Servo that moves based on temperature readings from a thermistor

Dependencies:   mbed



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#include <mbed.h>
#include <math.h>

float readtempurature(AnalogIn *temp); //function prototype

int main() 
    PwmOut servo(A0);  
    AnalogIn temp (A1); //defines pin A1 on the nucleo F411RE as an analog input
    for(;;){ //for-loop that will allow the program to run through multiple iterations
        float tempurature;
        float y;//float value that stores the duty-cyle calculated on line 15
        y = (((0.3*tempurature) + 3)/100); //formula that converts the temperature measured by the thermistor into an equivalent duty-cycle, in order for the servo to display an accurate 1:1 scale, change the constant from 0.3 to 0.05
        servo.period(0.02);  // sets the period of the servo PWM to 20 ms as specifed in lesson 7
        servo.write(y); //writes the calculated duty-cycle to the servo 
        printf("The tempurature is: %f\n",tempurature);//prints the temperature in celcius to the serial terminal
        wait(0.5); //waits for half a second before running the next iteration
float readtempurature(AnalogIn *temp)
    float tempVal; //variable that stores the voltage reading of the thermistor as a value between 1 and zero 
    tempVal=temp->read(); //reads the voltage of the thermistor on analog pin 1 of the nucleo f411RE
    float vrt; //variable that stores the actual value of the voltage of the thermistor
    vrt=(tempVal*3.3);//this formula determines the actual voltage of the thermistor
    float top;//variable that defines the numerator of the formula to determine the resistance of the thermistor
    top=(vrt*10000);//numerator of the formula used to determine the thermisistor resistance
    float bottom; //variable that defines the denominator of the formula to determine the resistance of the thermistor
    bottom=(3.3-vrt); //denominator of the formula to determine the thermisistor resistance
    float rt=(top/bottom);//this is the formula to determine the thermisitor resistance
    float A=(3.354016e-3);//Constant A1 in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float B=(2.569650e-4);//Constant B1 in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float C=(2.620131e-6);//Constant C1 in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float D=(6.383091e-8);//Constant D1 in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float ln1=(log(rt/10000)); //First ln operation in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float ln2=log(pow((rt/10000),2));//Second ln operation in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float ln3=log(pow((rt/10000),3));//Second ln operation in the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float denominator=(A+(B*ln1)+(C*ln2)+(D*ln3)); //complete denominator of the formula used to calculate the temperature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    float  celcius=((1/denominator)-273.15);//completed formula to calculate the tempurature given the resistance of the thermisitor
    return celcius; //returns the value of the tempurature in degrees celsius