thanks to Zoltan Hudak publish the way to use stm32f103c8t6 on mbed. now you can use it with stepper driver

Dependencies:   mbed-STM32F103C8T6 mbed

Fork of STM32F103C8T6_Hello by Zoltan Hudak

diff -r 4b88be251088 -r f44fc4db4ab1 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Sep 15 18:40:03 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue May 23 17:28:21 2017 +0000
@@ -1,20 +1,49 @@
 #include "stm32f103c8t6.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "AccelStepper.h"
+AccelStepper stepper(1, PC_14, PC_15);//STEP DIR
+Timer t;
 int main() {
     confSysClock();     //Configure system clock (72MHz HSE clock, 48MHz USB clock)
     Serial      pc(PA_2, PA_3);
     DigitalOut  myled(LED1);
+    //PwmOut myled(LED1);
+    t.start();
+    stepper.setMaxSpeed(200);
+    stepper.setAcceleration(50);
+    stepper.moveTo(500);
+    stepper.setMinPulseWidth(50);
     while(1) {
         // The on-board LED is connected, via a resistor, to +3.3V (not to GND). 
         // So to turn the LED on or off we have to set it to 0 or 1 respectively
-        myled = 0;      // turn the LED on
+        /*myled = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        myled = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+        */
+        if (stepper.distanceToGo() == 0)
+            stepper.moveTo(-stepper.currentPosition());
+        /*myled = myled + 0.01;      // turn the LED on
         wait_ms(200);   // 200 millisecond
-        myled = 1;      // turn the LED off
-        wait_ms(1000);  // 1000 millisecond
-        pc.printf("Blink\r\n");
+        if (myled = 1.0){      // turn the LED off
+        myled = 0;
+        }*/
+        //wait_ms(1000);  // 1000 millisecond
+        //pc.printf("Blink\r\n");
\ No newline at end of file