
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/Examples/SystemModels/ackermannmodel.hpp	Thu Mar 28 07:44:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    AckermannModel.hpp
+  * @author  RBRO/PJ-IU
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    day-month-year
+  * @brief   This file contains the class declaration for the Ackermann model.
+  ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Include guard */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <SystemModels/systemmodels.hpp>
+#include <Examples/SystemModels/ackermanntypes.hpp>
+/* Definition of PI value */
+#ifndef M_PI
+    #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+/* Definition of degrees to radians transformation */
+#ifndef DEG2RAD 
+    #define DEG2RAD M_PI/180.0
+namespace examples
+    namespace systemmodels
+    {
+        namespace ackermannmodel
+        {
+            /* System model type */
+            template<class T,uint32_t NA,uint32_t NB,uint32_t NC>
+            using CSystemModelType      = ::systemmodels::nlti::mimo::CDiscreteTimeSystemModel<T,NA,NB,NC>;
+            /* Jacobian matrix*/
+            template<class T,uint32_t NA,uint32_t NB,uint32_t NC>
+            using CJacobianMatricesType = ::systemmodels::nlti::mimo::CJacobianMatrices<T,NA,NB,NC>;
+            //!  CAckermannModel class. 
+            /*!
+            * It inherits class CSystemModelType. 
+            */
+            class CAckermannModel:public CSystemModelType<double,2,10,5>
+            {
+                public:
+                    /* Constructor */
+                    CAckermannModel(const double       f_dt     
+                                    ,const double      f_gamma
+                                    ,const double      f_wb
+                                    ,const double      f_b
+                                    ,const double      f_J
+                                    ,const double      f_K
+                                    ,const double      f_R
+                                    ,const double      f_L);
+                    /* Constructor */
+                    CAckermannModel(const CStatesType&      f_states
+                                    ,const double            f_dt     
+                                    ,const double            f_gamma
+                                    ,const double            f_wb
+                                    ,const double            f_b
+                                    ,const double            f_J
+                                    ,const double            f_K
+                                    ,const double            f_R
+                                    ,const double            f_L);
+                    /* Update method */
+                    CStatesType update(const CInputType&       f_input);
+                    /* Calculate output method */
+                    COutputType calculateOutput(const CInputType&  f_input);
+                private:
+                    /* gamma=Meter/Rotation */
+                    const double m_gamma;
+                    /* Wheel base distance in meter */
+                    const double m_wb;
+                    /* Motor Constants */
+                    const double m_bJ,m_KJ,m_KL,m_RL,m_L;      
+            };
+            //!  CJMAckermannModel class. 
+            /*!
+            * It inherits class CJacobianMatricesType. 
+            */
+            class CJMAckermannModel:public CJacobianMatricesType<double,2,10,5>
+            {
+                public:
+                    CJMAckermannModel   (double          f_dt
+                                        ,double          f_gamma
+                                        ,double          f_wb
+                                        ,double          f_b
+                                        ,double          f_J
+                                        ,double          f_K
+                                        ,double          f_R
+                                        ,double          f_L)
+                                        :m_dt(f_dt)
+                                        ,m_gamma(f_gamma)
+                                        ,m_wb(f_wb)
+                                        ,m_bJ(f_b/f_J)
+                                        ,m_KJ(f_K/f_J)
+                                        ,m_KL(f_K/f_L)
+                                        ,m_RL(f_R/f_L)
+                    {
+                        m_ObservationMatrix=initObservationMatrix();
+                    }
+                    CJMObservationType getJMObservation(    const CStatesType&       f_states
+                                                            ,const CInputType&       f_input){
+                        return m_ObservationMatrix;
+                    }
+                private:
+                    linalg::CMatrix<double,5,10> initObservationMatrix(){
+                        linalg::CMatrix<double,5,10> l_data;
+                        l_data[0][2]=l_data[1][3]=1.f/m_dt;
+                        l_data[0][4]=l_data[1][5]=-1.f/m_dt;
+                        l_data[2][7]=1.f;
+                        l_data[3][8]=m_gamma;
+                        l_data[4][9]=1.f;
+                        return l_data;
+                    }
+                    inline void  setJacobianStateMatrixWithOne(CJMTransitionType& f_matrix){
+                        f_matrix[0][0]=f_matrix[1][1]=1;
+                        f_matrix[4][2]=f_matrix[5][3]=1;
+                        f_matrix[6][6]=1;
+                        return;
+                    }
+                public:
+                    CJMTransitionType getJMTransition(       const CStatesType&       f_states
+                                                            ,const CInputType&       f_input){
+                        CJMTransitionType l_data(CJMTransitionType::zeros());
+                        setJacobianStateMatrixWithOne(l_data);
+                        CState l_states(f_states);
+                        CInput l_input(f_input);
+                        //Setting values in the jacobian matrix
+                        l_data[0][2]=m_dt;
+                        l_data[1][3]=m_dt;
+                        l_data[2][6]=-m_gamma*l_states.omega()*sin(l_states.teta_rad());
+                        l_data[2][8]=m_gamma*cos(l_states.teta_rad());
+                        l_data[3][6]=m_gamma*l_states.omega()*cos(l_states.teta_rad());
+                        l_data[3][8]=m_gamma*sin(l_states.teta_rad());
+                        double l_alpha_rad=l_input.alpha()*DEG2RAD;
+                        l_data[7][8]=l_data[6][8]=m_dt*m_gamma*tan(l_alpha_rad)/m_wb;
+                        //l_data[7][11]=l_data[6][11]=m_dt*m_gamma*f_state.omega/(m_wb*pow(cos(l_alpha_rad),2));
+                        l_data[8][8]=(1-m_dt*m_bJ);
+                        l_data[8][9]=m_dt*m_KJ;
+                        l_data[9][8]=m_dt*m_KL;
+                        l_data[9][9]=(1-m_dt*m_RL);
+                        //l_data[9][10]=m_dt;
+                        return l_data;
+                    }
+                private:
+                    /* Constant values  */
+                    /* Time step  */
+                    const double m_dt;
+                    /* gamma=Meter/Rotation  */
+                    const double m_gamma;
+                    /* Wheel base distance in meter  */
+                    const double m_wb;
+                    /* Motor Constants  */
+                    const double m_bJ,m_KJ,m_KL,m_RL;
+                    /* Please leave this matrix to be the last member in this class, 
+                    as it will be initialized  */
+                    linalg::CMatrix<double,5,10> m_ObservationMatrix;    
+            };
+        };
+    };