
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/CommandInterpreter/commandinterpreter.cpp	Thu Mar 28 07:44:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    CommandInterpreter.cpp
+  * @author  RBRO/PJ-IU
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    day-month-2017
+  * @brief   This file contains the class definition for the command interpreter
+  *          functionality.
+  ******************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <CommandInterpreter/commandinterpreter.hpp>
+/** \brief  CCommandInterpreter Class constructor
+ *
+ *  Constructor method
+ *
+ *  \param[in] f_car     reference to MOVE object
+ */
+CCommandInterpreter::CCommandInterpreter(Move& f_car) 
+    : m_buffer()
+    , m_car(f_car)
+    , m_commandValue()
+/** \brief  Interpret character
+ *
+ *  \param[in] f_c     character value
+ */
+void CCommandInterpreter::interpretChar(unsigned char f_c)
+    if ((f_c == 'A') || (f_c == 'S'))
+    {
+//            led1 = 1;
+        reset();
+        m_buffer.push(f_c);
+        m_commandID = f_c;
+//            char s[100];
+//            unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"storing command starting with %c, %c stored",f_c, m_buffer.peek());
+//            g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        m_buffer.push(f_c);
+//            char s[100];
+//            unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"peeked %c, command_ID is %c, size is %d",m_buffer.peek(),m_commandID,m_buffer.getSize());
+//            g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+        if (m_buffer.getSize() == 5)
+        {
+//                char s[100];
+//                unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpreting command starting with %c",m_commandID);
+//                g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+            intepretCommand();
+            reset();
+        }
+    }
+/** \brief  Execute command
+ *
+ */
+void CCommandInterpreter::executeCommand()
+    m_car.Steer(m_angleValue);
+    m_car.Speed(m_speedValue);
+//        reset();
+/** \brief  Reset
+ *
+ *  
+ *  
+ */
+void CCommandInterpreter::reset()
+    m_commandID = 0;
+    m_buffer.empty();
+/** \brief  Interpret command
+ *
+ *  
+ *  
+ */
+void CCommandInterpreter::intepretCommand()
+    unsigned char test_char = m_buffer.pop();
+    if (test_char != m_commandID)
+    {
+        reset();
+//            led1 = 0;
+//            char s[100];
+//            unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpretation failed at ID. Expected: %c, received: %c",m_commandID,test_char);
+//            g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        float l_sign = 0;
+        if (m_buffer.peek() == '0')
+        {
+            l_sign = 1;
+        }
+        else if (m_buffer.peek() == '1')
+        {
+            l_sign = -1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            reset();
+//                led1 = 0;
+//                char s[100];
+//                unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpretation failed a sign");
+//                g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+            return;
+        }
+        m_buffer.pop();
+        if ((m_buffer.peek() < '0') || (m_buffer.peek() > '9'))
+        {
+            reset();
+//                led1 = 0;
+//                char s[100];
+//                unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpretation failed at val 1");
+//                g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            m_commandValue = m_buffer.pop() - '0';
+        }
+        if ((m_buffer.peek() < '0') || (m_buffer.peek() > '9'))
+        {
+            reset();
+//                led1 = 0;
+//                char s[100];
+//                unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpretation failed at val 2, value is %c",m_buffer.peek());
+//                g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            m_commandValue *= 10;
+            m_commandValue += m_buffer.pop() - '0';
+            m_commandValue *= l_sign;
+        }
+        if (m_buffer.pop() != ';')
+        {
+            reset();
+//                led1 = 0;
+//                char s[100];
+//                unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"interpretation failed at terminator");
+//                g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+            return;
+        }      
+        else
+        {
+            if(m_commandID == 'A')
+            {
+                m_angleValue = m_commandValue;
+//                    char s[100];
+//                    unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"set angle to %f\n", m_angleValue);
+//                    g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+//                    led1 = 1;
+                reset();
+                return;
+            }
+            if(m_commandID == 'S')
+            {
+                m_speedValue = m_commandValue;
+//                    char s[100];
+//                    unsigned int  l = sprintf(s,"set speed to %f\n", m_speedValue);
+//                    g_rpiWriteBuffer.push(s,l);
+//                    led1 = 1;
+                reset();
+                return;
+            }
+            reset();
+        }      
+    }