Alex Pirciu
- Committer:
- alexpirciu
- Date:
- 2019-03-28
- Revision:
- 1:ceee5a608e7c
File content as of revision 1:ceee5a608e7c:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file AckermannModel.cpp * @author RBRO/PJ-IU * @version V1.0.0 * @date day-month-year * @brief This file contains the class implementation for the Ackermann model. ****************************************************************************** */ #include <Examples/SystemModels/ackermannmodel.hpp> /* Specify model type */ using ackermannmodeltype = systemmodels::nlti::mimo::CDiscreteTimeSystemModel<double,2,10,5>; /** \brief Constructor for the CAckermannModel class * * Constructor method * * \param[in] f_states reference to initial system states * \param[in] f_dt sample time * \param[in] f_gamma reduction factor from motor to wheel * \param[in] f_wb wheel base * \param[in] f_b motor viscous friction constant * \param[in] f_J moment of inertia of the rotor * \param[in] f_K motor torque constant * \param[in] f_R electric resistance * \param[in] f_L electric inductance * */ examples::systemmodels::ackermannmodel::CAckermannModel::CAckermannModel( const CStatesType& f_states ,const double f_dt ,const double f_gamma ,const double f_wb ,const double f_b ,const double f_J ,const double f_K ,const double f_R ,const double f_L) :CSystemModelType<double,2,10,5>(f_states,f_dt) ,m_gamma(f_gamma) ,m_wb(f_wb) ,m_bJ(f_b/f_J) ,m_KJ(f_K/f_J) ,m_KL(f_K/f_L) ,m_RL(f_R/f_L) ,m_L(f_L) { } /** \brief Constructor for the CAckermannModel class * * Constructor method * * \param[in] f_dt sample time * \param[in] f_gamma reduction factor from motor to wheel * \param[in] f_wb wheel base * \param[in] f_b motor viscous friction constant * \param[in] f_J moment of inertia of the rotor * \param[in] f_K motor torque constant * \param[in] f_R electric resistance * \param[in] f_L electric inductance * */ examples::systemmodels::ackermannmodel::CAckermannModel::CAckermannModel( const double f_dt ,const double f_gamma ,const double f_wb ,const double f_b ,const double f_J ,const double f_K ,const double f_R ,const double f_L) :CSystemModelType<double,2,10,5>(f_dt) ,m_gamma(f_gamma) ,m_wb(f_wb) ,m_bJ(f_b/f_J) ,m_KJ(f_K/f_J) ,m_KL(f_K/f_L) ,m_RL(f_R/f_L) ,m_L(f_L) { } /** \brief Update method * * Method for updating system states. * * \param[in] f_input reference to input type object * \return system states */ ackermannmodeltype::CStatesType examples::systemmodels::ackermannmodel::CAckermannModel::update( const CInputType& f_input) { CState l_states=m_states; CInput l_input=f_input; l_states.x()+=m_dt*l_states.x_dot(); l_states.y()+=m_dt*l_states.y_dot(); l_states.x_dot_prev()=l_states.x_dot(); l_states.y_dot_prev()=l_states.y_dot(); l_states.x_dot()=m_gamma**cos(l_states.teta_rad()); l_states.y_dot()=m_gamma**sin(l_states.teta_rad()); double l_alpha_rad=l_input.alpha()*DEG2RAD; l_states.teta_rad_dot()=m_gamma**tan(l_alpha_rad)/m_wb; l_states.teta_rad()+=m_dt*l_states.teta_rad_dot(); double omega_k_1=(1-m_dt*m_bJ)**m_KJ*l_states.i();//next state of the motor's rotation speed l_states.i()=-1*m_dt*m_KL**m_RL)*l_states.i()+m_dt*l_input.v()/m_L;; m_states=l_states; return l_states; } /** \brief Calculate output method * * Method for calculating output depending on input. * * \param[in] f_input reference to input type object * \return systemoutputs */ ackermannmodeltype::COutputType examples::systemmodels::ackermannmodel::CAckermannModel::calculateOutput( const CInputType& f_input) { CState l_states=m_states; // CInput l_input=f_input; COutput l_outputs(COutputType::zeros()); l_outputs.x_ddot()=l_states.x_dot()-l_states.x_dot_prev(); l_outputs.y_ddot()=l_states.y_dot()-l_states.y_dot_prev(); l_outputs.teta_rad_dot()=l_states.teta_rad_dot(); l_outputs.speed()*m_gamma; // output.alpha()=f_input.alpha(); l_outputs.i()=l_states.i(); m_outputs=l_outputs; return l_outputs; }