Updated version for LoraWan GEII IUT

Dependencies:   Servo Cayenne-LPP

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/th02.cpp	Tue Oct 22 08:45:41 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// **********************************************************************************
+// Driver definition for HopeRF TH02 temperature and humidity sensor
+// **********************************************************************************
+// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
+// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
+// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
+// For any explanation see TH02 sensor information at
+// http://www.hoperf.com/sensor/app/TH02.htm
+// Code based on following datasheet
+// http://www.hoperf.com/upload/sensor/TH02_V1.1.pdf
+// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (http://hallard.me)
+// History : V1.00 2014-07-14 - First release
+//           V1.10 2015-04-13 - changed to Wire library instead of m_I2C
+// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
+// **********************************************************************************
+#include "th02.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "math.h"
+// Class Constructor
+TH02::TH02(PinName sda,PinName scl,uint8_t address): m_I2C(sda, scl)
+    _address = address; // m_I2C Module Address
+    _last_temp = TH02_UNINITIALIZED_TEMP;  // Last measured temperature (for linearization)
+    _last_rh = TH02_UNINITIALIZED_RH;      // Last measured RH
+//m_I2C.frequency(10000); //set 10khz i2c frequency
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: writeCommand
+Purpose : write the "register address" value on m_I2C bus
+Input   : register address
+          true if we need to release the bus after (default yes)
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::writeCommand(uint8_t command, bool release)
+    int iError;
+    (void) m_I2C.start();
+    //Wire.beginTransmission(_address);
+    iError=m_I2C.write(_address);// send adress of i2c slave
+    if (iError==1) { // ack received
+// Wire.write(command) ;
+        iError= m_I2C.write(command);
+        if (release==true) {
+            m_I2C.stop();// return stop error code
+        }
+    }
+    if (iError==1) iError=0;// ack received
+    else iError=1;// no ack
+    return iError;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: writeRegister
+Purpose : write a value on the designed register address on m_I2C bus
+Input   : register address
+          value to write
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
+    int iError;
+    bool ret = false;
+    //Wire.beginTransmission(_address);
+    (void) m_I2C.start();
+    iError=m_I2C.write(_address);// send adress of i2c slave
+// Wire.write(reg);
+    if (iError==1) {
+        iError= m_I2C.write(reg);
+// Wire.write(value);
+        (void) m_I2C.write(value);
+    }
+// return Wire.endTransmission();
+    m_I2C.stop();// return stop error code
+    if (iError==1) iError=0;// ack received
+    else iError=1;// no ack
+    wait_ms(1);
+    return iError;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: readRegister
+Purpose : read a register address value on m_I2C bus
+Input   : register address
+          pointer where the return value will be filled
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::readRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t * value)
+    uint8_t ret ;
+    int iAck,iRedVal,iError;
+    // Send a register reading command
+    // but DO NOT release the m_I2C bus
+// (void) m_I2C.start();
+    //iError=m_I2C.write(_address);// send adress of i2c slave
+    //if (iError==1) // ack received
+    //{
+    ret = writeCommand(reg, false);// no stop
+    if ( ret == 0) { //if command ok
+        // Wire.requestFrom( (uint8_t) _address, (uint8_t) 1);
+        (void) m_I2C.start();
+        iError=m_I2C.write(_address+0x01);// send adress of i2c slave in read mode
+        *value =m_I2C.read(0);//send non ack
+        // if (Wire.available() != 1)
+        /*if (iAck != 1)
+        // Other error as Wire library
+        ret = 4;
+        else
+        // grab the value*/
+        //   *value = iRedVal; // return Red value by ref
+        //}
+        // Ok now we have finished
+// Wire.endTransmission();
+    }
+    (void) m_I2C.stop();// return stop error code
+    wait_ms(1);
+    return ret;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getId
+Purpose : Get device ID register
+Input   : pointer where the return value will be filled
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+Comments: -
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::getId(uint8_t * pvalue)
+    return (readRegister(TH02_ID, pvalue));
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getStatus
+Purpose : Get device status register
+Input   : pointer where the return value will be filled
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::getStatus(uint8_t * pvalue)
+    return (readRegister(TH02_STATUS, pvalue));
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: isConverting
+Purpose : Indicate if a temperature or humidity conversion is in progress
+Input   : -
+Output  : true if conversion in progress false otherwise
+====================================================================== */
+bool TH02::isConverting(void)
+    uint8_t status;
+    // Get status and check RDY bit
+    if ( getStatus(&status) == 0)
+    {
+       // printf("\n lecture status %x",status);
+        if ( (status & TH02_STATUS_RDY) ==1 )
+            return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getConfig
+Purpose : Get device configuration register
+Input   : pointer where the return value will be filled
+Output  : Arduino Wire library return code (0 if ok)
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::getConfig(uint8_t * pvalue)
+    return (readRegister(TH02_CONFIG, pvalue));
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: setConfig
+Purpose : Set device configuration register
+Input   : value to set
+Output  : true if succeded, false otherwise
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::setConfig(uint8_t config)
+    return (writeRegister(TH02_CONFIG, config));
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: startTempConv
+Purpose : Start a temperature conversion
+Input   : - fastmode true to enable fast conversion
+          - heater true to enable heater
+Output  : true if succeded, false otherwise
+Comments: if heater enabled, it will not be auto disabled
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::startTempConv(bool fastmode, bool heater)
+    // init configuration register to start and temperature
+    uint8_t config = TH02_CONFIG_START | TH02_CONFIG_TEMP;
+    // set fast mode and heater if asked
+    if (fastmode) config |= TH02_CONFIG_FAST;
+    if (heater)   config |= TH02_CONFIG_HEAT;
+    // write to configuration register
+    return ( setConfig( config ) );
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: startRHConv
+Purpose : Start a relative humidity conversion
+Input   : - fastmode true to enable fast conversion
+          - heater true to enable heater
+Output  : true if succeded, false otherwise
+Comments: if heater enabled, it will not be auto disabled
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::startRHConv(bool fastmode, bool heater)
+    // init configuration register to start and no temperature (so RH)
+    uint8_t config = TH02_CONFIG_START;
+    // set fast mode and heater if asked
+    if (fastmode) config |= TH02_CONFIG_FAST;
+    if (heater)   config |= TH02_CONFIG_HEAT;
+    // write to configuration register
+    return ( setConfig( config ) );
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: waitEndConversion
+Purpose : wait for a temperature or RH conversion is done
+Input   :
+Output  : delay in ms the process took.
+Comments: if return >= TH02_CONVERSION_TIME_OUT, time out occured
+====================================================================== */
+uint8_t TH02::waitEndConversion(void)
+    // okay this is basic approach not so accurate
+    // but avoid using long and millis()
+    uint8_t time_out = 0;
+    // loop until conversion done or duration >= time out
+    while (isConverting() && (time_out <= TH02_CONVERSION_TIME_OUT) ) {
+        ++time_out;
+        wait_ms(2);
+    }
+    // return approx time of conversion
+    return (time_out);
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: roundInt
+Purpose : round a float value to int
+Input   : float value
+Output  : int value rounded
+====================================================================== */
+int16_t TH02::roundInt(float value)
+    // check positive number and do round
+    if (value >= 0.0f)
+        value = floor(value + 0.5f);
+    else
+        value = ceil(value - 0.5f);
+    // return int value
+    return (static_cast<int16_t>(value));
+/* to avoid math library may I need to test something
+   like that
+float TH02::showDecimals(float x, int numDecimals)
+    int y=x;
+    double z=x-y;
+    double m=pow(10,numDecimals);
+    double q=z*m;
+    double r=round(q);
+    return static_cast<double>(y)+(1.0/m)*r;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getConversionValue
+Purpose : return the last converted value to int * 10 to have 1 digit prec.
+Input   : float value
+Output  : value rounded but multiplied per 10 or TH02_UNDEFINED_VALUE on err
+Comments: - temperature and rh raw values (*100) are stored for raw purpose
+          - the configuration register is checked to see if last conv was
+            a temperature or humidity conversion
+====================================================================== */
+int16_t TH02::getConversionValue(void)
+    char cMaChaine[4];
+    int iError;
+    int32_t result=0 ;
+    uint8_t config;
+    int16_t  ret = TH02_UNDEFINED_VALUE;
+    // Prepare reading address of ADC data result
+    /*if ( writeCommand(TH02_DATAh, false) == 0 ) // no stop
+    {*/
+    // Read 2 bytes adc data result MSB and LSB from TH02
+    //Wire.requestFrom( (uint8_t) _address, (uint8_t) 2);
+    writeCommand(TH02_DATAh, false);
+    // read of two register
+    (void) m_I2C.start();
+    iError=m_I2C.write(_address+1);// send adress of i2c slave read mode
+    if (iError==1) {
+        cMaChaine[0]= m_I2C.read(1);// read first byte with ack
+        cMaChaine[1]=m_I2C.read(0);// read first byte without ack
+      m_I2C.stop();// rperform stop
+        //iError= m_I2C.read (_address,cMaChaine,4,false);// send stop at end
+       // printf (" \n\r lecture I2C: %02x %02x",cMaChaine[0],cMaChaine[1]);
+      //}
+       result=(cMaChaine[0]<<8 )|cMaChaine[1];
+        // Get configuration to know what was asked last time
+        if (getConfig(&config)==0) {
+            // last conversion was temperature ?
+            if( config & TH02_CONFIG_TEMP) {
+                result >>= 2;  // remove 2 unused LSB bits
+                result *= 100; // multiply per 100 to have int value with 2 decimal
+                result /= 32;  // now apply datasheet formula
+                if(result >= 5000) {
+                    result -= 5000;
+                } else {
+                    result -= 5000;
+                    result = -result;
+                }
+                // now result contain temperature * 100
+                // so 2134 is 21.34 C
+                // Save raw value
+                _last_temp = result;
+            }
+            // it was RH conversion
+            else {
+                result >>= 4;  // remove 4 unused LSB bits
+                result *= 100; // multiply per 100 to have int value with 2 decimal
+                result /= 16;  // now apply datasheet formula
+                result -= 2400;
+                // now result contain humidity * 100
+                // so 4567 is 45.67 % RH
+                _last_rh = result;
+            }
+            // remember result value is multiplied by 10 to avoid float calculation later
+            // so humidity of 45.6% is 456 and temp of 21.3 C is 213
+        ret = roundInt(result/10.0f);
+        }
+     }   
+     else{
+      m_I2C.stop();// rperform stop
+      }
+    return ret;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getConpensatedRH
+Purpose : return the compensated calulated humidity
+Input   : true if we want to round value to 1 digit precision, else 2
+Output  : the compensed RH value (rounded or not)
+====================================================================== */
+int16_t TH02::getConpensatedRH(bool round)
+    float rhvalue  ;
+    float rhlinear ;
+    int16_t  ret = TH02_UNDEFINED_VALUE;
+    // did we had a previous measure RH
+    if (_last_rh != TH02_UNINITIALIZED_RH) {
+        // now we're float restore real value RH value
+        rhvalue = (float) _last_rh / 100.0 ;
+        // apply linear compensation
+        rhlinear = rhvalue - ((rhvalue*rhvalue) * TH02_A2 + rhvalue * TH02_A1 + TH02_A0);
+        // correct value
+        rhvalue = rhlinear;
+        // do we have a initialized temperature value ?
+        if (_last_temp != TH02_UNINITIALIZED_TEMP ) {
+            // Apply Temperature compensation
+            // remember last temp was stored * 100
+            rhvalue += ((_last_temp/100.0) - 30.0) * (rhlinear * TH02_Q1 + TH02_Q0);
+        }
+        // now get back * 100 to have int with 2 digit precision
+        rhvalue *= 100;
+        // do we need to round to 1 digit ?
+        if (round) {
+            // remember result value is multiplied by 10 to avoid float calculation later
+            // so humidity of 45.6% is 456
+            ret = roundInt(rhvalue/10.0f);
+        } else {
+            ret = (int16_t) rhvalue;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getLastRawRH
+Purpose : return the raw humidity * 100
+Input   :
+Output  : int value (ie 4123 for 41.23%)
+====================================================================== */
+int32_t TH02::getLastRawRH(void)
+    return _last_rh;
+/* ======================================================================
+Function: getLastRawTemp
+Purpose : return the raw temperature value * 100
+Input   :
+Output  : int value (ie 2124 for 21.24 C)
+====================================================================== */
+int32_t TH02::getLastRawTemp(void)
+    return _last_temp;