Generates RTTY from a GPS receiver

Dependencies:   mbed-dsp mbed-rtos mbed



File content as of revision 0:dbb85bfd22fd:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "rtos.h" // mbed real time os library
#include "dsp.h" // mbed digital signal processing library
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>

#define GPS_CB_SIZE (16) /* size of gps circular buffer in characters */
#define GPS_BAUD (9600) /* gps serial port speed in bps */
#define RADIO_TX_WAIT (2000) /* time between radio transmissions in ms */
#define RADIO_KEYUP_DELAY (1000) /* time to wait for radio transmitter to turn on */
#define AUDIO_FS (22050) /* audio sample rate in hz */
#define RTTY_BAUD (45.45) /* rtty bit rate in bps */
#define MARK_FREQ (2125) /* mark frequency (1) in hz */
#define SPACE_FREQ (2295) /* space frequency (0) in hz */
#define AUDIO_VOL (0.25) /* range 0-1 */

using namespace std;

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // pc serial port (via usb)

// GPS variables:
char cb[GPS_CB_SIZE]; // c-string circular buffer for gps rx isr
int cb_isr_i = 0; // isr index
int cb_thr_i = 0; // thread index
DigitalOut gps_led(LED1); // gps status led
Serial gps(p9, p10); // gps serial port (uart3)
stringstream rxbuf; // gps receive buffer
map<string,string> nmea_data; // most recent nmea sentences
Mutex nmea_data_mutex; // nmea data lock

// RTTY variables:
AnalogOut dac(p18); // mbed built-in digital to analog converter
DigitalOut ptt(p17); // radio push to talk button
DigitalOut tx_led(LED2); // tx status led
stringstream txbuf; // rtty tx buffer
string txbufstr;
const char *txchar = NULL; // current character to transmit
float angle = 0.0; // current sine angle
int ifreq = MARK_FREQ; // instantaneous frequency
int bitn = -1; // current bit number
bool txen = false; // tx enable flag

// This function is the interrupt service routine for the gps.
// It is called when the serial port receives a character,
// and it puts the character into a circular buffer for the gps thread.
void gps_rx_isr()
    cb[cb_isr_i] = LPC_UART3->RBR; // avoid mutex lockup (
    if(++cb_isr_i >= GPS_CB_SIZE) cb_isr_i = 0; // loop circular buffer index

// This function reads new characters from the gps circular
// buffer when the circular buffer is about 25 percent full
// and adds the new characters to a string containing the current
// nmea sentence. Each time a complete NMEA sentence is received
// this function updates a map containing K,V pairs. (The sentence
// type is the key and the value is the NMEA sentence.)
void gps_rx_thread(void const *argument)
    while(1) {
        gps_led = 0;
        Thread::wait((GPS_CB_SIZE)*1000*8/4/GPS_BAUD); // wait until cb 25% full
        gps_led = 1;
        while(cb_thr_i != cb_isr_i) {
            char c = cb[cb_thr_i];
            rxbuf << c; // add to string buffer
            if(c == '\n') { // clear string buffer
                const char *c = rxbuf.str().c_str();
                const char *l = strchr(c, '$'), *r = strchr(c, ',');
                if(l != NULL && r != NULL && r > l) { // check valid limits
                    char ctype[6];
                    ctype[5] = 0;
                    string type = ctype;
                    nmea_data[type] = rxbuf.str(); // update map
            if(++cb_thr_i >= GPS_CB_SIZE) cb_thr_i = 0; // loop circular buffer index

// This function writes individual audio samples to the dac.
void rtty_sample_tick()
        angle += 2 * PI * ifreq / AUDIO_FS;
        if(angle > 2 * PI) angle -= 2*PI;
        dac = (arm_sin_f32(angle) + 1.0) / 2.0 * AUDIO_VOL; // write sample to dac
        dac = 0;

// This function controls whether the current rtty bit is a mark or a space.
// Format is 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, 8 bit ascii
void rtty_bit_tick()
    if(txen) {
        if(bitn < 0) {
            ifreq = SPACE_FREQ; // start bit (space/0)
        } else if(bitn > 7) {
            ifreq = MARK_FREQ; // stop bit (mark/1)
            bitn = -1;
            if(txchar != NULL && *txchar != NULL)
                ++txchar; // go to next character
        } else { // data bit
            if(txchar != NULL && *txchar != NULL)
                ifreq = ((*txchar & (1<<bitn)) == 0) ? SPACE_FREQ : MARK_FREQ;
                ifreq = MARK_FREQ;

void rtty_tx_thread(void const *argument)
    while(1) {
        txen = false;
        ptt = 1; // turn off transmitter
        tx_led = 0;
        Thread::wait(RADIO_TX_WAIT); // wait for a certain amount of time between transmissions
        txbuf.str(""); // empty tx buffer
        for (map<string,string>::iterator iter = nmea_data.begin(); iter != nmea_data.end(); ++iter) {
            txbuf << (iter->second); // fill the packet with the most recent nmea sentences
        txbufstr = txbuf.str();
        txchar = txbufstr.c_str();
        ptt = 0; // key up the radio
        tx_led = 1;
        txen = true;
        Thread::wait(RADIO_KEYUP_DELAY); // wait for radio to key up
        while(txchar != NULL && *txchar != NULL); // wait for rtty to finish
        txen = false;

void print_nmea_data()   // useful for debug
    for (map<string,string>::iterator iter = nmea_data.begin(); iter != nmea_data.end(); ++iter) {
        cout << (iter->second);
    cout << endl;

int main()
    Ticker sample_tick, bit_tick;
    Thread gps_thread(gps_rx_thread); // gps receive thread
    Thread rtty_thread(rtty_tx_thread); // rtty transmit thread
    gps.baud(GPS_BAUD); // set gps bit rate
    gps.attach(&gps_rx_isr); // set up gps receive interrupt service routine
    sample_tick.attach_us(&rtty_sample_tick,1000000/AUDIO_FS); // begin generating audio
    bit_tick.attach_us(&rtty_bit_tick,1000000/RTTY_BAUD); // begin sending characters
    while(1) {
        print_nmea_data(); // debug