diff -r 7dc60eb4c7ec -r fdae76e1215e sx127x_lora.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sx127x_lora.h	Wed Apr 30 22:49:43 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+#include "sx127x.h"
+// LoRa registers
+#define REG_LR_FIFOADDRPTR                          0x0d
+#define REG_LR_FIFOTXBASEADDR                       0x0e
+#define REG_LR_FIFORXBASEADDR                       0x0f
+#define REG_LR_IRQFLAGSMASK                         0x11
+#define REG_LR_IRQFLAGS                             0x12
+#define REG_LR_RXNBBYTES                            0x13
+#define REG_LR_RXHEADERCNTVALUE_MSB                 0x14
+#define REG_LR_RXHEADERCNTVALUE_LSB                 0x15
+#define REG_LR_RXPACKETCNTVALUE_MSB                 0x16
+#define REG_LR_RXPACKETCNTVALUE_LSB                 0x17
+#define REG_LR_MODEMSTAT                            0x18
+#define REG_LR_PKTSNRVALUE                          0x19
+#define REG_LR_PKTRSSIVALUE                         0x1a
+#define REG_LR_RSSIVALUE                            0x1b
+#define REG_LR_HOPCHANNEL                           0x1c
+#define REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG                          0x1d
+#define REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG2                         0x1e
+#define REG_LR_SYMBTIMEOUTLSB                       0x1f
+#define REG_LR_PREAMBLEMSB                          0x20
+#define REG_LR_PREAMBLELSB                          0x21
+#define REG_LR_PAYLOADLENGTH                        0x22 // and RX length for implicit
+#define REG_LR_RX_MAX_PAYLOADLENGTH                 0x23 // length limit for explicit mode
+#define REG_LR_HOPPERIOD                            0x24
+#define REG_LR_MODEMCONFIG3                         0x26    // sx1272 REG_LR_PPM_CORRECTION_MSB
+#define REG_LR_PPM_CORRECTION_LSB                   0x27
+#define REG_LR_TEST28                               0x28  // est_freq_error
+#define REG_LR_TEST29                               0x29    // est_freq_error
+#define REG_LR_TEST2A                               0x2a    // est_freq_error
+#define REG_LR_TEST2B                               0x2b    // 
+#define REG_LR_WIDEBAND_RSSI                        0x2c 
+#define REG_LR_AGCH_TH                              0x2d    // agc_upper_th
+#define REG_LR_AGCL_TH                              0x2e    // agc_lower_th
+#define REG_LR_IFFRQH                               0x2f    // if_freq(12:8)
+#define REG_LR_IFFRQL                               0x30    // if_freq(7:0)
+#define REG_LR_TEST31                               0x31    // if_freq_auto, ...
+#define REG_LR_TEST32                               0x32    // 
+#define REG_LR_TEST33                               0x33
+#define REG_LR_DETECTION_THRESHOLD                  0x37
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x12
+        uint8_t CadDetected         : 1;    // 0
+        uint8_t FhssChangeChannel   : 1;    // 1
+        uint8_t CadDone             : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t TxDone              : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t ValidHeader         : 1;    // 4
+        uint8_t PayloadCrcError     : 1;    // 5
+        uint8_t RxDone              : 1;    // 6
+        uint8_t RxTimeout           : 1;    // 7
+    } bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegIrqFlags_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x18
+        uint8_t detect          : 1;    // 0
+        uint8_t sync            : 1;    // 1
+        uint8_t rx_ongoing      : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t header_valid    : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t clear           : 1;    // 4
+        uint8_t RxCodingRate    : 3;    // 5,6,7
+    } bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegModemStatus_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x1c
+        uint8_t FhssPresentChannel  : 6;    // 0,1,2,3,4,5
+        uint8_t RxPayloadCrcOn      : 1;    // 6
+        uint8_t PllTimeout          : 1;    // 7
+    } bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegHopChannel_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx1276 register 0x1d
+        uint8_t ImplicitHeaderModeOn    : 1;    // 0
+        uint8_t CodingRate              : 3;    // 1,2,3
+        uint8_t Bw                      : 4;    // 4,5,6,7
+    } sx1276bits;
+    struct {    // sx1272 register 0x1d
+        uint8_t LowDataRateOptimize     : 1;    // 0  ppm_offset: number of cyclic shifts possible to encode to symbol
+        uint8_t RxPayloadCrcOn          : 1;    // 1
+        uint8_t ImplicitHeaderModeOn    : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t CodingRate              : 3;    // 3,4,5
+        uint8_t Bw                      : 2;    // 6,7
+    } sx1272bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegModemConfig_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx1276 register 0x1e
+        uint8_t SymbTimeoutMsb          : 2;    // 0,1
+        uint8_t RxPayloadCrcOn          : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t TxContinuousMode        : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t SpreadingFactor         : 4;    // 4,5,6,7
+    } sx1276bits;
+    struct {    // sx1272 register 0x1e
+        uint8_t SymbTimeoutMsb          : 2;    // 0,1
+        uint8_t AgcAutoOn               : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t TxContinuousMode        : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t SpreadingFactor         : 4;    // 4,5,6,7
+    } sx1272bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegModemConfig2_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x26
+        uint8_t reserved    : 2;    // 0,1
+        uint8_t AgcAutoOn   : 1;    // 2
+        uint8_t LowDataRateOptimize  : 1;    // 3   ppm_offset
+        uint8_t unused      : 4;    // 4,5,6,7 
+    } sx1276bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+    uint8_t sx1272_ppm_correction_msb;
+} RegModemConfig3_t;
+typedef union {
+    struct {    // sx127x register 0x31
+        uint8_t detect_trig_same_peaks_nb  : 3;    // 0,1,2
+        uint8_t disable_pll_timeout        : 1;    // 3
+        uint8_t tracking_intergral         : 2;    // 4,5
+        uint8_t frame_sync_gain            : 1;    // 6
+        uint8_t if_freq_auto               : 1;    // 7
+    } bits;
+    uint8_t octet;
+} RegTest31_t;
+//class SX127x_lora : public SX127x
+class SX127x_lora {
+    public:
+        //SX127x_lora(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName rst, PinName dio_0, PinName dio_1, PinName fem_ctx, PinName fem_cps);
+        SX127x_lora(SX127x r);
+        ~SX127x_lora();
+        /** changes from FSK mode to LoRa mdoe */
+        void enable(void);
+        /** fills radio FIFO with payload contents, prior to transmission
+         * @param len count of bytes to put into FIFO
+         * @note tx_buf[] should contain desired payload (to send) prior to calling
+         */
+        void write_fifo(uint8_t len);     
+        /** transmit a packet
+         * @param len size of packet
+         * @note Limited to (lora fifo size 256)
+         */
+        void start_tx(uint8_t len);
+        /** start receive mode
+         * @note the variable service_action needs to be monitored to indicate read_fifo() needs to be called to pull packet from FIFO.
+         */
+        void start_rx(void);
+        /** Called by main program when indicated by service_action variable, to pull recevied packet from radio FIFO.
+         * @returns count of bytes received
+         * @note received packet in rx_buf[]
+         */
+        void read_fifo(uint8_t len);
+        /** CodingRate: how much FEC to encoding onto packet */
+        uint8_t getCodingRate(bool from_rx);    // false:transmitted, true:last recevied packet
+        void setCodingRate(uint8_t cr);
+        /** HeaderMode: explicit mode sents CodingRate and payload length, implicit mode requires assumption by receiver */
+        bool getHeaderMode(void);
+        void setHeaderMode(bool hm);
+        /** bandwidth: SX1272 has three bandwidths. SX1276 adds more narrower bandwidths. */
+        uint8_t getBw(void);
+        void setBw(uint8_t bw);
+        /** spreading factor: trade-off between data rate and processing gain (link budget) */
+        uint8_t getSf(void);
+        void setSf(uint8_t sf);        
+        /** enable CRC in transmitted packet */
+        bool getRxPayloadCrcOn(void);
+        void setRxPayloadCrcOn(bool);
+        bool getAgcAutoOn(void);
+        void setAgcAutoOn(bool);
+        float get_pkt_rssi(void);
+        service_action_e service(void); // (SLIH) ISR bottom half 
+        bool poll_vh;
+        RegIrqFlags_t       RegIrqFlags;            // 0x12
+        uint8_t             RegRxNbBytes;           // 0x13
+        RegModemStatus_t    RegModemStatus;         // 0x18
+        int8_t              RegPktSnrValue;         // 0x19  signed, s/n can be negative
+        uint8_t             RegPktRssiValue;        // 0x1a
+        RegHopChannel_t     RegHopChannel;          // 0x1c
+        RegModemConfig_t    RegModemConfig;         // 0x1d
+        RegModemConfig2_t   RegModemConfig2;        // 0x1e
+        uint16_t            RegPreamble;            // 0x20->0x21
+        uint8_t             RegPayloadLength;       // 0x22
+        uint8_t             RegRxMaxPayloadLength;  // 0x23
+        uint8_t             RegHopPeriod;           // 0x24
+        RegModemConfig3_t   RegModemConfig3;        // 0x26
+        RegTest31_t         RegTest31;              // 0x31
+    private:
+        SX127x m_xcvr;
+        void set_nb_trig_peaks(int);                                                         