This class library has been created for use with the Apeiros Robot by Abe Howell's Robotics.


Apeiros is a low cost, flexible and entirely open source, educational mobile robot that has been designed for everyone by Abe Howell's Robotics, With an optional gripper mechanism Apeiros can manipulate objects and perform more advanced robotic tasks and experiments. Sensory expansion has been designed into this robot, so that you can add sensors as they are needed. I created Apeiros so that you can get hit the ground running in the wonderful world of robotics!

My Apeiros class library is released as open source under General Public License (GPL) Version 3,, so please feel free to use and modify however you see fit.

Check out my Apeiros page for more information.

Below is an example main.cpp file that uses the Apeiros class library.

The Apeiros constructor passes a Serial transmit, tx, and receive, rx, PinName along with left and right motor PWM offsets. I am designing my wireless shield to use PA_9 for tx and PA_10 for rx. For now simply use the built-in USB serial connection by specifying SERIAL_TX & SERIAL_RX. No two gear motors will begin to rotate at the same PWM level, so I have allowed for the specification of a leftMotorPwmOffset and a rightMotorPwmOffset parameter. These values correspond to the PWM level that starts the respective motor rotating. You can determine these values by simply passing zero for the left and right PWM offsets. Then connect with Tera Term and issue the open-loop move command, MOxxx,yyy\r, where xxx is left motor speed and yyy is right motor speed (MO120,115\r). Simply vary the left and right motor speeds until you find the level at which each motor begins to rotate.These values will be the PWM motor offsets that need to be passed to the Apeiros constructor.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "Apeiros.h"

Apeiros apeiros(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX,120,115);

int main() {
    while(1) {
        if (apeiros.IsSerialDataAvailable()) apeiros.ParseUartData();
        // Add your custom code below//

Below is a simple obstacle avoidance program that uses sensory input from a front left and front right IR sensor. The front left sensor's OUT pin must be connected to PC_15 and the front right sensor's OUT pin to PC_13 on the Nucleo F401RE's Morpho header.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "Apeiros.h"

Apeiros apeiros(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX,100,100);

int main() {    
    while(1) {
        int sensorState = 2*;
        sensorState +=;
        switch (sensorState) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:


Changed MAX_GRIPPER_PULSE from 2300 to 2200 to ensure that grippers do not interfere with wheels.; ; Added additional explanation regarding valid motor speed range.; ; Added DigitalIn objects in support for leftRearIR and rightRearIR sensors. default tip

2014-12-23, by abotics [Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:29:00 +0000] rev 3

Changed MAX_GRIPPER_PULSE from 2300 to 2200 to ensure that grippers do not interfere with wheels.; ; Added additional explanation regarding valid motor speed range.; ; Added DigitalIn objects in support for leftRearIR and rightRearIR sensors.

Added auto-generated API documentation.

2014-12-16, by abotics [Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:54:27 +0000] rev 2

Added auto-generated API documentation.

Updated buzzer function in order to resolve a bug. Added support for wheel encoders by creating a Get function for a connected left & right encoder.

2014-10-19, by abotics [Sun, 19 Oct 2014 21:30:39 +0000] rev 1

Updated buzzer function in order to resolve a bug. Added support for wheel encoders by creating a Get function for a connected left & right encoder.

First version of Apeiros Robot Class Library.

2014-10-12, by abotics [Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:49:16 +0000] rev 0

First version of Apeiros Robot Class Library.