (double)
    * @param duty - A double value representing the output duty-cycle, specified as a percentage.  The value should lie between 0.0 (representing on 0%) and 1.0 (representing on 100%).
    void write(double duty);
    * Return the ouput duty-cycle, specified as a percentage (double)
    * @param return - A double value representing the output duty-cycle, specified as a percentage.
    double read( void );
    * An operator shorthand for write()
    FastPWM& operator= (double value);
    * An operator shorthand for read()
    operator double();
    * Set the PWM prescaler
    * The period of all PWM pins on the same PWM unit have to be reset after using this!
    * @param value - The required prescaler. Special values: 0 = lock current prescaler, -1 = use dynamic prescaler
    * @param return - The prescaler which was set (can differ from requested prescaler if not possible)
    int prescaler(int value);
    void initFastPWM(void);
    uint32_t setPrescaler( uint32_t reqScale );
    int calcPrescaler(uint64_t clocks);
    uint32_t getPeriod( void );
    void updateTicks( uint32_t prescaler );
    uint32_t bits;
    double _duty;
    double dticks, dticks_us;
    int iticks_ms, iticks_us;
    bool dynamicPrescaler;
    void *fast_obj;