Ultrasonic sensor project. Displays readings on LCD. Reverse parking sensor.

Dependencies:   N5110 SRF02 beep mbed



File content as of revision 3:3dc3d2da405a:

Project A--Ultrasonic range Finder
Reverse parking meter 
@file main.cpp
@brief headfile contain the functions prototypys,defines and global variable
@author ZHAO YI HUI 
@date April 2015

#include "mbed.h"
#include "N5110.h"
#include "SRF02.h"
#include "beep.h"
@namespace leds
@brief GPIO led for the red led
@namespace lcd
@brief initilize the lcd display
@namespace button
@brief use the ISR for the button
@namespace serial
@brief serial connect to the computer to set RTC
@namespace buzzer
@breif set the buzzer 

BusOut leds(LED4,LED3,LED2,LED1);//initalize the leds on mbed 
N5110 lcd(p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p13,p26);//initalize the Nokia N5110 lcd
SRF02 srf02(p28,p27);// initalize the sensor 
Serial serial(USBTX,USBRX);// use the use connection to computer
InterruptIn button(p15);
InterruptIn button2(p17);
Beep buzzer(p21);
DigitalOut led(p24);

void serialISR();//ISR that is called when serial data is received
void setTime();// fucnction to set the UNIX time
int setTimerFlag = 0;// flag for ISR
char rxString[16];//buffer to store received string
// set a flag for the first buttion S2
int buttonFlag = 0;/*print buttonFlag in ISR*/

#define light 1 // define light is 1 
#define dark 0 //define dark is 0

#define centimeter 1//define the cm is 1 
#define inches 0// define inch is 0

int brightness = light; // init the brightness to 1 
int state = centimeter; // inie the state to 1

@Interrupt Service Routine
void buttonPressed()
    buttonFlag = 1; // set S3 flag  
@Interrupt Service Routine
void buttonPressed2()
    state = !state; // change  the state when press the button 
read ten times results from the sensor in 1 second
calculate the average 
float getAverage()// calculate the average distance
    int sum = 0; // sum = 0

    float average; // the type of average is float

    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {// loop for get 10 distances in 1 sec
        sum += srf02.getDistanceCm();// read the value from the sensor and sum up
        wait_ms(100);// wait 100ms 

    // serial - print sum

    average = sum/10.0;// the average is the sum divided by 10
    // serial - print average
    return average;

RTC is used 
The button S2 is used to change the unit
The button S3 is used to change the brightness
Display the result and time on the LCD
int main()
    buzzer.beep(1000,1.0);// a sound for start
    lcd.init();//first need to initialise display
    wait(1.5);//wait 1.5 to start to detect the distance
    lcd.clear();// clear the screen and buffer 
    serial.attach(&serialISR);// attach serial string
    char t[30];// buffer used to store time string
    button.rise(&buttonPressed);//event generated on rising edge
    button2.rise(&buttonPressed2);// event generated on rising edge
     // set the buzzer make noise at 1000HZ in 1 seconds when turn on the device
    led = 0; //set the red led is off when turn on the deivce

        lcd.printString("Distance is :",0,0);// display the sentence on the first line
        // RTC 
        time_t seconds = time(NULL);//get current time
        strftime(t, 30 , "%X %D",localtime(&seconds));//format time into a string(time and data)
        serial.printf("Time = %s\n" ,t);//print over serial for texting
        lcd.printString(t,0,4);// dispaly the data on the screen
        float average =getAverage();// get the data from the getAverage function
        char A[14];// buffer of the average 
        length = sprintf(A,"D = %.2f cm",average);
        lcd.printString(A,0,2);// display the date on the screen 
        if(setTimerFlag)// if updated time has been sent
            setTimerFlag = 0; // clear flag
        // display the distance on the screen

        int distance  = srf02.getDistanceCm();// the distance is a integer and get the data from the getDistanceCm function
        char buffer[14];//create a buffer to store 14 characters
        int length = sprintf(buffer,"D = %d cm",distance);  // scan this buffer and  D = %d cm and calculate the length
        if(length <= 14)// if statement  set the lenght should less than 14
            lcd.printString(buffer,0,1);  // display the answer on the LCD screen
        char buffer2[14];
        float inch = distance/30.48 ;   // change the distance from to inches
        length = sprintf(buffer2,"D = %.2f ft",inch); // scan the length again
        if(length <= 14)//if statement  set the lenght should less than 14
            lcd.printString(buffer,0,3);// display the answer on the LCD screen

        wait(1.0);// wait 1 second to do next measurement
        lcd.clear(); // clear the buffer and refesh the lcd to avoide repeat pixel
        if(distance<15)// the srf02 can not measure the distance low than 15
            lcd.printString("ERROR!!!",0,1);// print ERROR on the screen 
            lcd.printString("MINUMUM",0,3);// show the MINUMUN 
            //as well
        if(distance<30 && distance >15)
        { // if the distance less than the 30, the buzzer and red led on work
            buzzer.beep(4000,0.7);// buzzer make noise at 3000hz in 0.5second
            led = 1;//red led on
        else if
        (distance > 30 && distance <60)
        { //if the distance between the 30 and 60 cm.

            buzzer.beep(1000,0.5);// the buzzer make  noise at 1000hz in 0.2 second
            led = 0;

        else if(distance > 60 && distance< 100)
        { // if the distance between 60 and 100 cm
            buzzer.beep(400,0.2);// the buzzer make noise at 500 hz in 0.1 second
            led = 0 ;

        // set the buttons     
            case centimeter: // in centimeter cas 
                state = 1;// let the state to 1
                if(length <= 14)// if statement  set the lenght should less than 14
                lcd.printString(buffer,0,2);  // display the answer on the LCD screen           
                break;//out of the funcion
            case inches:// in inches case
                state = 0;// set the state = 0
                if(length <= 14)//if statement  set the lenght should less than 14
                lcd.printString(buffer2,0,2);// display the answer on the LCD screen
                break;//out the funcion
                buttonFlag =0;// set buttonFlag = 0
                lcd.setBrightness(brightness);//set the brightness 
                switch(brightness)// check the state what the brightness 
                    case light:// if the brightness is 1
                        brightness = 0;// set brightness to 0
                        break;// go out of the loop 
                    case dark:// if the brightness is 0
                        brightness = 1;// set to brightness to 1


add a variable 
@param a - integer to add 
@converts a string to an integer into a 
void setTime()
    // pring something for debugging
    serial.printf("set_time - %s",rxString);
    //atoi()converts a string to an integer
    int time = atoi(rxString);
    //update the time
@when the serial interrupt occures, read rx string into buffer
void serialISR()
    //when a serial interrupt occurs, read rx string into buffer
    //set flag
    setTimerFlag = 1;