Sump Pump Monitor v1.00 12-16-16

Dependencies:   STATIC_COLORS WIZnetInterface mbed

Fork of HTTP_SDCard_File_Server_WIZwiki-W7500 by FOURNET Olivier

diff -r c53cbdcb6b3b -r e6985c3724a8 main_SPM.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main_SPM.cpp	Mon Nov 14 20:29:48 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Project:     Sump Pump Monitor
+Description: Measure pump current to indicate run status. (10amp pump) 
+Date:        11-6-16
+Author:      Jim Abraham
+Board:       WIZwiki-W7500
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define USE_DHCP    0  // 0= no dhcp
+#define MAC     "\x00\x08\xDC\x11\x34\x78"
+#define IP      ""
+#define MASK    ""
+#define GATEWAY ""
+#define HTTPD_SERVER_PORT   80
+#define HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH   1023
+#define HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH   255
+#if defined(TARGET_WIZwiki_W7500)
+Serial uart(USBTX, USBRX);
+#include "static_colors.h"
+// LED R     : server listning status
+// LED GREEN : socket connecting status Ok
+// LED BLUE  : socket connecting status Busy
+EthernetInterface eth;
+TCPSocketServer server;
+TCPSocketConnection client;
+// Data Variables.
+int LP1,LP2,LP3;
+float AMP_Reading_on_AO, AMPreadingHI, AMPreading;
+char buffer[HTTPD_MAX_REQ_LENGTH+1];
+char httpHeader[HTTPD_MAX_HDR_LENGTH+1];
+// Initialize a pins to perform analog input
+AnalogIn   ain0(A0);
+void Serial_Interface_init(void)
+ // Serial Interface eth;
+    // Serial port configuration: 
+    // 9600 baud, 8-bit data, no parity, stop bit
+    uart.baud(9600);
+    uart.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
+    uart.printf("Initializing\n");
+    wait(1.0);   
+void ethernet_init(void)
+ //    EthernetInterface eth;
+    uart.printf("Initializing Ethernet\n");
+    #if USE_DHCP
+    //eth.init Use DHCP
+    // Use DHCP for WIZnetInterface
+    int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC);    
+    uart.printf("Connecting DHCP\n");
+    #else
+    // IP,mask,Gateway
+    int ret = eth.init((uint8_t*)MAC,IP,MASK,GATEWAY);  
+    uart.printf("Connecting (IP,mask,Gateway)\n");
+    #endif
+    wait(1.0);
+    // Check Ethernet Link-Done
+    uart.printf("Check Ethernet Link\r\n");
+    if( == true) 
+    { 
+     uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Done\r\n");
+     COLOR(_RED_);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        uart.printf("- Ethernet PHY Link - Fail\r\n");
+        COLOR(_BLACK_);
+    }
+    wait(1.0);
+    if(!ret) 
+    {
+        uart.printf("Initialized, MAC: %s\r\n", eth.getMACAddress());
+        ret = eth.connect();
+     if(!ret) 
+     {
+        uart.printf("IP: %s, MASK: %s, GW: %s\r\n",
+        eth.getIPAddress(), eth.getNetworkMask(), eth.getGateway());
+        COLOR(_CYAN_);
+     } 
+     else 
+     {
+        uart.printf("Error ethernet.connect() - ret = %d\r\n", ret);
+        COLOR(_YELLOW_);
+        exit(0);
+     }
+    } 
+    else 
+    {
+        uart.printf("Error ethernet.init() - ret = %d\r\n", ret);
+     COLOR(_BLACK_);
+     exit(0);
+    }  
+    wait(1.0);
+ // TCPSocketServer server;
+    server.bind(HTTPD_SERVER_PORT);
+    server.listen();
+    uart.printf("Server Listening\n");   
+void VAC_Zero_Cross(void)
+  LP1=0;                 // Indicator to exit while loop
+  if (LP2==1)
+    {   
+//Waits for the waveform to be close to 'zero' (500 adc)
+      while(LP1==0)
+      {
+        wait_us(100);
+//check its within range. (+/- 5)
+        if ((AMPreading < 0.5) && (AMPreading > 0.4)) 
+        {
+           LP1=1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  LP2=1;
+ void Measure_AMPS(void)
+// Measure AC Current.
+// 12bit ADC, 10MHz = 0.1usec conversion time.
+// 12bit ADC (0-3.3v = 0-4095 values) 3.3/4096 = 0.81mv
+// 1.65v = 2047 = 0 amps.
+    AMPreadingHI=0.0;
+    for (LP3=0; LP3<100; LP3++)
+    {
+       wait_us(200);
+      if (AMPreadingHI < AMPreading) AMPreadingHI  =  AMPreading;
+    }
+    if (AMPreadingHI <0.6)
+    {
+       COLOR(_BLUE_);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       COLOR(_GREEN_);
+    }
+    AMP_Reading_on_AO = AMPreadingHI;
+    uart.printf("$%2.2f!", AMPreading);
+    sprintf(httpHeader,"$%2.2f!", AMP_Reading_on_AO); 
+    client.send(httpHeader,strlen(httpHeader));       //send amps to PC.
+int main(void)
+//RGB LED: 
+//WHITE = program running.
+//RED   = not connected to PC.
+//GRN   = pump running.
+//BLUE  = pump not running.
+    Serial_Interface_init(); 
+    ethernet_init();
+    LP1=0;                 // Indicator to exit while loop
+    LP2=0;
+    while(true) 
+    {
+        uart.printf("\nWait for new connection...\r\n");
+        server.accept(client);
+        client.set_blocking(false, 1500); // Timeout after (1.5)s
+        uart.printf("Connection from: %s\r\n", client.get_address());
+        while(true) 
+        {            
+            if(!client.is_connected())
+             {
+               COLOR(_RED_);
+               break;        //exit while
+             }
+                // Mesure ADC 0 - Check Sump Pump Run Status
+                VAC_Zero_Cross();
+                Measure_AMPS();              
+                wait(1.0);
+                COLOR(_WHITE_);
+        }
+        client.close();  //close connection to pc app.
+    }
\ No newline at end of file