
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/MotionController/motioncontroller.hpp	Thu Mar 28 07:44:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    MotionController.hpp
+  * @author  RBRO/PJ-IU
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    day-month-year
+  * @brief   This file contains the class declaration for the motion controller
+  *          functionality.
+  ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* The mbed library */
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include <TaskManager/taskmanager.hpp>
+#include <Move/move.hpp>
+#include <BezierMotionPlanner/bezierMotionplanner.hpp>
+#include <Controllers/controller.hpp>
+#include <SafetyStop/safetystopfunction.hpp>
+#include <rtos.h>
+ * @brief Limit of the pwm command [percentage]
+ * 
+ */
+ * @brief Limit of the velocity command [Centimeter per second]
+ * 
+ */
+//!  CMotionController class. 
+ *  It inherits class task::CTask. 
+ *  It is used for executing move commands.
+ * */
+class CMotionController 
+    CMotionController(
+        float f_period_sec,
+        Serial& f_serialPort, 
+        Move& f_car,
+        CSafetyStopFunction* f_safetyStop,
+        controllers::CControllerSiso* f_control = NULL);
+    CMotionController(
+        float f_period_sec, 
+        Serial& f_serialPort, 
+        Move& f_car,
+        controllers::CControllerSiso*           f_control = NULL);
+    /* Serial callback method for Move command */
+    static void staticSerialCallbackMove(void* obj,char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Serial callback method for BRAKE command */
+    static void staticSerialCallbackBrake(void* obj,char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Serial callback method for hard BRAKE command */
+    static void staticSerialCallbackHardBrake(void* obj,char const * a, char * b) ;
+    /* Serial callback method for PID activation command */
+    static void staticSerialCallbackPID(void* obj,char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Static serial callback for spline command */
+    static void staticSerialCallbackSpline(void* obj,char const * a,char * b );
+    /* Static callback function for run method */
+    static void staticCallbackRun(void* obj);
+    /* Start the Rtos timer for applying run */
+    void startRtosTimer();
+    /* Reset method */
+    void reset();
+    /* Get speed method */
+    float getSpeed();
+    /* Get angle method */
+    float getAngle();
+    /* BRAKE callback method */
+    void BrakeCallback();
+    /* Set state method */
+    void setState(int f_state);
+    /* Run method */
+    virtual void _run();
+    /* Serial callback implementation */ 
+    void serialCallbackMove(char const * a, char * b);
+    /* BRAKE serial callback */
+    void serialCallbackBrake(char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Hard BRAKE serial callback */
+    void serialCallbackHardBrake(char const * a, char * b);
+    /* PID serial callback */
+    void serialCallbackPID(char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Spline serial callback */
+    void serialCallbackSpline(char const * a, char * b);
+    /* Static function to convert from linear velocity ( centimeter per second ) of robot to angular velocity ( rotation per second ) of motor */
+    static float Mps2Rps(float f_vel_cmps);
+    // /* Velocity to PWM function */
+    // static float VEL2PWM(float vel);
+    /* reference to Serial object */
+    Serial& m_serialPort;
+    /* reference to MOVE object */
+    Move& m_car;
+    /* Speed */
+    float m_speed;
+    /* Angle */
+    float m_angle;
+    /* PEriod i nseconds */
+    float   m_period_sec;
+    /* Spline activation state */
+    bool    m_isSplineActivated;
+    /* State machine state */
+    uint8_t m_state;
+    /* PID activation state */
+    bool    m_ispidActivated;
+    // 0-none
+    // 1-normal
+    // 2-brake regeneration
+    /* motion planner object */
+    planner::CBezierMotionPlanner           m_motionPlanner;
+    /* Timeout */
+    Timeout                                 m_hbTimeOut;
+    /* Reference to control object */
+    controllers::CControllerSiso*           m_control;
+    /* Reference to safety stop function */
+    CSafetyStopFunction*                    m_safetyStop;
+    /* Rtos  timer for periodically applying */
+    RtosTimer                               m_timer;