This lib is considered to be used as a sensor's calibration program. Calibration with Spline Interpolation might be useful in the case that you want some model expressing relationship such like between a value of physical quantity and your sensor's voltage, but you cannot estimate a model such as liner, square, cubic polynomial, or sine curve. This makes (Parametric) Cubic Spline Polynomial Model (Coefficients of the polynomial) from some sample plots(e.g. sets of (value, voltage)). The inverse function (x,y)->(y,x) has been implemented so as to get analog data (not stepping or leveled data).

Fork of TRP105F_Spline by Akifumi Takahashi

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00001 /**
00002  *  Spline_Cubic.h,.cpp
00003  *
00004  *  Author: aktk,
00005  *  Tokyo, Japan.
00006  *
00007  *  LOG:
00008  *  ver.0   2016/02.12 - 2016/02/16
00009  *      TRP105F_Spline.h,.cpp(Ver.2.1)
00010  *  ver.1   2016/05.12
00011  */
00012 #ifndef Cubic_Spline_H
00013 #define Cubic_Spline_H
00015 #define DEBUG
00016 #define VERSION_C
00017 //#define DEBUG_MAKE_MODEL
00018 //#define DEBUG_SOLVE
00019 //#define DEBUG_GETX "DEBUG_GETX\n"
00020 //#define DEBUG_GETY "DEBUG_GETY\n"
00022 #include "mbed.h"
00023 #include <cmath>
00024 #include <complex>
00025 #include <vector>
00027 //  Vector Element Type
00028 typedef struct {
00029     double x; //
00030     double y; //
00031     double t; //    use as pramameter of x,y.
00032 } Vxyt;
00034 enum UseType {
00035     AsDEBUG,
00036     AsMODULE
00037 };
00039 class CubicSpline2d
00040 {
00041 public:
00042     //  Constraction
00043     CubicSpline2d();
00044     CubicSpline2d(unsigned int);
00045     CubicSpline2d(unsigned int, UseType);
00046     //  Destraction
00047     ~CubicSpline2d();
00048     //  Functions
00049     double  getX(double arg_y);
00050     double  getY(double arg_x);
00051     void    calibrateSensor();
00052     void    saveSetting();
00053     void    saveSetting(const char *filename);
00054     void    loadSetting();
00055     void    loadSetting(const char *filename);
00056     void    printOutData();
00058 private:
00059     //
00060     //  Variables
00061     //
00062     UseType      _useType;
00063     unsigned int _Sample_Num;   //  the number of samples for derive spline
00064     Vxyt*        _Sample_Set;
00065     double*      _C_x[4];    //x = Spline-f(t) = _C_x[0]  + _C_x[1]t  + _C_x[2]t^2  + _C_x[3]t^3
00066     double*      _C_y[4];    //y = Spline-f(t) = _C_y[0]  + _C_y[1]t  + _C_y[2]t^2  + _C_y[3]t^3
00067     Vxyt        _Last_Point;
00068     //
00069     //
00070     //
00071     //
00072     //  For calibration
00073     //
00074     //  sampling data for calibration
00075     void    _sampleData();
00076     //  generate a vector of _u_params which is used for Cubic spline model
00077     void    _makeModel(
00078         const double* arg_sampled_t,
00079         const double* arg_sampled_ft,
00080         /*-*/ double* arg_C[4],
00081         const unsigned int arg_num
00082     );
00083     void    _makeModel(
00084         const double* arg_sampled_t,
00085         const double* arg_sampled_ft,
00086         /*-*/ double* arg_C[4]
00087     );
00088     //
00089     //  For calculation
00090     //
00091     //  Fuction to return the value of Cubic polynomial f(t)
00092     double  _cubic_f(
00093         const double  arg_t,
00094         const double  arg_C[4]
00095     );
00096     //  Function to solve a cubic polinomial
00097     //  by using Gardano-Tartaglia formula
00098     void _solve_cubic_f(
00099         std::complex<double>* arg_t,
00100         const double  arg_C[4],
00101         const double  arg_ft
00102     );
00103     //
00104     //  For debug
00105     //
00106     void    _printOutData(
00107         const unsigned short*   arg,
00108         const int               num,
00109         const char*             name);
00110     void    _printOutData(
00111         const Vxyt*             arg,
00112         const int               num,
00113         const char*             name);
00114     void    _printOutData(
00115         const double*           arg, 
00116         const int               num,
00117         const char*             name);
00118     void    _printOutDataCouple(
00119         const double*           arg1,
00120         const double*           arg2,
00121         const int               num,
00122         const char*             name);
00123 };
00124 #endif