Offset calibration program for an SPI ADXL345. Tested with mbed LPC1768.

Dependencies:   ADXL345 mbed

Fork of Accelerometer_ADXL345 by Thomas Emil

This is a program for offset calibration of ADXL345, it will also compute a fine offset correction number which cannot be corrected on ADXL345 itself. The IMU will need to be re-oriented 6x2 times for the calibration first 6 times for the coarse calibration, during which offsets on the ADXL will be calibrated and the next 6 will compute the fine offsets...


First commit, working program default tip

2014-11-03, by akashvibhute [Mon, 03 Nov 2014 06:57:18 +0000] rev 1

First commit, working program

Test program for testing the ADXL345 brake outboard.

2014-03-31, by Tuxitheone [Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:09:14 +0000] rev 0

Test program for testing the ADXL345 brake outboard.