Computes Euler angles


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Mon Nov 13 10:45:20 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Computes Pitch and roll according to kalman and heading according to custom algorithm

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Kalman.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 12be3dfc15fd -r fb5f8e018461 Kalman.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Kalman.h	Mon Nov 13 10:45:20 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#ifndef _Kalman_h
+#define _Kalman_h
+class Kalman {
+    Kalman() {
+        /* We will set the variables like so, these can also be tuned by the user */
+        Q_angle = 0.001;
+        Q_bias = 0.003;
+        R_measure = 0.03;
+        angle = 0; // Reset the angle
+        bias = 0; // Reset bias
+        P[0][0] = 0; // Since we assume that the bias is 0 and we know the starting angle (use setAngle), the error covariance matrix is set like so
+        P[0][1] = 0;
+        P[1][0] = 0;
+        P[1][1] = 0;
+    };
+    // The angle should be in degrees and the rate should be in degrees per second and the delta time in seconds
+    double getAngle(double newAngle, double newRate, double dt) {
+        // Discrete Kalman filter time update equations - Time Update ("Predict")
+        // Update xhat - Project the state ahead
+        /* Step 1 */
+        rate = newRate - bias;
+        angle += dt * rate;
+        // Update estimation error covariance - Project the error covariance ahead
+        /* Step 2 */
+        P[0][0] += dt * (dt*P[1][1] - P[0][1] - P[1][0] + Q_angle);
+        P[0][1] -= dt * P[1][1];
+        P[1][0] -= dt * P[1][1];
+        P[1][1] += Q_bias * dt;
+        // Discrete Kalman filter measurement update equations - Measurement Update ("Correct")
+        // Calculate Kalman gain - Compute the Kalman gain
+        /* Step 4 */
+        S = P[0][0] + R_measure;
+        /* Step 5 */
+        K[0] = P[0][0] / S;
+        K[1] = P[1][0] / S;
+        // Calculate angle and bias - Update estimate with measurement zk (newAngle)
+        /* Step 3 */
+        y = newAngle - angle;
+        /* Step 6 */
+        angle += K[0] * y;
+        bias += K[1] * y;
+        // Calculate estimation error covariance - Update the error covariance
+        /* Step 7 */
+        P[0][0] -= K[0] * P[0][0];
+        P[0][1] -= K[0] * P[0][1];
+        P[1][0] -= K[1] * P[0][0];
+        P[1][1] -= K[1] * P[0][1];
+        return angle;
+    };
+    void setAngle(double newAngle) { angle = newAngle; }; // Used to set angle, this should be set as the starting angle
+    double getRate() { return rate; }; // Return the unbiased rate
+    /* These are used to tune the Kalman filter */
+    void setQangle(double newQ_angle) { Q_angle = newQ_angle; };
+    void setQbias(double newQ_bias) { Q_bias = newQ_bias; };
+    void setRmeasure(double newR_measure) { R_measure = newR_measure; };
+    double getQangle() { return Q_angle; };
+    double getQbias() { return Q_bias; };
+    double getRmeasure() { return R_measure; };
+    /* Kalman filter variables */
+    double Q_angle; // Process noise variance for the accelerometer
+    double Q_bias; // Process noise variance for the gyro bias
+    double R_measure; // Measurement noise variance - this is actually the variance of the measurement noise
+    double angle; // The angle calculated by the Kalman filter - part of the 2x1 state vector
+    double bias; // The gyro bias calculated by the Kalman filter - part of the 2x1 state vector
+    double rate; // Unbiased rate calculated from the rate and the calculated bias - you have to call getAngle to update the rate
+    double P[2][2]; // Error covariance matrix - This is a 2x2 matrix
+    double K[2]; // Kalman gain - This is a 2x1 vector
+    double y; // Angle difference
+    double S; // Estimate error