Display pot. value

Fork of IPI_Singapore_Workshop by IPI Singapore Workshop

Wed Nov 22 07:59:57 2017 +0000
Revision Commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 2 // The confidential and proprietary information contained in this file may
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 3 // only be used by a person authorised under and to the extent permitted
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 4 // by a subsisting licensing agreement from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 5 //
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 6 // (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 ARM Limited or its affiliates.
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 7 // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 8 //
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 9 // This entire notice must be reproduced on all copies of this file
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 10 // and copies of this file may only be made by a person if such person is
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 11 // permitted to do so under the terms of a subsisting license agreement
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 12 // from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 13 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 14
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 15 #include "mbed.h"
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 16
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 17 // GLOBAL VARIABLES HERE
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 18 AnalogIn pot1(A0);
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 19 EventQueue queue;
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 20
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 21 // FUNCTION DEFINITIONS HERE
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 22 void read_potentiometer() {
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 23 static float potentiometer_val = 0;
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 24 if ((float)pot1 != potentiometer_val) {
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 25 potentiometer_val = (float)pot1;
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 26 printf("Analog Reading: %.2f\r\n", potentiometer_val);
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 27 }
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 28 }
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 29
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 30
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 31 int main()
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 32 {
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 33 // MAIN CODE HERE
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 34 queue.call_every(100, read_potentiometer);
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 35 while(1){
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 36 wait_ms(100);
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 37 queue.dispatch(0);
alansim 2:10f92fa42985 38 }
nprobably 0:4ebd37a7a0ac 39 }