integration with sensors

Dependencies:   JPEGCamera MODGPS RHT03 mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r a93721ad3c1a main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 16 14:02:57 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "JPEGCamera.h"
+#include "RHT03.h"
+#include "GPS.h"
+DigitalOut myled1(LED1); //show successful picture was taken
+DigitalOut myled2(LED2); //show end of sequence
+DigitalOut myled3(LED3); //show picture take failed
+DigitalOut myled4(LED4); //show camera is not ready
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+/*Xbee Start*/
+Serial XBee(p13, p14);
+GPS gps(NC,p27);  
+// Create an instance of the GPS object. You will need to
+// your GPS module to.
+char rmc[GPS_BUFFER_LEN];
+char gga[GPS_BUFFER_LEN];
+char vtg[GPS_BUFFER_LEN];
+char ukn[GPS_BUFFER_LEN];
+// 0.1 second flash of LED2
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+Timeout t2;
+int j=0;// camera variable
+void t2out(void)
+    led2 = 0;
+void blip2(void)
+    led2 = 1;
+    t2.attach(&t2out, 0.1);
+// 0.1 second flash of LED3
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+Timeout t3;
+void t3out(void)
+    led3 = 0;
+void blip3(void)
+    led3 = 1;
+    t3.attach(&t3out, 0.1);
+// 0.1 second flash of LED4
+DigitalOut led4(LED4);
+Timeout t4;
+void t4out(void)
+    led4 = 0;
+void blip4(void)
+    led4 = 1;
+    t4.attach(&t4out, 0.1);
+void gps_call(void);
+void temp_hum(void);
+void cam_call(void);
+ GPS_Time q1;
+ JPEGCamera camera(p9, p10); // TX, RX
+int main() 
+    // SET THIS.
+    // Ensure you set the baud rate to match your serial
+    // communications to your PC/Max/Linux host so you
+    // can read the messages.
+    pc.printf("setting the PC baud rate \n");
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    // Tell MODGPS "we want copies of the NMEA sentences". When a callback
+    // is made our buffers will contain a copy of the last received sentence
+    // before it was processed/destroyed.
+    gps.setRmc(rmc);
+    gps.setGga(gga);
+    gps.setVtg(vtg);
+    gps.setUkn(ukn);
+    // SET THIS.
+    // Most GPS modules use 9600,8,n,1 so that's what
+    // we default to here. Ensure your GPS module matches
+    // this, otherwise set it to match.
+    pc.printf("setting the GPS baud rate \n");
+    gps.baud(9600);
+    gps.format(8, GPS::None, 1);
+    // OPTIONAL
+    // If you GPS has a 1 pulse per second output you can
+    // connect it to an Mbed pin. Here you specify what pin
+    // and on what "edge" teh signal is active. If your GPS
+    // module has a rising edge at the one second point then
+    // use GPS::ppsRise
+#ifdef PPSPIN
+    gps.ppsAttach(PPSPIN, GPS::ppsFall);
+    // Sample of a callback to a function when the 1PPS activates.
+    // For this example, we flash LED2 for 0.1 second.
+    gps.attach_pps(&blip2);
+    // Sample of a callback to a function when a NMEA GGA message is recieved.
+    // For this example, we flash LED2 for 0.1 second.
+    gps.attach_gga(&blip3);
+    // Sample of a callback to a function when a NMEA RMC message is recieved.
+    // For this example, we flash LED2 for 0.1 second.
+    gps.attach_rmc(&blip4);
+    // Camera Code
+    pc.printf("Loading camera module \n");
+    LocalFileSystem local("local"); //save images on mbed
+    camera.setPictureSize(JPEGCamera::SIZE320x240);
+    pc.printf("getting ready for the while loop! \n");
+  int i;
+  for(i=1;i<11;i++)
+   {//gps 
+    gps_call();
+     if(i==1||i==5||i==10)
+     {//temp&hum
+       temp_hum();
+     }
+     if(i%2==0)
+     {//camera
+         cam_call();
+     }
+   }
+    }
+void gps_call(void)
+// GPS Code
+      pc.printf("Turning inside the loop() \n");
+        // Every 3 seconds, flip LED1 and print the basic GPS info.
+        pc.printf("hello GPS \n");
+        myled1 = 1;
+        // Demonstrate how to find out the GPS location co-ords.
+        pc.printf("Method 1. Lat = %.4f ", gps.latitude());
+        XBee.printf("Method 1. Lat = %.4f ", gps.latitude());
+        pc.printf("Lon = %.4f ", gps.longitude());
+        XBee.printf("Lon = %.4f ", gps.longitude());
+        pc.printf("Alt = %.4f ", gps.altitude());
+        XBee.printf("Alt = %.4f ", gps.altitude());
+        // Gran a snapshot of the current time.
+        gps.timeNow(&q1);
+        pc.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d\r\n",
+                  q1.hour, q1.minute, q1.second,, q1.month, q1.year);
+       XBee.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d\r\n",
+                  q1.hour, q1.minute, q1.second,, q1.month, q1.year);
+void temp_hum(void)
+//Temperature Sensor Code
+        pc.printf("hello TEMP");
+        int done=0;
+        float temp,hum;
+        RHT03 humtemp(p24); //Initalise the RHT03 (change pin number to the pin its connected to)
+        while(!done) { //Loop keeps running until RHT03 is read succesfully
+            wait(2); //Needed to make sure the sensor has time to initalise and so its not polled too quickly
+            if(humtemp.readData() == RHT_ERROR_NONE) done=1; //Request data from the RHT03
+        }
+        temp = humtemp.getTemperatureC(); //Gets the current temperature in centigrade
+        hum = humtemp.getHumidity(); //Gets the current humidity in percentage
+        pc.printf("Temperature is %f C \r",temp);
+        XBee.printf("Temperature is %f C \r\n",temp);
+        pc.printf("Humidity  is %f % \r\n",hum);
+        XBee.printf("Humidity  is %f % \r\n",hum);
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+void cam_call(void)
+//camera Code
+    j++; 
+        Timer timer;
+        pc.printf("starting timer...");
+        timer.start();
+        pc.printf("hello CAMERA");
+            if (camera.isReady()) {
+                char filename[32];
+                sprintf(filename, "/local/pict%03d.jpg", j);
+                printf("Picture: %s ", filename);
+                if (camera.takePicture(filename)) {
+                    while (camera.isProcessing()) {
+                        camera.processPicture();
+                    }
+                    myled1 = 1; //show successful picture was taken
+                    myled1 = 0;
+                } else {
+                    printf("take picture failed ");
+                    myled3 = 1; //show picture take failed
+                    myled3 = 0;
+                }
+            } else {
+                printf("camera is not ready ");
+                myled4 = 1; //show camera is not ready
+                myled4 = 0;
+            }
+        myled2 = 1; //show end of sequence
+        myled2 = 0;
+        printf("time = %f\n",;
+        ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+        //Xbee Code
+        pc.printf("i'm Sending.......");
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////
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