USB Serial application
Fork of USBSerial_HelloWorld by
- Committer:
- Zaitsev
- Date:
- 2017-12-16
- Revision:
- 11:b3f2a8bdac4d
- Parent:
- 10:41552d038a69
File content as of revision 11:b3f2a8bdac4d:
/** ****************************************************************************** * @file ticker.h * @brief Microcontroller uSec ticker * @internal * @author ON Semiconductor. * $Rev: * $Date: ****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2016 Semiconductor Components Industries LLC (d/b/a ON Semiconductor). * All rights reserved. This software and/or documentation is licensed by ON Semiconductor * under limited terms and conditions. The terms and conditions pertaining to the software * and/or documentation are available at * (ON Semiconductor Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, Section 8 Software) and * if applicable the software license agreement. Do not use this software and/or * documentation unless you have carefully read and you agree to the limited terms and * conditions. By using this software and/or documentation, you agree to the limited * terms and conditions. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ON SEMICONDUCTOR SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, * INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * @endinternal * * */ #ifndef TICKER_H_ #define TICKER_H_ #include "types.h" /** Core frequency definitions. / * * These definitions should be adjusted to setup Orion core frequencies. */ #define CPU_CLOCK_ROOT_HZ ( ( unsigned long ) 32000000) /**< <b> Orion 32MHz root frequency </b> */ #define CPU_CLOCK_DIV_32M ( 1 ) /**< <b> Divider to set up core frequency at 32MHz </b> */ #define CPU_CLOCK_DIV_16M ( 2 ) /**< <b> Divider to set up core frequency at 16MHz </b> */ #define CPU_CLOCK_DIV_8M ( 4 ) /**< <b> Divider to set up core frequency at 8MHz </b> */ #define CPU_CLOCK_DIV_4M ( 8 ) /**< <b> Divider to set up core frequency at 4MHz </b> */ #define CPU_CLOCK_DIV CPU_CLOCK_DIV_32M /**< <b> Selected divider to be used by application code </b> */ #define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ( ( unsigned long ) (CPU_CLOCK_ROOT_HZ/CPU_CLOCK_DIV) ) #define configTICK_RATE_HZ ( ( unsigned long ) 1000000 ) // 1uSec ticker rate /* Lowest priority */ #define configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ( 0xFF ) #define configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ( 0x8F ) #define configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ configCPU_CLOCK_HZ /* Constants required to manipulate the core. Registers first... */ #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e010 ) ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e014 ) ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000e018 ) ) #define portNVIC_INT_CTRL_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed04 ) ) #define portNVIC_SYSPRI2_REG ( * ( ( volatile unsigned long * ) 0xe000ed20 ) ) /* ...then bits in the registers. */ #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK_BIT ( 1UL << 2UL ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT_BIT ( 1UL << 1UL ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE_BIT ( 1UL << 0UL ) #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_COUNT_FLAG_BIT ( 1UL << 16UL ) /* Orion has 4 interrupt priority bits */ #define portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI ( ( ( unsigned long ) configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24 ) /* API definitions */ void fSysTickInit(void); void fSysTickHandler(void); uint32_t fSysTickRead(void); void fSysTickEnableInterrupt (void); void fSysTickDisableInterrupt (void); #endif // TICKER_H_