Minimal project to send AT-commands from the USB serialport to the BG96.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Nucleo_NbIotBG96_A2_cloud_IBM by Avnet Silica

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Nov 17 17:23:30 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+/* BG96 NetworkSocketAPI Example Program
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "BG96Interface.h"
+#include "TCPSocket.h"
+#include "MQTTClient.h"
+#include "MQTT_GSM.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+//#include "x_nucleo_iks01a1.h"
+#include "XNucleoIKS01A2.h"
+#include "BG96.h"
+// Hyperterminal default configuration
+// 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); 
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+bool quickstartMode = true;    
+#define MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 300   
+#define ORG_QUICKSTART         							// comment to connect to
+//#define SUBSCRIBE              							// uncomment to subscribe to broker msgs (not to be used with IBM broker) 
+ // Configuration values needed to connect to IBM IoT Cloud
+#define BROKER_URL "";     
+	#define ORG "quickstart"     								// connect to For a registered connection, replace with your org 
+	#define ID ""
+	#define AUTH_TOKEN ""
+	#define DEFAULT_TYPE_NAME "iotsample-mbed-Nucleo"
+	#define TOPIC  "iot-2/evt/status/fmt/json" 
+#else   // not def ORG_QUICKSTART
+	#define ORG "pvko17"             						// connect to For a registered connection, replace with your org
+	#define ID "testtype_112233445566"       		// For a registered connection, replace with your id
+	#define AUTH_TOKEN "testtype_112233445566"	// For a registered connection, replace with your auth-token
+	#define DEFAULT_TYPE_NAME "TestType"
+	#define TOPIC   "iot-2/type/TestType/id/testtype_112233445566/evt/status/fmt/json" 
+// network credential
+//#define APN   ""  //VODAFONE apn definition's
+#define APN			"internet.wind"		//WIND apn definition's
+#define PASSW  ""
+#define USNAME ""
+#define TYPE DEFAULT_TYPE_NAME       // For a registered connection, replace with your type
+#define MQTT_PORT 1883
+#define MQTT_TLS_PORT 8883
+char id[30] = ID;                 // mac without colons  
+char org[12] = ORG;        
+int connack_rc = 0; // MQTT connack return code
+//const char* ip_addr = "";
+//char* host_addr = "";
+char sensor_id[50];
+char type[30] = TYPE;
+char auth_token[30] = AUTH_TOKEN; // Auth_token is only used in non-quickstart mode
+bool netConnecting = false;
+int connectTimeout = 1000;
+bool mqttConnecting = false;
+bool netConnected = false;
+bool connected = false;
+int retryAttempt = 0;
+char subscription_url[MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
+#define SENSOR_ENABLED		1
+#define SENSOR_MODEL			2
+#define FW_REV						"1.0a"
+PressureSensor *pressure_sensor;
+HumiditySensor *humidity_sensor;
+TempSensor *temp_sensor1;
+MQTT::Message message;
+MQTTString TopicName={TOPIC};
+MQTT::MessageData MsgData(TopicName, message);
+		//#if SENSOR_MODEL == 2
+				/* Instantiate the expansion board */
+				static XNucleoIKS01A2 *mems_expansion_board = XNucleoIKS01A2::instance(D14, D15, D4, D5);
+				/* Retrieve the composing elements of the expansion board */
+				static LSM303AGRMagSensor *magnetometer = mems_expansion_board->magnetometer;
+				static HTS221Sensor *hum_temp = mems_expansion_board->ht_sensor;
+				static LPS22HBSensor *press_temp = mems_expansion_board->pt_sensor;
+				static LSM6DSLSensor *acc_gyro = mems_expansion_board->acc_gyro;
+				static LSM303AGRAccSensor *accelerometer = mems_expansion_board->accelerometer;
+		//#endif
+void subscribe_cb(MQTT::MessageData & msgMQTT) {
+    char msg[MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
+    msg[0]='\0';
+    strncat (msg, (char*)msgMQTT.message.payload, msgMQTT.message.payloadlen);
+    printf ("--->>> subscribe_cb msg: %s\n\r", msg);
+int subscribe(MQTT::Client<MQTT_GSM, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE>* client, MQTT_GSM* ipstack)
+    char* pubTopic = TOPIC;    
+    return client->subscribe(pubTopic, MQTT::QOS1, subscribe_cb);
+int connect(MQTT::Client<MQTT_GSM, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE>* client, MQTT_GSM* ipstack)
+    const char* iot_ibm = BROKER_URL; 
+    char hostname[strlen(org) + strlen(iot_ibm) + 1];
+    sprintf(hostname, "%s%s", org, iot_ibm);
+    // Construct clientId - d:org:type:id
+    char clientId[strlen(org) + strlen(type) + strlen(id) + 5];  
+    sprintf(clientId, "d:%s:%s:%s", org, type, id);  //@@
+		#else
+		sprintf(clientId, "g:%s:%s:%s", org, type, id);  //@@
+		#endif
+    sprintf(subscription_url, "%s.%s/#/device/%s/sensor/", org, "",id);
+    netConnecting = true;
+    ipstack->open(&ipstack->getGSM());
+    int rc = ipstack->connect(hostname, IBM_IOT_PORT, connectTimeout);    
+    if (rc != 0)
+    {
+        //WARN("IP Stack connect returned: %d\n", rc);    
+        return rc;
+    }
+    pc.printf ("--->TCP Connected\n\r");
+    netConnected = true;
+    netConnecting = false;
+    // MQTT Connect
+    mqttConnecting = true;
+    MQTTPacket_connectData data = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer;
+    data.MQTTVersion = 3;
+    data.struct_version=0;
+    data.clientID.cstring = clientId;
+    if (!quickstartMode) 
+    {        
+        data.username.cstring = "use-token-auth";
+        data.password.cstring = auth_token;
+    }   
+    if ((rc = client->connect(data)) == 0) 
+    {       
+        connected = true;
+        pc.printf ("--->MQTT Connected\n\r");
+	#ifdef SUBSCRIBE
+        if (!subscribe(client, ipstack)) printf ("--->>>MQTT subscribed to: %s\n\r",TOPIC);
+	#endif           
+    }
+    else {
+        //WARN("MQTT connect returned %d\n", rc);        
+    }
+    if (rc >= 0)
+        connack_rc = rc;
+    mqttConnecting = false;
+    return rc;
+int getConnTimeout(int attemptNumber)
+{  // First 10 attempts try within 3 seconds, next 10 attempts retry after every 1 minute
+   // after 20 attempts, retry every 10 minutes
+    return (attemptNumber < 10) ? 3 : (attemptNumber < 20) ? 60 : 600;
+void attemptConnect(MQTT::Client<MQTT_GSM, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE>* client, MQTT_GSM* ipstack)
+    connected = false;
+    while (connect(client, ipstack) != MQTT_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED) 
+    {    
+        if (connack_rc == MQTT_NOT_AUTHORIZED || connack_rc == MQTT_BAD_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD) {
+            printf ("File: %s, Line: %d Error: %d\n\r",__FILE__,__LINE__, connack_rc);        
+            return; // don't reattempt to connect if credentials are wrong
+        } 
+        int timeout = getConnTimeout(++retryAttempt);
+        //WARN("Retry attempt number %d waiting %d\n", retryAttempt, timeout);
+        // if ipstack and client were on the heap we could deconstruct and goto a label where they are constructed
+        //  or maybe just add the proper members to do this disconnect and call attemptConnect(...)        
+        // this works - reset the system when the retry count gets to a threshold
+        if (retryAttempt == 5){
+						pc.printf ("\n\n\rFAIL!! system reset!!\n\n\r");
+            NVIC_SystemReset();
+				}
+        else
+            wait(timeout);
+    }
+float hum_global = 50.0;
+uint32_t n_msg = 0;
+int publish(MQTT::Client<MQTT_GSM, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE>* client, MQTT_GSM* ipstack)
+    MQTT::Message message;
+    char* pubTopic = TOPIC;
+    char buf[MQTT_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
+    float temp, temp1, temp2, press, hum;
+		pc.printf("reading sensors...");
+		#if SENSOR_MODEL == 1
+			temp_sensor1->GetTemperature(&temp);
+			pressure_sensor->GetPressure(&press);
+			humidity_sensor->GetHumidity(&hum);
+		#endif
+		#if SENSOR_MODEL == 2
+	    hum_temp->get_temperature(&temp1);
+			hum_temp->get_humidity(&hum);
+			press_temp->get_temperature(&temp2);
+			press_temp->get_pressure(&press);
+			temp = (temp1+temp2)/2;
+		#endif
+	pc.printf(" DONE\r\n");
+	#else
+		temp=25.5;
+		hum_global +=0.1;
+		if (hum_global>99.0)
+			hum_global = 50.0;
+		hum=hum_global;
+		press=999;
+	#endif
+    sprintf(buf,
+     "{\"d\":{\"ST\":\"Nucleo-IoT-mbed\",\"Temp\":%0.4f,\"Pressure\":%0.4f,\"Humidity\":%0.4f}}",
+              temp, press, hum);
+	#else
+		sprintf (buf, 
+		"{\"%s\": {\"temp\":%0.4f,\"humidity\":%0.4f,\"pressure\":%0.4f,\"ambient\":0,\"uv\":0,\"accel_X\":0,\"accel_Y\":0,\"accel_Z\":0}}", 
+				sensor_id, temp, hum, press);
+	#endif
+		message.qos = MQTT::QOS0;
+    message.retained = false;
+    message.dup = false;
+    message.payload = (void*)buf;
+    message.payloadlen = strlen(buf);
+		//LOG("Publishing %s\n\r", buf);
+		n_msg++;
+    pc.printf("Publishing V%s #%d %s\n\r", FW_REV, n_msg, buf);
+    return client->publish(pubTopic, message);
+int loop_count = 0;  
+void test_sens(void);
+int main()
+    const char * apn = APN; // Network must be visible otherwise it can't connect
+    const char * username = USNAME;
+		const char * password = PASSW;
+    BG96Interface bg96_if(D8, D2, false);
+		//sprintf(sensor_id,"%s",bg96_if.get_mac_address()); 
+		//Timer tyeld;
+		//change serial baud to 115200
+		pc.baud(115200);
+		wait(0.1);
+    myled=1;
+		//wait(0.5);
+    pc.printf("\r\n*************************************************");
+	  wait( 0.1 ); 
+		pc.printf("\r\nAvnet Silica NbIotBG96 mbed-os application\r\n");  
+    wait( 0.1 );   
+    pc.printf("MBED online version %s\r\n", FW_REV);     
+    wait( 0.1 );
+    //pc.printf("\r\nwait for APN ready ...\r\n");  
+    //wait( 0.1 );     
+				#if SENSOR_MODEL == 1
+						DevI2C *i2c = new DevI2C(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
+						i2c->frequency(400000);    
+						X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 *mems_expansion_board = X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1::Instance(i2c);   
+						pressure_sensor = mems_expansion_board->pt_sensor;
+						temp_sensor1 = mems_expansion_board->ht_sensor;  
+						humidity_sensor = mems_expansion_board->ht_sensor;  
+				#endif
+				#if SENSOR_MODEL == 2
+						/* Enable all sensors */
+						hum_temp->enable();
+						press_temp->enable();
+						//magnetometer->enable();
+						//accelerometer->enable();
+						//acc_gyro->enable_x();
+						//acc_gyro->enable_g();
+				#endif
+	 #endif
+   quickstartMode=false;
+   if (strcmp(org, "quickstart") == 0){quickstartMode = true;}
+   MQTT_GSM ipstack(bg96_if, apn, username, password);
+   MQTT::Client<MQTT_GSM, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE> client(ipstack);
+   if (quickstartMode){
+        char mac[50];  // remove all : from mac
+        char *digit=NULL;
+        sprintf (id,"%s", "");                
+        sprintf (mac,"%s",ipstack.getGSM().get_mac_address()); 
+        digit = strtok (mac,":");
+        while (digit != NULL)
+        {
+            strcat (id, digit);
+            digit = strtok (NULL, ":");
+        }     
+   }
+   attemptConnect(&client, &ipstack);
+   if (connack_rc == MQTT_NOT_AUTHORIZED || connack_rc == MQTT_BAD_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD)    
+   {
+      while (true)
+      wait(1.0); // Permanent failures - don't retry
+   }
+		myled=0;      
+		sprintf(sensor_id,"%s",bg96_if.get_mac_address()); 
+    while (true)
+    {
+        if (++loop_count == 60)
+        {   
+						// Publish a message every 30 second
+						pc.printf("\n");
+						myled=1;
+            if (publish(&client, &ipstack) != 0) { 
+                myled=0;
+                attemptConnect(&client, &ipstack);   // if we have lost the connection                
+            } 
+						//else 
+						myled=0;
+            loop_count = 0;
+        }        
+//      int start = tyeld.read_ms();
+        client.yield(500);  // allow the MQTT client to receive messages
+				pc.printf ("loop %d\r", (loop_count+1));		//: %d\n\r",tyeld.read_ms()-start);
+    }
+/* Helper function for printing floats & doubles */
+static char *print_double(char* str, double v, int decimalDigits=2)
+  int i = 1;
+  int intPart, fractPart;
+  int len;
+  char *ptr;
+  /* prepare decimal digits multiplicator */
+  for (;decimalDigits!=0; i*=10, decimalDigits--);
+  /* calculate integer & fractinal parts */
+  intPart = (int)v;
+  fractPart = (int)((v-(double)(int)v)*i);
+  /* fill in integer part */
+  sprintf(str, "%i.", intPart);
+  /* prepare fill in of fractional part */
+  len = strlen(str);
+  ptr = &str[len];
+  /* fill in leading fractional zeros */
+  for (i/=10;i>1; i/=10, ptr++) {
+    if (fractPart >= i) {
+      break;
+    }
+    *ptr = '0';
+  }
+  /* fill in (rest of) fractional part */
+  sprintf(ptr, "%i", fractPart);
+  return str;
+		//for testing sensor board ...
+void test_sens(void)
+		while(1)
+		{
+			  float value1, value2;
+			  char buffer1[32], buffer2[32];
+			  printf("\r\n");
+			  hum_temp->get_temperature(&value1);
+				hum_temp->get_humidity(&value2);
+				printf("HTS221: [temp] %7s C,   [hum] %s%%\r\n", print_double(buffer1, value1), print_double(buffer2, value2));
+				press_temp->get_temperature(&value1);
+				press_temp->get_pressure(&value2);
+				printf("LPS22HB: [temp] %7s C, [press] %s mbar\r\n", print_double(buffer1, value1), print_double(buffer2, value2));
+				wait(2);
+		}